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Westcorkrailway last won the day on March 13

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About Westcorkrailway

  • Birthday 14/05/2003

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  • Location
    Ballinhassig Co.Cork


  • Biography
    fascinated by trains from a young age for no reason whatsoever. You will find me Trainspotting at Ballymartle waiting for the Train that will never come!


  • Interests
    Cork, Bandon and South Coast Railway, Great southern Railways, Coras iompair Eireann up to 1969

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  1. Roblox studio I’m sure. Good railway chat on that discord too mind you. Probobly one of the only places where the vast majority are young rather then old. Certainly a different view of a community
  2. All dart units are made by a member of the team that exclusively loves Darts. 8200s are 99 percent done. 81s are more like 60 percent. Realism isint the aim. You can run 8200s to Kildare if you like all development activity happens through discord unfortunatly. The group link invite is below https://discord.gg/XC8BAvGN
  3. Sometimes, a bit of tomfoolery when making the models is required
  4. Hello all slightly different from the modeling we are all used to! These are models for a new railway simulator being worked on presently. It will be based from Dublin - Kildare and if proven popular enough, might be extended in the future. The game is featuring accurate sound recordings of each class. And while NPC trains are not possible, multiplayer will be essentially a core part of the experience. As it is part of the Roblox experience, It will be free to run. Below are some of the stuff almost finished thus far
  5. Holy trinity in cork!
  6. I think you owe JHB a pint when you get to Galway……
  7. This would have been the case in the early 1950s but regular steam passenger traffic had finished by 1955/6 so a different arrangement had to have been made from then on
  8. Only seen this now. Sublime work….it looks perfect! (Other then said weathering in due course, cause Christ these got dirty)
  9. I wish we did!!!! lol but IRM are not going to spoil a model just so people can get running numbers they like. C201 in plain silver is a dead on but other then That it’s free real estate. I’d l love C231 in lined green, C212 in unlined green and C202 in silver, but highly unlikely that will come to pass and I’ll have to get onto a decal remover! liveries Silver Green Lined Green Dark lined green (?) Black Black Yellow panel black yellow panel with yellow buffer Black and Tan low band Black and Tan high band supertrain NIR thinking about it. C226 and C231 would probobly be in there liveries, maybe not as preserved but that would make sense
  10. That being said, litterally every single C class ended up on the West Cork system within 2 years. It’s also suspected that a fair amount of the AEC sets did as well. So even by this stage it was a very much chop, change and rotate system
  11. I don’t see any 450 class bud
  12. The 800 class won this poll by 47-16. By no means definitive, but interesting none the less
  13. I don’t remember 141s in service, 121s in service, A class in service, C class in service, 90 in service. And yet i have a model of each of them. The only model i have that would be part of my childhood is the Ruston 88ds!
  14. I would beleive the same. Think when the decorated samples come out, a fair few may be convinced. GB modellers are more used to the bigger steam locos and as far as I can make out, prefer them.
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