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Everything posted by snapper

  1. 01 - Templemore? Nope 02 - Attymon? Dromkeen? Nope, I believe this platform is technically still in service 03 - Lmk Jct is the second longest....grrr....aahhhh! Limerick junction seems to be 3rd
  2. What is the shortest platform on the Dublin to Cork line? What is the shortest platform on the network? What is the longest single platform on the network?
  3. IWT had headboards for a while. The weed spray also has those wasp stripe head boards.
  4. That is stunning and in O gauge too
  5. SANTA SPECIAL – DUBLIN Within 7 days of going on sale, the 12 steam trains have sold out. The 3 diesel trains added this year to take up the demand are still available for booking.
  6. Correct
  7. Yes its a public walkway now but I am not sure how far out of town it goes. It was part of the W&LR, passenger services stopped in July 1931 and goods in April 1944
  8. The railway line ran from left to right in the picture, roughly where I am standing and not on top of the embankment. The opening does not appear to be much bigger than a standard house door. To be honest I am not sure what it was because there is a decent size hill on the other side.
  9. Nope, the railway to this town was lifted a long time ago.
  10. Anybody care to guess where this is
  11. Nope, it’s in Kildare. It is on the middle road heading for Dublin. The first head is gantry and the second head is on the ground below it. It is to give drivers heading towards Dublin a better view of the signal than is blocked by the foot bridge. You can see it in this video at about 30 seconds.
  12. Nope, this signal is colour light and is still in daily use on an open line I will give you the answer tomorrow morning.
  13. Not even a single guess.
  14. 6 out of 15 Trains now sold out.
  15. Where on the network can you see a signal with two separate heads that show the same aspect, and it is not a banner repeater?
  16. correct
  17. Which pre gsr railway company is still listed on the London stock exchange?
  18. Harland and Wolff ? Or did they export a diesel Wasn't there some vertical boiler thing in Cork called Pat, or was that just a nick name?
  19. I haven’t heard either way, I think it will just be a case of whatever is available at the time.
  20. Just in case anybody is interested. Slightly different setup this year, 2 steam trips and 1 diesel trips on Saturdays and 2 steam trips on Sunday. http://www.steamtrainsireland.com/events#santadublin http://www.steamtrainsireland.com/events/2013_Dublin_Xmas.pdf NOTE: These usually sell out within two weeks!
  21. I must object, those penalties must only be applied after the offending party has been forced to remove the graffiti. That stuff is a complete PIA to remove.
  22. Wheel gauge is not an issue, variable gauge trains that can change gauge while moving already exist. Change from 1668 mm to 1435 mm
  23. A few pics from the weekend Great Northern Getaway http://snail.smugmug.com/Trains/Great-Northern-Getaway/31183012_hnc6j4#!i=2698106519&k=6CQXTpD Cloughjordan http://snail.smugmug.com/Trains/Cloughjordan/31178174_hvX2s7#!i=2697740663&k=CSkjzjZ Ballybrophy http://snail.smugmug.com/Trains/Ballybrophy/31182438_brMh6V#!i=2698048832&k=VHfhtPc
  24. I sent a e-mail to one of the lads in charge and I will let you know as soon as I get a reply.
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