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About commerlad

  • Birthday 29/03/1966

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  1. I'm sure I've read they had it. Still don't always believe what you read!
  2. And it came (Second Hand) from the County Donegal Railway (At the same time as the Walker Railcars 19 & 20), Made from the frames of a Class 5. As for a car turntable, I saw one years ago in Scarbrough (Near the North Bay / Peasholme Park.)
  3. You do need square end axles for Scale Link and 3SMR but as @murrayec has said you can sleeve them if split. I am aware of 12mm, 14.2mm, 16.5mm, but have not looked for longer. (They may exist though but 21mm is even more obscure than OOn3!)
  4. Hi means having to join to buy but 3mm Scale Model Railways TT Wheels As for axles to suit 21mm, I don't know but I've never looked. Component wise, 3SMR 3mm Scale Model Railways TT LOCOMOTIVE SECTION Just ignore the fact that they are made for 3mm and find a size that suits, All measurements are actual.
  5. @josh_ Not books but online This forum. Prototype Drawings - Resource Library - Irish Railway Modeller
  6. More so if the relative has no idea or interest and brings in a dealer to clear the collection. Yet suddenly change again when they offer them for sale.
  7. Hi @Mol_PMB You pointed him to a PDF of my plans (I sent all the Backwoods 00n3 Range through to EDM for the archive) Mark. As for plans I'm drawing a blank but there is the Alphagraphix card kit E11 IRISH NARROW GAUGE | alphagraphixkits.co.uk 7mm scale but both sides front back roof etc printed on heavy card. Just measure and work from that. @Ted54 What scale are you thinking of? Scratch aid kit in brass is available from Worsley Works in 4mm and 15mm
  8. Hi Eduard, It's really a Loco (Not Railcar) as no passenger seating is provided. Started out life on the Clogher Valley as a Steam Loco, but was changed to Diesel when taken over by the County Donegal. As for plans , I need to think.
  9. I have a microsoft account and it still wont open?
  10. He just needs a hi vis vest and a backpack.
  11. I mainly use mine for working from scratch off different scale plans. Picked up in a charity shop in Beer, Near Peco, Still wonder if it came from 1 of their designers originally.
  12. No but I do have 1 of these. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/256594570188
  13. It' Scammel time https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/405173589857 https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/226607137382
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  14. commerlad

    Irm wagons

    A real box of live frogs. So much better to have live frogs than dead ones, The loco's don't stall on the points so often.
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