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Midland Man

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About Midland Man

  • Birthday March 9


  • Biography
    Born in Ireland. live in Ireland


  • Interests
    Walking Railways Cars Bikes hurling rugby and Gaelic.


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  1. Lovely photo is it a DSER loco at grand canal?
  2. Looks amazing. Does look a scene from Sligo engine shed. Looking forward to what both of you build in the future.
  3. Probably park royals or craven as both coaches were used the same era as the A class so IRM could probably make a loco , coach bundle. 461 would make a cool loco as it goes across many eras as well as its unique inside cylinders.If they did a preserved steam engine it would sell very well in my mind.
  4. Galway would make an excellent L shaped layout but would have to be VERY BIG.
  5. Mullingar greenway is quite a nice cycle. The only incline is from Mullingar to Castletown witch is quite modest MM
  6. looks amazing blue looks amazing on it.
  7. Love the front cover. It looks amazing it keeps the style of the original book [Rails to Achill] which I like quite a lot.
  8. Amazing photo's. Is 195 RTR or a Kit?
  9. wonder who this person is @jhb171achill any ideas Lovely photos by the way
  10. sounds interesting looking forward
  11. Looks great Track looks amazing
  12. agreed I always feel like it gets overshadowed by the CDR which is a disappointment.
  13. remind me of a couple of photos from Dr EM Patterson's book on the lough swilly railway but relooking at the boiler its probably not
  14. lough swilly railway
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