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Everything posted by Si2020

  1. So its been a while since the last post due to work, lots of gluing being done...... Any way due to the size of the layout we can only set it up when we are at shows or at our working weekends and this weekend is just one of those weekends. Lots of work was being done but these had truned up so it would have been rude not to pop them on the layout for a few photos Lovley set of wagons and too modern to be run on the layout at a show but once I've done the support coaches they can have a few trips round when we are working on the layout.
  2. Si2020


  3. When we first got the layout we had did think that the task of converting it to DCC wouldn't be that difficult, well we may have been a bit wrong with that assumption. These are a couple of pics of the 2 contorl panels....... The main panel Fiddle Yard panel Since these where taken we have removed most of the wiring and the main panel is now being fitted out using the megapoints controls for the signals and points.
  4. So after posting the photo of the sign post without the sign I've been making a new one to try and reduce the list of jobs that need doing as there is a provisional exhibition invite for 2022. A few mins with some scrap etch and a bit of spare rail and it now just needs a coat of paint and planting on the layout.
  5. Running round the ballast working.
  6. Sadly not, They fall a few years outside the time frame for the layout at shows plus there are enough wires under it to prevent extra being added to the top ....... However thats not to say that if you stood line side you might see one or possibly two of them in photos and videos in the future
  7. Spaghettie time........
  8. Looking at 37 033 leaving the yard has reminded me that I need to replace the stop board that use to live on the pole that is level with the door on the 37
  9. Yes it is the High level kits verison.
  10. Hello everyone, Been a bit busy with things recently so not had much chance to post anything up. Been working on this recently The chassis needs a bit of a clean up before the next step. Excuse the photo from the spray booth, it was the only place left to take a photo that doesn't have anything in the background your all not meant to see. Thanks
  11. As its friday i thougt it would only be fair to post up another photo. Now this is one of those views you only get to see if your operating the layout.
  12. A quick photo showing the station building wiht one of the kit built locos that are used on the layout.
  13. Had a couple of sound fittings come in recently. One was the new Bachamnn 94xx and Bachamnn 9F. The 94xx had working lamps fitted bth front and rear with the rear one being able to show both white and red depending on direction of travel. The 9F also had working lamps fitted with the lamps programmed to show either express passenger configuration or express freight. The top lamp will come on and off as part of the freight lamp code but can also be switched on and off as required. It also had a rear lamp with both red and white being able to be shown and firebox flicker. Unfotunaty i didnt take a photo of the lamps working or the firebox flicker working.
  14. Hi all, The grass was soon added to the top wall. It still needs the a bit more work even now and finally i hope to get the bridge in over the track and we have been looking at putting a signal in as a bracket coming off the top of the wall. Will have to make firm plans as we hopefully have a show for March next year and a possible magazine article.
  15. Due to the size of the layout, being just under 40ft long, we only get chance to set the layout up at shows or on our working weekends. The working weekends consist of 2/3 long days were we just work down the list of jobs/snags that we have come across. The photo below was taken during one of those weekends and gives a nice view up the layout that you normally can't get due to the bridges being in the way.
  16. Been a while due to varous factors, some of which I will go into in the future. Has this on the bench recently a re-spray of a Hornby sentinel. I'm currently on with another one that is going to be a bit different.
  17. The steps up to Station rd.
  18. Track laying was started with the inside point and the stock rail with a hour or so of threading chairs on to the rail.
  19. A view that you don't normally get when the layout is up, taken whilst doing a spot of track repair after a rail got pulled out of a couple of chairs at a show. Thanks
  20. Next up has been crossing construction. Now just to add to the fun (they do say the hobby is fun......right ) I had to have the crossing V jigs custom made as i have 1:12, 1:13 and a 1:14 and the ones avaiable from the 2mmFS assocation stores only go up to 1:10. I will take a photo of the jigs when I next get the box out but this is the result of about an hours work Thanks
  21. Thanks, I found it easy with or without the sprue attached. The key to it all is getting the end free of burrs so that the rail slides in nice and easly and dosnt slice the chairs in two. Curved point baldes are the easy bit in my eys but when my first go at point building was a 1:8 curved 2mmFs point then anything after that is easy.......isnt it??
  22. Hi all, One of the issues with a round layout is you have to have curved track work which means handbuilt track work, well I didn't really have a choice as you have to build your own track work in 2mmFS. So after gluing down the templot plan I made a start gluing down the sleeper strip. Lost count how many there was to glue down.
  23. Next up is a N gauge class 28 3d printed body which came in to be painted. After several hours of sanding the body to remove the print lines in places it was treated to a few coats of phoenix BR Loco green post 54.
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