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Everything posted by Si2020

  1. Been weathering some stuff
  2. As mentioned the layouts fiddle yard area was modifiled from a casette sytem behind a wall to a full baord where we can store cassettes ready for the next rake to come on. Here is a photo of the area being modifyed The old scenic break was where the dark red brick turns right at the end of the light coloured brick work.
  3. Lots of people have said the same as you to it being wet. It’s now go a new lease of life once it opens as a wind tunnel for automotive testing.
  4. Hi, We have had a few people come up to us at shows about thier memories of the station. One guy I was chatting to who’s dad was the quarry forman. Didn’t realise that the gate was still there that late as one guy said they replaced the fence once the line had been lifted out of the yard.
  5. HI Mike, Thanks for the kind comments. I think the service is Newcastle - Poole one. We have used a 1950s working timetable and try to run services that ran then and would still be running when the layout is set now. Its also a summer Saturday to enable us to run some locos that wouldnt normally run down the line, for exapmle 37 033 is showing her Stag stickers in the photo so is a long way from home!! Plus we are hoping to add a few of the new Accurscale 37s when they arrive
  6. Thanks. Next up is a Conflat P. I've had the kit for a few years now so before I make a start on the big winter build project i thought i would do this one as small filler build.
  7. Taken from the road over bridge
  8. Its 4mm
  9. I normally have a couple of items on the go at the same time to enable me to make the most of the time. Here is a van that will be used on Thorne yard and Charwelton plus what ever else I build. Its taken a while to get to this point as its been painted with several coats of a faded blue with each coat being slightly lighter than the last. It still has several hours work to go before its finished
  10. More like Craggywelton......We dont take things to seriously.......honest. No where did i put the rivet ruler
  11. Thanks, Hopefully I wont bore you all too much So first up is a LNER 3500 Gallon tender kit. Here is the lower section
  12. That would be something to see......
  13. We are waiting for them to arrive!!
  14. HI all, So I thought I couldn't keep posting up layout photos all the time so I've started a workbench thread so you can see what I'm up to, (fingers crossed its in the right place being mostly UK stuff) The aim of this first post is to provice a contents list incase you want to refer back to any of my drivell or what to look at photos. Cheers Simon
  15. Hi all, Will just drop this here for you
  16. As promised here is the point motors we use on the layout. Not the greatest photo as the layout is in its storage place at the moment and due to some domestic jobs not easy to get at. The frog on the point is switched using the internal switching on the point motor with just the wiring from the switch and the DCC wires added to the terminal strips.
  17. Thanks, The track work is a mixture of C&L Finescale for the plain track and hand built points with C&L chairs and sleepers with some copper lad strip to add strength and for the electrical side of things.
  18. Yes, the actuation rod goes up into a copper clad stretcher bar which is soldered to the blades. If I get chance I will take a photo tomorrow of them.
  19. Hi, If you mean the small plates next to the points, no they are the base units for the Knightwing point hand levers. They have slowly fallen off over the past few years during tracking cleaning and I’ve not got round to replacing them. It’s on the list of jobs to draw up some replacements for etching. Should be a bit more robust. We use Tortoise motors on all the layouts we exhibit as we can’t find anything better. Thanks for finding that video, not seen that before. Thanks
  20. As with most layouts they are never finished and eveolve over time. This is the case with Thorne Yard as when it was first built we used a cassette system for the trains to be taken on anf off the layout which on the whole worked well but after an incedent when one of the cassettes was caught by a passing operator on another layout which pulled it off the end of the layout. Not the best thing to see a loco and wagons heading to the floor. It was decided to alter the layout to alter the layout to have a deciated fiddle yard board to give us more sapce and security and provides an area where we can hide a little at a show and also have our exhibiton bingo....more on that later. Here is a photo of the full layout taken at the 2018 Perth model railway exhibtion, Perth in scotland that is.
  21. Thanks. I will post up some more over the next few weeks/months. Been a bit busy with the big layout and work, plus I need to keep remembering to upload the photos to the phot hosting
  22. HI all, So its been a few weeks since I posted up so thought I would pop up another photo of Thorne Yard Thanks
  23. Erm, Yeh I think I may be well past that point!
  24. Thanks @Broithe. It would only have be in real life as its not been in a magazine yet. Thats on the list of jobs to do.
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