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Everything posted by Irishswissernie

  1. 2 More JG Dewing slides. I don't have the exact date as whilst I have scans of his note books, they were a bit sketchy by the 1960's Whitehead WT53 on a spoil train with Brake Van, July 1967. Portrush, a fine set of Buffers! CA1967.
  2. The slide caption is rather difficult to read but I think it means that it is JG Dewing on the cycle being chased by a dog.
  3. 9 Jim , you might like this one! Convoy Goods Yard 12 May 1959. If that container is for the farmer on the tractor he was certainly into his biscuits! JGD also managed to get a photo of the IRRS special on the Chetwynd viaduct 17 March 1961.
  4. Quite a bit out of my depth here but I believe the CIE Class D /J1A diesel shunting locos Nos 1000 to 1004 later D301 to D305 were quite similar to the UK Class 10 and later Class 08 so would that be a possibility?
  5. Progress! Some basic colour has been added just to give me an idea of the overall effect.
  6. A few days ago an envelope arrived with more slides taken by the late JG Dewing for sorting out. Mr Dewing started taking negatives and slides of Irish railways before WWII until the end of the 20th Century and for a number of years duplicates of some of his slides were sold by Colourail. He was given a duplicate to hold while his originals were being used by them and the originals were returned on his death. Unfortunately as 'Anno Domini' and later dementia took its toll he began to re-mount the card originals in second hand plastic mounts and even cut or glued card over part of the originals to re-compose the image so that the only way you can now determine whether a slide is a duplicate or an original is to cut open the mount and examine the film. Of the 60 slides received this week 35 are originals. 7 are scenic images but interesting in their own way because they record in colour the Ireland of nearly 70 years ago. Not all of his slides were available as duplicates or appeared in books etc and there are some 8 views taken on the 'Bandon' during the running of the IRRS Special on 17 March 1961 which I havn't seen before. He didn't travel on the train and he had a fascination of 'Running In' boards but this one is attractive. ON 12 May 1959 he was at Derry, Waterside and took the view below. Lastly a scenic view of a cottage in Donegal 10 May 1959. I need to model this!
  7. It took me a couple of days to work out where it was as there is no info on the file
  8. A couple of West Clare slides today. Kilrush, and Cappagh Pier.5 November 1960
  9. Thanks Jim, I thought it was but the latest batch of negatives have no information on them.
  10. Macmine Junction ca 1961, local on the Palace East Branch. I think this is Adelaide but it may be Grosvenor Road yard. in the mid 60's with some ex NCC locos on the nearest siding. Nasty scratches on neg!.
  11. Dublin Connolly 174 18 March 1963, according to slide on station pilot duty.
  12. The stone arch bridge over the stream is now installed and I have been building up the basic scenery over the last few days . This part of the scene is to represent fairly rugged rocky and wooded land. The corrugated card was a present from son Alan and was packing around a piece of furniture and is now covered with cheap wood filler.
  13. Yes I think its an S Class but no nameplate.. I would imagine that all the S/S2 would have worked through Portadown.
  14. Cappoquin Station, 16 March 1967 B124 Cavan & Leitrim & M&GWR . A different view for a change of the Goods Yard 19 September 1958.
  15. Fenit, 560, June 1961. Portadown, unid 4-4-0 Portadown 1950's
  16. 85 is a Nick Nicholson slide of June 1957. (have you been doctoring your age Leslie!) The North Wall/Newcomen Junction slide I put on yesterday is a from a Dave Soggee original. I have been told that Dave Soggee's slides went to a M Josee now deceased and his family have been disposing of his collection.
  17. Guinness Brewery CA1960. Drogheda 85 June 1957.
  18. They are from a number of photographers Leslie, I think they probably all worked for BR and made good use of the free or preferential Travel fares that BR Staff could use across Western Europe in the 1950's and 60's. Time marches on and the slides or negatives from those that have now passed on are now surfacing on the market etc.
  19. Near Newcomen Junction, Dublin CA1961. Courtmacsherry 20 August 1960.
  20. Ennis C209, 8am ex Sligo 27 Jan 1961. Belfast, York Road WT No. 5 ca 1969
  21. I am having a go at building the stone arched underbridge which is not quite straightforward as the track and its roadbed are already laid so the bridge will have to be built in two halves for installation. A slight problem is my poor eyesight too but I am optimistic that it will all come good in the end! Curving the Plastikard for the arch is done by cutting a piece to size then attaching it to a cylinder (glass apple sauce jar in this case) with elastic bands . Put the cylinder into a container and cover with boiling water. After a few minutes empty the water out and cover with cold water for a few more minutes. Empty the water out and leave overnight. Next day remove the Plastikard from the jar and it should then stay roughly in the curved shape. Refill the jar with the apple sauce before Madame finds out (optional).
  22. Cavan & Leitrim at Arigna today. 3L & signal June 1957
  23. No not Arklow; Woodenbridge Junction with the Shillelagh branch platform in foreground. Nice one!
  24. SLNCR Enniskillen station Railcar B June 1957.
  25. Yes you are right, photographer the late LG Marshall identified it as Ballinrobe. Good spot, Title amended. Thanks.
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