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Everything posted by murphaph

  1. murphaph

    IRM Fert Wagon

    What you see on the wagon is not the actual bag though, it's the outer loose sheath or pallet wrap. Try to find pics of the product you're interested in on a pallet rather than loose.
  2. It seems like we're as close to consensus as the security council of the United Nations.
  3. So no STIR locos existed after this date?
  4. Good stuff. When did 191 hit the buffers in Clonsilla?
  5. Damn I was aiming for south Kildare. Must do better lol. Now you've reminded me of the time a young Garda asked me why I was riding around on an old Suzuki GSX 250 with "foreign plates". The foreign plate being IIT 702....a pre 87 Leitrim plate.
  6. Great to hear you're doing well Ken. The backdrop on Port Breige is nice and subtle isn't it? Did you fade it to give that hazy appearance? There is something jarring to me when the photo backdrop is too clear. In the real world things get hazy in the distance. This one really works well.
  7. A bit more weathering fun, this time with an agricultural theme... This baler hasn't been used for many years, not since the round baler replaced it. Sun bleached paint from lying up out behind the barn most likely: The livestock trailer sees regular, erm use: These old Masseys are still doing the odd light duty: And best not ask what this thing is used for: Group photo:
  8. Nope. Swaps only .
  9. Hi all. I am considering selling my weathered fert wagons. I have previously posted images on the forum in my workbench thread: https://irishrailwaymodeller.com/topic/9994-philips-workbench/page/7/ I am not sure what I would consider a fair price for them so if there's any interest, feel free to send me a PM.
      • 2
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  10. Hi all, I have 3 of the black roofed Murphy mk2d's in IE livery. I would like to swap these for 3 with orange roofs. If there's any interest feel free to PM me. Cheers!
  11. What about location? Must it be in north Dublin etc?
  12. I wonder is there any other space in Malahide that could work. I even wonder would a hotel in the area (or anywhere suitable) offer a large function room for free as long as they get to do all the catering....I worked in a "function room" hotel as a teenager. October/November was dead because most such hotels make their money from weddings and the summer months are much more popular. Or would Fingal Co. Co. have another large "hall" somewhere in the county that could be used, again using the Malahide museum angle.
  13. I wonder could Fingal Co. Co. be persuaded to provide such a space in Malahide Castle, given their connection with the model railway museum.
  14. Fabulous effort. We'll done to all involved.
  15. murphaph

    IRM Fert Wagon

    Looks like these are selling out fast. The keg liners too.
  16. I wonder did it ever make it over to Inchicore for wheel turning or do these slow shunters not need such treatment?
  17. I have stripped and resprayed this piece a number of times as I try to familiarise myself with the Vallejo polyurethane primer. This stuff gets extremely mixed reviews but on this material if you follow the Vallejo instructions (thin the primer about 20% thinner and 5% flow improver and spray a mist coat first and then build it up) then it works well IMO. As the loco is to be heavily weathered I am trying a post shading effect here. The paint did not age uniformly. UV damage was highest on the top for obvious reasons but also areas along panel lines tended to be darker and areas under projections like the louvres and turbo cover were also darker relative to the more exposed panels. As mentioned briefly above my plan is to further experiment with a laser cut stencil of the NIR logo. I could probably get a good enough result from transfers but I want to challenge myself a bit.
  18. The owner is mates with the local DoE lad. She sails through with flying colours every year.
  19. I have parked the NIR 111s for the moment as I want to try laser cutting a stencil and airbrushing the logo on the side. The laser cutter is on the way. In the meantime a bit of messing about weathering some Oxford diecasts. I imagine these old things were operated by the local builders' providers...
  20. Ray if you're interested in swapping orange for black roof mk2's feel free to message me. I have at least 3 mk2d's with the black roof, a restaurant and two standards I think. These are too late for my chosen era (1995). I would be happy to swap for equivalent orange roofed mk2's in IE livery if you have any interest.
  21. I love the mixing of units in the warning panel. It's like Irish roads until recently, distances in km and speed limits in mph.
  22. I hope this doesn't happen again to be honest. As a one off it's a nice "treat" for us at Halloween but it was certainly a "trick" for IRM when this happened. It would reduce the overall viability of the enterprise should it become a regular occurrence but the attention to detail at IRM Towers is unlikely to allow that to happen. You are spot on though Spud, loads of other well respected manufacturers would have just sold this batch at full RRP and given their customers some guff about manufacturing tolerances etc. Aren't we lucky that our models are made by men of a different calibre.
  23. I think judging by the sounds of the demand, that a limit of 1 rake per customer would suffice and most likely still see the dickies sell out and if they don't sell out now at that limit they will sell out during future flash sales. Can Shopify maybe generate single use discount codes, specific to the dickies that could be emailed to existing customers in advance of Black Friday? There will be a lot of unhappy campers if 10 people buy all the rakes up in the first 60 seconds. I've already promised my son a few. I hope that wasn't too hasty!
  24. Am I the only one that thinks these look nicer than the correct ones? Ore am I mad?
  25. I notice the EGV is not there. Was there any mention of it from PM?
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