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Everything posted by snapper

  1. I am now having one of those why the hell didn't I think of that moments
  2. I am looking for a little help, I am trying to find some pictures of Thurles station, yard, buildings ect in the 1950s -60s. I have tried some of the usual sources, eiretrains, google images but I am not having much luck. Anybody have any links / sources of pictures of Thurles in that period, or earlier. Thanks in advance, snapper
  3. cheaper here http://www.bookdepository.com/Bradshaws-Guide-Railways-Ireland-8-John-Chrsitopher/9781445638669
  4. stunning :drool:
  5. Slight correction to the times above Connolly: 10:05 Bray: 10:45 Greystones: 10:54 - 11:24 Bray:11:30 Connolly: 12:13 - 13:55 Maynooth 14:41 - 15:10 Connolly 15:49
  6. It is steam hauled
  7. The RPSI is running a shuttle from Connolly to Maynooth on Saturday 11th of April but before that there is a private charter from Dublin to Bray. Times below for anybody interested. Tickets should still be available for the Connolly to Maynooth and return portion. Connolly: 10:05 Bray: 10:45 - 11:30 Connolly: 12:13 - 13:55 Maynooth 14:41 - 15:10 Connolly 15:49
  8. I know its sold out but this may be of interest to those looking to get a picture. Monday 6th April 2015 Connolly: 10:35 Greystones: 11:35 - 11:40 Wicklow: 12:00 - 12:50 Greystones: 13:13 - 13:45 Wicklow: 14:05 - 15:30 Greystones: 15:52 - 16:03 Connolly: 16:58
  9. I must put my copy up for sale, I am rich rich i tells ya
  10. Murphy Models class 071 number 085 (MM085) Mint condition in box IE Orange, factory weathered Collection available in Limerick or postage available €125
  11. Murphy Models class 201 number 201 (MM0201) Mint condition in box Collection available in Limerick or postage available €125
  12. I think they are a kind of a rarity, there seems to be a lot of fixed distant out there which would have no lever. I did a little research this evening and I found a few examples of green (there may be lots more) Glounthaune, Newrath LC and Adare. I have not seen any yellows in IR.
  13. From the RPSI board
  14. Some pictures and details here about Castlerock showing yellow for the distant signals http://www.signalbox.org/overseas/ireland/castlerock.htm
  15. Very possible, the list I gave above was from an article about Irish Rail signaling practices.
  16. (A) if I remember correctly the different colours mark the start and end of the different track circuits. (B) Not quite sure what you mean ©It is possible that these signals used a 3 position lever, when the lever is half way in the frame the signal is at danger, pushing or pulling the lever will alter different signals depending on how the points are set. (D) H.P. most likely denotes hand points (E) I would think that all of the area in green around 29/24 would be the one TC (F) No idea (G)Services used to arrive from Ballina, run round and head bak before Manulla junction was reinstated. might also be useful for joining or splitting services. (H) No idea on that one (I)means they are slotted, i.e. the signal can only clear if the level crossing and the signal box both clear the signal. (J) I think you could pass the yellow disk at danger when the points were in the normal position, usually something like you could move into the headshut at danger but needed the disk to clear if you wanted to go onto the main line.
  17. Don't suppose you have pictures of the levers with the actual notes on the faceplate? Signal lever colour codes Red = Stop signal Green = Distant signals Black=points Blue=locking bars Blue/black=points and locking bar combined Black/red=ground frame release black/red/black= CTC slot yellow=wicket gate locks Brown= Level crossing lock White=spare
  18. The RAIU investigation into this incident was published some time ago http://www.raiu.ie/download/pdf/raiur003a_fog_signal_activation_bray.pdf
  19. Athy
  20. There was a quick scheduled stop in Sallins to check the loco
  21. Propelled out of the station by an 071 to the sound of an American steam train whistle
  22. Correct
  23. Network Rail repairing landslip at Harbury, timelapse 17th Feb - 4th March https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nyjuPTf66nE
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