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Everything posted by Si2020

  1. First task was to ake up the plain line work using the 2mmFS easi track track bases which as you may be able to make out is a sprue with two sections of base per sprue. I spent several mornaing and evenings threading the rail in to the bases after dressing he end of the rail. When you build things you find little short cuts to make things easier to do and again as you can see in the photos I first started to thread the bases on to the rail using the same side of the sprue. This reduced the amount you could thread on so I would have to keep cutting the bases off the sprue,slide the bases down and start again. One morning by accident I threaded the other side of the sprue on and found that you could put more bases on without cutting the sprue and get the bases in the correct postion. This improved the production rate and I managed to get all the track for the front made up in just over a week.
  2. Having been part of the EM team that worked on the track project I can give you a slight in sight in to the cost....... Without giving exact figures (as im sure the EMGS or Peco wouldn't want me to give them out)but to give an idea if you have enough cash to buy a high end large family car then you may have enough to get plain track base and a left and right hand point done. A lottery win would help if you wanted to expand the range quckly.
  3. Hi all, So another layout of mine that has been stalled for a good few years now and I though posting it up on here may give me the reason to get it back out and start work on it and the possible exhibition invite for October 2021. Please excuse the bad photo as its the only one i could find of it before I made a start on the track. The layout is 4ft 6 inch across and folds in two for transporting and stoage. It will be DCC with computer control to enable lunch time covers at shows and also to allow me to set it up at home and watch the trains go by.
  4. Whilst we where exhibting at the 2019 Derby exhibition we had this visitor on the layout for the weekend This isnt our work but its was built by a friend of ours BUT it is on the list of future projects to be done.
  5. HI, I think I've got a bit of crossed wires. Re-reading you post, you are going to use P4 wheels for the narrowness of them to hopefully give more room on the wheel face/wheel boss to fit inbetween the axles boxes?? This may be ok but I would still expect you to have to remove some of the back of the axles boxes on some models to enable the wheels to be abe to be set at 21mm, bearing in mind that the 21mm masurment is rail top to rail top so doesn't include the rim width size which will add extra width needed
  6. I think you may have got the EM and P4 the wrong way round as the P4 wheels are wider apart than EM and may require you to remove some plastic from the back of the axleboxes to get the P4 wheels in (asuming you are using P4 wheels gauged out to 21mm. Since I've been brain washed by those suppliers of green boxes (I'm blaming them for this next bit ), Hope fully in the new year I will be making a start on building and layout to 21mm as I already do 2mmFS, EM, P4 and scale & so doing Irish railways to 21mm is the right thing for me to do. Yes you will need to make sure your track work is built to a fine tolernace but you can always do what quite a few P4 exhibtion layouts do and use EM wheels to give a deeper flange to help with the track holding aspect. Yes that does happen and a lot more than people know
  7. Thanks, at one show a well know modeller called it the Satanic North when he first saw the layout which I think describes it well.
  8. The station area
  9. Ive got a part built one for my 2mmFS layout that I'm building. One shell is done and I really need to get on with the other one one to finish the unit off as the layout is provisonally booked to appear at a show next October and would look good sitting in the siding next to the signal box.
  10. Thank you for the kind words guys
  11. Thanks, this also happned at the show....
  12. Hi all, so the second layout that i own is Wainthrop Bridge which is Lanchasire & Yorkshire Railway in the 1920s. The layout is 4mm in EM gauge. More photos to come, if you would like to see more?
  13. Been working on a couple of netwrok rail 950 units,
  14. No words needed really
  15. Hi all, Another model I've been working on has been this
  16. The information about the customer requesting the VAT removal came from a HMRC representative when they came to do a spot check. As a UK busniess man you are taught by the banks and told when chatting with other owners that if the HMRC says jump you jump and then ask how high as if you dont do things right you get hit with hefty fines. You can't always rely on the address being forgein, the number of parcels I've had to recover for Ireland due my address having County Durham in it. I don't know if you have even had to fill in the mountain of paper work to deal with VAT and I think this more off putting for small busniess as once you are VAT regestered its VAT on every single item that you sell and if you are only selling say 10 items a year overseas its a lot of effort and costs to the busniess so the customer can have abit of extra money taken off. I've also seen it reduce a company from making enough for the owner to live on to only just breaking even. I think that the person in question actually closed a few months after becoming VAT regestered. Again even HMRC tell you to stay unregestered for as long as you can. This is one of those topics that everyone will have thier own views on and it can go on and on.
  17. I wouldn't be without it these days. I did get one of the gravity versions whilst I was at a show demoing after i forgot the GW one but even after marking on the rod where to drop it from I struggled to get the consistany right on the finished rivets. Its one of those bits of kit that you look at it and think do I really need one buts its paid for its self about 30 kit builds ago. So remember the tender chassis at the start well here is the body for it in a cruel close up
  18. Having worked in a Model shop and as you say and we were told the same thing by the VAT representative that any prices displayed in the shop or website are to include VAT but it hasn't got to be listed as a seprate price and the onus was on the customer to ask for the deduction if via mail order/phone/website if the destination was not in the VAT zone. If they where present and made a purchase in shop the price was to stay the same and the customer was to ask for VAT reclaim form at customs at the point of exit to claim the VAT cost back. Your not suppose to remove it at the shop. Having said that the rules/procedures may have changed as that was 6 years ago before I set up my own buisness and luckly I'm not near having to think about payng VAT but that may change in the next few years
  19. HI, Ive removed a bit of your post so its just the relevent bit. Just to correct you slightly its £85K as any income into the busniess before deductions. Its also my understanding that by law you are not allowed to hide the fact that you are paying VAT and you have to display the VAT number on any recipets/invoices that show VAT. Thanks Simon
  20. For the past 3 years we have had a couple of working weekends inbetween shows to sort out any issuesthat may have developed as with a layout this size if there is an issue it can turn it into a large diorama which has happend once, but thats another story. Well we had a working weekends a few weeks ago and those very nice people at Accurascale allowed us to have a play with the forthcoming Now available PTA wagons, you may have seen the video they posted up of the wagons traveling along the cutting. Anyway I managed to get a couple of pics of the wagons in the station
  21. The former for the ground cover going in.
  22. Its been a riveting time here in the workshop recently
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