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Everything posted by WRENNEIRE


    Irm wagons

    Quick question What is the purpose of the extra couplings in several different wagon packs without the hook?
  2. It comes to he who waits.......
  3. I know a man.......
  4. Forgot about this:
  5. 1978! Some more ads: Lexie Tynan's Toys International Monck Place Hornby Ad Front Cover
  6. At it already €100 mark up https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/267170776465?_skw=LIMA+irish&itmmeta=01JN3T2804419SVQRHYK6N3NXZ&hash=item3e349e8591:g:o~UAAOSwiklnvg~W&itmprp=enc%3AAQAKAAAA8FkggFvd1GGDu0w3yXCmi1dJcxbY%2B8SigTSRr5u21PBRCC%2BCQgWs11eF%2Banl%2B6HJnrVVH4P2rhgm68kBj0J5P7TsV184PbkLrx6Bi9A7DgWjDqDM4KoGBVwIXtGkxTwubRl9NkShvVXta23rCR0Zq4BJuV3GuK6H30Vev%2B7BV7u0wtPwOmN2sv9dOoEmH0BZNkFb9f006CGw1CoJorGUdq7CFj2ekL%2F%2BfTYUL04oVI82JRisEXGjQal8FIvQ1DNQWznrElj5C%2B7iK72U7HGtPtpjgy0je5DQigWdN2smWxld%2B0azOpUQ2LETNT%2B98tR9zg%3D%3D|tkp%3ABk9SR5iAifqoZQ
  7. Got mine on Friday
  8. Some of you might remember one or 2 of these stores/suppliers Hobby Horse in the old Rathfarnham Shopping Centre Hobby Crafts, Behind Clearys & The Repair Centre Whitehall (Marklin) Southern Model Railway Company The Modeler's Den Finally Gerry Locke, The Jouef HDI agency

    Irm wagons

    Any chance you can price the IRM stock in Euro? All seems to be priced in Stg
  10. Should have a few of the IRM/Heljan oil tankers and some IRM Grain wagons if anyone has missed out on them First come.......
  11. Yes So what do we do?
  12. I know a man......
  13. 7 years ago
  14. Remember Auction houses charge commission ranging from 20 - 32.5%
  15. You are welcome to come to the MRSI any Weds or Friday to check out the layout as we are currently working on it
  16. Looks like all me milk bottles are gone?
  17. Supertrain Livery: Black & tan 2_0fc5c6a5-da45-44bc-9281-ec2d1afde3b3_120x120.avif
  18. Diarmuid Gavin?
  19. I wish....
  20. Will have some in Bray today
  21. Cheaper at Bray Wheelers on Sunday people!
  22. Looks like I will be wasting my time bringing my military stuff.........
  23. Coming from the other side of the hobby, collecting, when a certain number or livery is missing from the collection and it pops up on eBay......... I used to keep records of all the crazy prices that Irish models achieved over the years and it was frightening One in particular was a Murphy by Lima Mk 3 Restaurant which made over £600 !
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