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Westcorkrailway last won the day on April 27

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About Westcorkrailway

  • Birthday 14/05/2003

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  • Location
    Ballinhassig Co.Cork


  • Biography
    fascinated by trains from a young age for no reason whatsoever. You will find me Trainspotting at Ballymartle waiting for the Train that will never come!


  • Interests
    Cork, Bandon and South Coast Railway, Great southern Railways, Coras iompair Eireann up to 1969

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  1. In my mind, you might have had a GSR competing with a GNR combined with the DSER. Eventually theyd still end up combining into a CIE of sorts. Though the railway map would be impossible to predict, considering the economic position, structure, policy ect. of such a country would be much different. One thing is for sure, I’d imagine there would be a railway line running up the North West Imagine gsr grey donegal tanks….GNR 461 ect.
  2. Fantastic collection that. Always something I delve into the odd time and find something new every time
  3. Stationmasters house started (based on that of Waterfall Co.Cork) but is not finished. I also put in a few small bits like the sign ect.
  4. The first train to Ballymartle today. C212 with a Per Way train.
  5. Have I ruined it???? a repaint without disassembling it for fear it would snap. But I wanted it in cork colours
  6. I translate the cork bandon livery as whatever green I want it to be
  7. There is a good quality scan of this poster on the internet. Buyers beware!
  8. Heard the same, very kind man RIP
  9. The DD’s will be held together by bale twine, the 29s will be fine, except for the fact there won’t be any floor left
  10. Planning progression. Hoping to get Owen O’Niell to help with the station building, which is going to be identical in shoe to drimoleague, Ballinhassig and Desert stations in west cork. Anyone know some fonts for the old AA yellow enamel road signs or the newer white cast County Council signs?
  11. CBSCR Fictional Layout hello all. At Cork Model Swap Meet, I purchased an unfinished layout. The plan is to turn this into a fictional version of the Kinsale Branch, one where the Cork & Bandon railway was a far more profitable venture in the early days allowing for a more confident C&KJR. Changes include: Kinsale junction being far smaller and much further east and smaller with direct Cork-Kinsale The line follows a more direct path, just before the start of the 1/80 climb the railway takes a more wide turn. At the end of this line, roughly in line with the actual Ballymartle station, on the other side of the kinsale main road is this new fictional new station. After this the line descends into a tunnel before following mostly the same route into Kinsale. Another big change is that somewhere along the line (Probobly at the present day site of Kinsale golf club) there would be a big factory of some kind with its own industrial railway. The line won’t close in the 1930s but due to the better quality of line and factory traffic the line would continue. Passenger traffic along with steam haulage would come to and end in 1963, goods finally wrapping up in 1967. Ballymartle have much more space then the real life equivalent but will be equally rural. It will have a signal box, a CBSC station building styled off ballinascarthy, ballinhassig and drimoleague, a goods shed similar to that of madore/Farrangalway.
  12. I wanted to get a 14xx chimney from the UK….price was £1 + £27 postage
  13. A superb show, quite simply a great success. The room was perfect, tables were good, plenty of space. Happy to report we narrowly broke even (enough to buy 3 or 4 pints!!!!!) I’d like to thank Kevin meany and Mark Dunlea for putting the event on, as well stewards Richie, Brendan and Cathal.
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