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Everything posted by murphaph

  1. Maybe hold off and see what PM releases. He might release single stripe versions and then you can just sell your tippex ones and buy as many of the singles as you need and renumber. Should easily get the price of the new ones by selling the old ones and then you have a factory spray job. I hope to see single stripe ones released too. I don't have many of those at all, nearly all tippex.
  2. Flog a rake of the originals and buy a rake of the updated ones maybe?
  3. I'd certainly take a rake of Cravens with updated running numbers. How will PM judge demand I wonder? Just asking the retailers?
  4. I'm not sure that item is sold in Europe but even if it is, it's a sound decoder. Just so you know. I'm not sure that's what you wanted. It's also a hard wired decoder, rather than a socket for a decoder. If you are happy to hard wire the decoder you could bypass the Bachmann PCB altogether and solder the wires (extending where necessary) directly to your existing decoder, though I would recommend against it.
  5. Much appreciated. Now I understand why I've never seen it before. Was it from the UK or built in Ireland or where did it come from?
  6. I was watching the following video and at 4 mins there's something I've never noticed before. In a rake of double deck beet wagons there's what looks like a 16t mineral wagon body but with forklift slots. What's the story with that wagon?
  7. That's mad looking. Like a ghost of a bygone era. Are there many fallen flag Bells still knocking about in Ireland? (I live in Germany and never see them here).
  8. Push pulls being propelled by a 201 on Waterford line by 2001 (32 mins). I genuinely suspect as stated by gm171 kk already that these units saw regular enough push pull duties with 201s on the Waterford line soon after the push pull capable 201s were delivered:
  9. The hedging looks very well.
  10. Very much looking for to ordering a few Bell Bulks when they become available. I'd like to see those plain light green consent leasing 40 foots to mix in with the bells next though.
  11. Some great information in this thread. It seems the push pulls made at least sporadic trips on scheduled services to Waterford by the mid 90s but likely not with a solitary 121 as they were run out of Connolly. I feel it likely that if they were filmed on the Waterford with a 121/141 pair that it's highly likely a 201 would have been used for this role soon after they started arriving as they were push pull equipped from the start. I think modelling a 201 and a rake of push pulls on the Waterford line ca. 1995 would pass the plausibility test, even if it wasn't a common occurrence. They definitely made it down that way on specials even with a single 121 and control car plus 5 or 6 (can't see on my phone to clearly): https://www.flickr.com/photos/jncarter1962/17826420825/in/photolist-tag4Rc
  12. I forgot about the LHB bogies. That's going to be an interesting decision for MM to make. Most people probably want to run them in the earlier configuration with 121s.
  13. Any idea of year?
  14. You have two photos Keano. The first pic behind the loco is of mk2d stock. The second pic is a mk3 You may have seen the thread in the News section, that Murphy Models will be releasing both of these coach types later in this year, early in next year. Some mk2d coaches are still available retail (eg Mark's Models) in their original super train livery (golden brown and black, no white stripe).
  15. When did they get moved over to Heuston IC duties? Already around 1995 maybe?
  16. Yeah that's what I suspect too. Push pull suburbans mainly on Connolly services and the short LJ shuttle and Newbridge & Kildare only receiving intercity services.
  17. In the period immediately before the introduction of the 2600 class Arrow services out of Heuston, were the push pulls used along this corridor much? Was Kildare an outer suburban station or intercity only?
  18. If any of them are MM0143 or MM0187 I would be interested in purchasing if you're interested in selling when the time comes (a shot in the dark I know lol)
  19. Do you still have the original bodyshells?
  20. The various BR bogies were widened for use in Ireland as I'm sure you're aware. The MM Cravens and Mk2d stock previously released have under scale width bogies that sit too far in under the tumblehome. The IRM P42 bogies look right. They still work fine for 00 gauge because the wheels are barely visible from the side anyway, concealed largely by the bogie side frames. I haven't heard any complaints about the IRM method (for me it'll be a godsend), which is all I'm advocating. Indeed MM diesels DO have scale width bogies and have done since the babies were released, allowing straightforward gauge widening of all these locos. Maybe in an effort to reduce costs, the bogies for the MM Cravens and Mk2d stock used existing 00 tooling belonging to the contract manufacturer.
  21. Assuming no spares are available after all these years, it would be relatively straightforward (if you can solder) to replace the original Bachmann PCB with an aftermarket one. For example: http://www.esu.eu/en/products/accessories/adapterplatinen/21mtc-adapter-board-2/
  22. I really hope the mk3's come with scale width bogies that allow for an easy conversion to 21mm like the IRM bogie stock.
  23. They look cracking but to be honest I thought they looked cracking the first time round lol. You kind of have to pinch yourself to be sure it's all real. Cannot wait to see these in the flesh. I was not much of a fan of the prototype but I love the model.
  24. nope, just a cradle for one.
  25. Definitely. I'd love to see class leader 201 released in delivery livery. I'd buy any available 201s in the delivery livery, I think there were only two (203, 220) released previously in delivery livery and I have these. Also suit the Galway liveried mk2s which were actually designed to match.
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