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Everything posted by snapper

  1. beautiful, thanks
  2. I will stick up some times for photographers closer to the date
  3. For any of you that fancy a trip behind a diesel with the big man in red there are still some RPSI Santa tickets available on the 29th of November and 6th of December Full details here, http://www.steamtrainsireland.com/events/
  4. they are the same, just wider bogies
  5. Ya, it would seem stupid not wanting people to share your promo vid
  6. Indeed, that is why they are advertised as luxurious land cruises rather than "Rail tours", a different product for a different market. As for loadings the press release says they only intend to have accommodation for 40 people in 20 cabins.
  7. No sorry, I have been keeping an eye on youtube but haven't seen them yet
  8. thats very similar to the Hornby footbridge http://www.amazon.co.uk/Hornby-R076-00-Gauge-Footbridge/dp/B000H5V0SO/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1414706528&sr=8-1&keywords=hornby+footbridge EDIT: Us Amazon link http://www.amazon.com/Hornby-R076-Footbridge-Building-Accessory/dp/B000H5V0SO/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1414706647&sr=8-1&keywords=Hornby+R076
  9. IR Fireman's Jacket anyone http://www.ebay.ie/itm/281469580489?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEWAX%3AIT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649
  10. Taking bookings now for the 2015 event http://railtoursireland.com/train-tour/Emerald-Island-Express/st2014/
  11. Until the full withdraw of loco hauled services some platforms were too short to accommodate a full length main line train, as a result some carriages used to be off the rear of the platform. This short platform, long train scenario could be used to make the train seem longer. Also not all mainline trains were very long, long gone are the days of 13 coach Friday only specials, I have traveled from Limerick to Dublin on various setups 4 Push pull and loco (As far as I remember they were limited to a set of 6 anyway) 3 Mk 2s and a van Short 6 piece Mk 3 sets 2 piece 2700 relief service 5 Piece Mk2 sets
  12. ask and you shall receive, watch it before its gone (not my upload) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KQV2oqg6BXg
  13. Just sticking the image in the thread in case id disappears when the ebay listing ends
  14. I know what you mean, I think its because the real craven seats were a mixture of gray / blue / orange patch an not a solid colour.
  15. Give them a week or two and they usually end up on youtube.
  16. RPSI Maynooth Shuttle Sunday 19th October Provisional Timing Connolly : 10:00 Pearse arr: 10:10 Pearse Dep: 10:40 Maynooth arr: 11:30 Dep 12:00 Pearse arr 12:50 dep 14:00 Maynooth arr 14:50 dep 15:15 Pearse arr 16:00 Booking form: http://www.steamtrainsireland.com/events/2014_Dublin.pdf
  17. London this time but dam it looks wedged under there Love the "We Fit" logo on the top of the trailer London Fire Brigade Twitter https://twitter.com/LondonFire/status/519147249515778048/photo/1
  18. A few more off the top of my head RPSI = Railway Preservation Society Of Ireland ITG= Irish Traction Group DMU = Diesel multiple unit (Normally railcar in Ireland) ICR or 22 or 22k = intercity railcar class 22000 IE= Iarnrod Eireann / Irish Rail DVT= Driving van trailer RSC= Railway Safety Commission RAIU= Rail accident investigation unit (part of the RSC)
  19. DFDS is one of the logistics companys that IE hauls freight for
  20. Indeed, he is a very knowledgeable person
  21. As I understand it the problem arises when there is a PayPal dispute, where the sender now has no proof that the intended recipient has received, only proof it got to parcel motel leaving sellers open to fraud.
  22. Just be careful when doing that, it's not unknown for sellers to cancel orders when they see parcel motel. Its due to not being able to properly track packages to their final destination.
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