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Everything posted by murphaph

  1. Look after yourself Ken. You've been missed. Modelling top drawer as always!
  2. A couple of final snaps from Malmö Central before we depart (the section descending down under my feet is the tunnel approach facing towards the Øresund. The bridge has effectively created a large metropolitan area out of Copenhagen and Malmö, with people commuting to work in the other country being quite normal these days. Our train stands assembled and waiting for a green signal:
  3. We then set off into Denmark, across the Great Belt bridge around 5am and made a single scheduled stop on the outskirts of Copenhagen at Høje Taastrup at 6.30 or so. I didn't take any pictures here. Then on to the Øresund Bridge and my first time crossing it by rail and then into Malmö Central (where I am writing this from). Our train has lost a couple of the sleeper coaches now and we have been shunted in the remaining coaches from our arrival platform P7 over to P5 and coupled up to the longer "day train" from here to Stockholm which was shunted into the platform shortly after our arrival. The layover here is a mammoth 2 hours. Plenty of time to stretch one's legs and grab a coffee for €6. The sun is just rising now. Here some impressions of Malmö: Our departure platform showing our wagon 216 now in the middle of the train. It was behind the loco so far: Shunting the day train into P5: Our train standing at P7 still: An SJ Express service to Stockholm awaits its departure time at P8: As Malmö is a terminus station (not actually true since Øresund Bridge was opened and a tunnel for the S-Tog was built) our seats will now face forwards for the remainder of the journey, which is nice as there's actually something to see outside being daylight now. We've been traveling backwards since Berlin but in the darkness and while you're catching 40 winks you don't notice it really. Onwards....
  4. An interesting night. Approximately two hours after leaving Hamburg we arrived at Padborg just over the Danish border where at 2am we were awoken by Danish police checking passports. So much for Schengen. This stop is not a scheduled so no passengers boarded or alighted. The German loco belonging to WFL was uncoupled here and returned light engine to Germany it seemed. The new loco that would take us through Denmark was from Hectorail. We departed roughly one hour after arriving here. This is not an express service by any means but two adults in poverty class (in fairness clean and comfortable and you were left alone to get some sleep) cost €80 from Berlin to Stockholm. Padborg at 2am:
  5. Passing through Hamburg Hbf now, Germany's busiest station with well over half a million passengers a day. On to Denmark now.
  6. So not a €9 ticket but not far off... My wife decided to surprise me today on our anniversary with a mystery tour. Until getting to the platform in Berlin Hauptbahnhof I wasn't sure where we were going. I suspected a night train given the time of departure. I am now on the Swedish private railway Snälltåget night train from Berlin to Stockholm, which is our destination. Arrival time tomorrow afternoon at 14.15. Next stop Hamburg Central at midnight then 6 hours through the night to Copenhagen, crossing the high level bridge over the Kiel Canal and the Great Belt Tunnel/Bridge to get us from Jutland to Zealand. After Copenhagen I get to use the lower deck of the Øresund Bridge for the first time before stopping in Malmö and then it's 8 hours up through Sweden to Stockholm. The loco hauling us is owned by a local to me (Potsdam) based private operator called WFL. Loco is an old GDR electric, class 112 in today's money. I think they were originally class 243, built just outside Berlin in the LEW Hennigsdorf. I expect a loco change at the Danish border.
  7. I think Paddy Murphy already covered the something old, something blue, something borrowed, something blue when he released 112
  8. I suspect so too in the case as this seller listed this same loco for the same price the week before and it failed to sell. Maybe creating a false floor in value as you can do when so few are offered for sale. I just think it's a bit weird this one.
  9. A46 allegedly sold for €399 + shipping: https://www.ebay.ie/itm/314185648038
  10. Ammonias would be very nice indeed.
  11. I'd say the vast majority of the contents including the inner packaging are fully intact.
  12. Awesome Niles, thanks so much
  13. Has anyone got any photographic evidence for 076 & 086 having the small logo on the side?
  14. Something is binding for sure. Does the bogie bind against the fuel tank? It looks very tight.
  15. If anyone is interested in a complete rake of MK1 fertiliser wagons I am selling one of my duplicate rakes for €400 + €16 insured and tracked postage. No offers below this please. It's my best price already. If they don't sell now I'll hold onto them until the MK2 ones have sold out and try again probably. The rake has not been unboxed. Further pics available. PM if interested
  16. Sorry I don't know anyone selling them.
  17. As everyone is having a bit of fun I will make my no doubt wildly inaccurate guess: IR/IE liveried mk2b's.
  18. ....or something in between?
  19. Actually I don't know as I have only bought blank v5 decoders but I would assume they can be re-blown. I'm sure someone here has done it.
  20. Yeah it's Windows only software I'm afraid. I don't know how well it would run under Parallels or whatever Apple calls it but I run it on a virtual Windows running inside Linux and it is just fine. A cheapo used/free laptop with Windows on it would be fine too. It's not doing anything very taxing of the system.
  21. That's a real shame but who could blame them.
  22. If you are going to be into sound on more than just one or two locos, I can only recommend buying yourself an ESU Lokprogrammer. Once you make one "071" file (using one of the American files as a base and just swapping the horn sounds really if you want to, which are available from the Murphy Models 071 project on the ESU website) you can just flash that file to any decoder you want to put in an 071. Same goes for the other GMs. The original v4 Murphy Models files can of course be used directly but v4 files do not contain the "full throttle" features which I would not want to be without (drive hold especially) and I think the sound quality is supposed to be poorer than the hifi v5 files. If you say where you are, maybe someone with a Lokprogrammer can show you the basics. It's really not that tricky and if you are out of your depth modifying the files, I would be happy to send you one I've already modified so you can skip that part. Flashing a file to the decoder is really quite simple with the Lokprogrammer. As you can buy cheaper blank decoders it pays for itself if you have a few GMs to do.
  23. If you are looking for an actual recording of that exact prime mover and exhaust combination, then it may well be, assuming it is an actual recording of that prime mover. I satisfy myself with the T (turbo) versions here: http://projects.esu.eu/projectoverviews/search?cat=18&q=12-645
  24. I am assuming you haven't visited any model shops in the former east. Here's a website from a shop based in Saxony for example: https://www.elriwa.de/Produkte/Loks/Spur-TT/ Even in the local "Toys R Us" type shop here the TT selection is about the same size as the H0 one.
  25. Are the classifieds offline @BosKonay Stephen? I am getting a page not found on the laptop and I see no "Advert" option under the "create new" menu on my phone.
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