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DJ Dangerous

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Posts posted by DJ Dangerous

  1. 14 minutes ago, jhb171achill said:

    I think the RPSI stock may be sold out now. I think but am not sure, I got the 2nd last one for a friend.


    When I bought my sets, I also bought two as Christmas presents.

    Fergus was so helpful with hiding any RPSI evidence from the outside of the packages etc, but he did say that stock levels were low, and that there may be a possibility of a run with three different running numbers if they sold the last of the Cravens.

    I asked if they'd be doing a GSV and he said no, that they'd be doing models which currently exist as tooling would be too expensive for a limited run like that.

    Hint hint hint, IRM, pleeeeeease do some GSV's.


  2. 43 minutes ago, Noel said:

    An online shop has no online ordering facility for the models, just stone age 1960s style Mail Order Forms that were common in Britain in the 1960s, with payment by cheque, postal order, or postal money order. Sorry for moaning but that's just jurassic beyond fossil trading. An online shop that uses paper, post, and takes days to place an order via snail mail. 🤣 Do they not realise folks don't write cheques anymore, nor put paper in envelopes, stick stamps on envelopes and then physical walk to a letter box. Some UK model suppliers are the same, paper catalogs, send SAE for price lists, don't take credit cards not online boilings. Lost in an 1950s world. I'm a member or RPSI and know its staffed by wonderful volunteers but even tiny clubs have online payment options using PayPal, or other eCommerce stores in a box. It's so easy to set up. At least they have moved to Eventbrite for some of their rail tour bookings, but only a few years ago it was post'n'paper too. Its 2019 after all. 


    I didn't bother with any of that.

    I emailed and asked for their IBAN, made a transfer and received my coaches in the post.

    So simple.

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  3. 3 minutes ago, DiveController said:

    I didn't get any of these as I'd prefer to get etc original livery in blue.

    What's the purpose of the drawbar? I watched the video but they did not appear to be coupled very closely with the bar (or is it closer than the NEM TL couplers?) Is there a cosmetic instanter coupling to attach to the hook (which of course are visible in either scenario drawbar or TLs)?

    The drawbars just couple the wagons a little closer than the standard issue tension lock couplings, and look a lot less funky... Not as close as some people on here have their Kadee couplings, but it looks slightly better than the TL's. You can kind of see the difference in the video.

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  4. On 11/29/2019 at 2:30 PM, Warbonnet said:

    Hi everyone,

    The liners are leaving China and will be in your hands in approx 2 weeks time! Just in time for Christmas!







    13 minutes ago, Wexford70 said:

    They look great. I notice the bogies look different to the photos of the samples shown earlier in the thread.


    Can you confirm the springs etc are unpainted?



    I think that the Tara Mines coloured bogies were just for the unfinished samples.

  5. On 11/22/2019 at 2:59 PM, connollystn said:

    There's nothing wrong with doing both but my initial impression was that you were concerned about weathering models which are in limited supply. If you have enough models for running and some for display purposes also then that's fine. If you refer back to the opening of this thread you will understand that my suggestion was based on the dilemma that I believed you were in.

    It wasn't so much of a dilemma, rather that I was looking for people's opinions.

    Maybe my OP wasn't too clear, but I was asking what members feel, not what they feel that OTHERS should feel, hence my surprise at some of the borderline-condescending type replies.

    There's already one forum member who snipes non-stop, but has a crew ready to shoot them down most of the time, so that's all good.

    No need for others to start down that line, too.

    Horses for courses, as some have said, and it's acceptable for different people to have different takes on model railways.

    Again, I'm just curious as to what members feel, not what they feel that others should feel.





  6. 15 minutes ago, IANG said:

    Wow is it really worth that ?

    It's only "worth" what the highest bidder has to spare.

    I saw somebody selling 111, 8112 and 113 as a set for around €1200 EURO the other day. Not "worth" it for me, that's like over a month's wages, but to somebody it may very well be!


  7. On 11/16/2019 at 2:12 AM, DiveController said:

    For some that 141 in BnT livery is the best up there and that Cravens (with the single thick white band) on the innermost curve would run perfectly behind her 

    Picked that one up by fluke. Frizinghall had five dual-band Cravens in stock. I ordered the five, and they wrote to me to say that somebody had previously sold a Cravens in the wrong box, and they only had four dual-band and one single-band. Gimme gimme gimme.

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  8. On 11/14/2019 at 10:01 AM, connollystn said:

    I bought the weathered MM 141s but they're nothing compared to the weathering that some modellers do. From my point of view, weathering can enhance some of the fine detail and gives the model a lot more realism. When I buy a model I expect that it's for keeps and don't have any consideration for it's future value. If you're buying models simply to keep pristine and in a box then they're just ornaments. Think of railway modelling as if it's a sport - if you buy clothes/equipment you have to use them, otherwise, you can't participate.

    But what's wrong with wanting some as running models and some as static models (or ornaments)?

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  9. I also dropped the ball on these as my budget was (over) squandered on some Tara Mines wagns and cement bubbles.

    I can't complain, and I think that it's amazing that they sold out so fast - to me it's a great sign for those of us who hope for more RTR Irish models in the future.

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