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Everything posted by snapper

  1. https://twitter.com/IrishRail/status/338984154836381697/photo/1
  2. Judging by the number of tweets still coming from Irish Rail, the AA and Garda traffic watch it sounds like the actions of this muppet is still causing major traffic problems in the area.
  3. snapper

    Sad Sight

    JB would be the man to answer that, I am sure he will pop along soon, but I thought they were only taking some common spare parts off the Castle for use on a 80.
  4. Ya, just wish it was mine. Then I would fix that stupid youtube wobble.
  5. somebody just sent me this
  6. time to break the bank on even more books
  7. Now that is some sales pitch. This will be my 7th May tour. 7 Years of roaming around the country on steam train and there is nothing else like it.
  8. wonderful
  9. The set in order of appearance in that video is: 1949 1383 88 2421 1463 1419 1916 You can find more details about them in Lough Erne’s link. There is a RPSI craven that was painted green below the windows (1539) but it is not included in the set above.
  10. Murphy Models at the 2013 Model & Hobby Show
  11. Some shameless self promotion. http://www.ebay.ie/itm/200916036056?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1586.l2649
  12. That was a very nice piece
  13. Some more info has been posted here, http://www.steamtrainsireland.com/photonews/85/02/
  14. What did you use for the platform, it looks really well.
  15. You know guys if you want to see more things running more help is always welcome. All you need is membership, steel toed boots and come clothes / overalls you don’t ever want to see clean again . I am sure the DCDR / ITG have similar requirements.
  16. 186 and a set of cravens will be doing two return trips from Connolly to Maynooth on the 21st.
  17. I think 186 will be coming up on her 10 year in 2014
  18. Weight Limits The maximum axle load permissible on the IÉ network is 18.8 tonnes. ..
  19. I will just leave this here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yw0kW4Vpiyg
  20. 18:30 Friday 22 March 2013
  21. Sounds like another busy day
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