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Everything posted by Si2020

  1. This one is a bit out of order but it shows the hard standing going down on the extension
  2. After a coat of L&YR blackberry black, some transfers and some wheels it made it on to the layout for a show or two. The roof needs replacing with some brass sheet as the plasticard that it comes with is too thick and I will also add the missing rainstrips and chimney to prevent it being knocked off.
  3. Thanks, We can't take credit for all the photos that are posted up as some are from the British Railway Modelling Magazine article that was in the May 2019 issue after we had a photo shoot at the 2019 Doncaster BRM show with Andy York. We also do a few phtos for those Accurascale guys as they keep sending us stuff to play test on the layout I have to admit you may have been going a different way since that photo as I don't think we have had the lorry on the layout since. We have that much 80s stuff to go on the various 80s layouts, we have plus a couple of future ones that are in the pipeline
  4. When we are at shows we have as much intrest in the fiddle yard as we do in the front of the layout, Seen here during one of our working weekends having the colour tape added to make it easier for guest operators to see which road they are driving in to.
  5. A bit of panel work on the bench, well the office table as the panel won't fit on the bench with all the bits on there at the moment.
  6. A view down at track level which won't be possible once the scenics are done.
  7. Hi all, A mixture of things on the bench at the moment with lots of re-spray and lining work happening and some some ditch light fitting
  8. After a few more hours I ended up with this..... Still door handles and handrails to be added and then on to painting.
  9. HI, I use various sizes of pin vice that hold bits from 0.3mm up to 3mm. Drill bits I use are from Expo tools and they last me around 8-12 months with the cutting edge becoming blunt after that but then I use then a lot and once blunt I still keep them for drilling in to softer materials and for applying glue etc. I also have a set of PCB drills to do anything in plastic as that seam to work better than anything else. One of the issue is that unless you are using a pillar drill as you drill by hand the dill bit flexes due to the movment of your hand. When using the samller dill bits I only have a few mm of the drill bit sticking out of the bottom of the chuck it try and give it a bit of strength whilst drilling. Also dont press down as you drill let the drill cut at its own pace as this also helps to prevent breakages. Lubrication wise, I don't on anything other than white metal and for white metal I use a bit of spit as it works better tha anything else. Thanks Simon
  10. After a few hours of burning fingers I ended up with this
  11. So one of the main problems when you model an era or railway company that isn't in the main stream market means only one thing......Kit building the 95% of the stock. So here is the start of a Dia 61 20T L&YR 6 wheel gaurds van being built from a D&S kit.
  12. Not the grestest photo but here is one of the lareg logo 37s thats in the fleet with the Bachmann inspection Saloon. I have one of the Comet models one to build to add to the stock collection.
  13. A view along the layout, don't worry its not on a slant
  14. HI, I will see what I can do as the only flat cars I have are in 1/35th scale
  15. Morning all, So keeping on with the american stuff (In the British section of the forum ) Here is a flat car that i weathered up
  16. Hello, So its been a while since I last posted. Not much has happened to be honest as with having all the show bookings cancelled/postponed there hasn't been a reason to set the layout up. So here are a couple of photos taken at the 2016 Derby show, I think I am working my way though the pile of stock kits for the layout as old converted RTR stock is phased out. I will post up some photos of the kits as im building them if people are intrested?
  17. HI all, Whats this two post in one day........ Well I forgot to say that we have had some show confirmations for Charwelton into the 80s So we are going to be at the following shows over the next couple of years. 2022 Perth June Wigan October 2023 Railex May Whilst the above shows are in the UK, we do attend international shows both as visitors and exhibitors (If we are invited). If you are at any of the abve then please pop by the layout and say hi, none of us bite.....honest.
  18. A view not normally seen by the public
  19. Been aplying some transfers next A few hours work with these.
  20. Some of the rails being added to the sleepering. I had also best pull my finger out and crack on with it as the layout now has its first exhibiton booking for next year......
  21. Thanks Robert, It ran find before (got a couple of good ones) but the person I fitted it for wanted a stay alive and it now runs for 20 seconds without the sound on across the bench.
  22. Hi all, Not much has been happening on the layout as its had to stay packed up in its travel crate due to visitors at home and Ive been concentrating on the big train set for the past few months but I'm please to announce that we will be attending the 2022 Railex show. It will be nice to get out to exhibit with the layout. Here is a view of the layout from the scenic end. Taken at the Perth exhibition in 2018, cant believe its been that long!! Thanks for looking.
  23. HI all, Been abit busy recently but here is two of the Model Rail Mag 16xx. It was decided to remove the PCB and it was fitted with a Zimo sound decoder and stay alive. I also added some crew.
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