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Killian Keane

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Everything posted by Killian Keane

  1. Sehr schön gemacht! Especially the model of no. 5, well done
  2. Thankfully I lost the tattered remains of my sanity many years ago so this job had no effect whatsoever on me
  3. Thats the 800 tender finished, hopefully
  4. Those are beautiful thank you Eoin, the tender is very nearly finished
  5. Yes empty stock at Broadstone, and only last night I was reading those locos were apparently put on Dublin-Galway mail trains if you can believe that!
  6. Id be very tempted by the MGWR 2-2-2 saddle tank
  7. Would anyone have a photo of the cab end of the 800 class tender? I am utterly lacking reference material for this unfortunately (I wont even bother asking for the WLW tender front, I'm just going to have to wing that!)
  8. A Padarn Railway 4ft gauge Hunslet, ideal for 00 track
  9. My computer has been on the fritz and has been in to be repaired for the last two weeks or so, therefore the anticipated finish date of mid May as advertised in the latest New Irish Lines will more realistically be the first week in June Its back now though and the 800 has been receiving cab and running board detail
  10. Ah yes a 'Notjeep' or Land Rover if you will
  11. I think I'll go for screw reverse on the WLW, if contradictory information arises its not the end of the world to change it, thanks all This is a rivetting process
  12. not forgetting this essential piece of viewing;
  13. we're all crying out for this
  14. Ive had some trouble establishing whether the WLW goods locos had screw or lever reverse, does anyone know?
  15. no.2 Shannon (Kitson, 1900) as GSR no.222, after rebuilding with a round top firebox No.57 Cyclops (Kitson, 1897), later GSR 238 at Fenit
  16. You can see the MGWR examples got Midland style smokeboxes and chimneys, the GSR apparently called these two class J17
  17. Yes the same class, but the earlier non belpaire version
  18. The WLWR loco in closeup, with its tender for anyone interested
  19. Thank you, the 2mm is down to the royal scot being shorter than the 800 mainly in the front bogie, if I'd have made it the full length I was concerned about the overhang of the front buffers etc on curves
  20. Precisely correct on both the prototype and the intended chassis, my local line being the former WLW I had to have a loco from that line, very scarce information on them unfortunately so designing has been like pulling teeth, but its coming along
  21. Here is a project Ive been working on with @GSR 800 for some time, its getting to the stage where the work in progress images are starting to be worth showing, an 800 for 00 gauge to fit the hornby Royal Scot chassis, consequent to the use of that chassis, the front has had to be shortened by 2mm between the bufferbeam and the front of the smokebox, other than that its the intention to have it accurate as near as possible rivet-for-rivet When posed next to a loco 46 years its elder (and much more my usual type of modelling, again a work in progress), you get an appreciation for the immense size of the prototype
  22. Somehow the seller offered me a discount, despite the fact that I wasnt watching the item or following the seller, something odd going on there, took me all of a tenth of a second contemplation before declining
  23. Has the look of a Stroudley proto-terrier about it, always liked those engines
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