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Everything posted by Keano30

  1. I’ve gone for the Digitrax system. I’ve been using it now for some months and it does everything I need very well. But believe me I am at the beginning of my journey so I’ve allot to learn.
  2. Anyone know what the dimensions of the Sculfort RBL-020-400 Loco tractor is? Just setting up my iTran and need to have the length so I can get accurate Trian lengths. Also is it dcc chipped and ready to run on a DCC layout if you are purchasing the IE 22000 Class 'ICR' - 6-car unit?
  3. Any chance this can be updated so we know when roughly the Railcars are coming? It looks outdated to me
  4. That was a long wait for these, considering they were supposed to be shipped in Q3 of 2023!
  5. Hello everyone, Just a general question for you. Does anyone know if its possible to change the F14 & 15 station announcements? If its possible could you let me know how to change them please. Reason I ask is that I am modelling the Dublin to Waterford line and currently the station announcements are either for Cork, Galway etc. None for Waterford branch or at least my DCC sound chips don't have it for Kilkenny / Waterford etc.
  6. Thank you Noel I’ll give that try later this evening. Much appreciated for your tips Update: Yep that worked but it took a small screw driver under the cab to move the clips that hold the body to the chassis. Squeezing didn't work at all. By placing a flat head screw driver against the orange clips and twisting the screw driver slightly it moved the clips enough for them to disengage from the chassis.
  7. Got my one today and its just beautiful. One question, has anyone tried to get the body off yet? I read the instructions and did as they said but to no joy. I'm afraid I'll break the loco if i squeeze it too hard. Has anyone got any tips on how to get the body off, I'm trying to install the 21pin DCC chip.
  8. "If I were in Paddy's shoes, I would have a go at eBay and request that they cease facilitating the sale of illicit products"I Good luck with dealing with eBay. I have had an issue like this previously and eBay washed their hands and didn't want to know. Since then I never buy anything from eBay and would recommend to everyone not to buy from eBay. There is such a lack of action on their part when issues are highlighted to them. Also don't bother with the cops because all they will say is its a Civil issue and they can do nothing about it.
  9. Which couplings in particular did you use Noel?
  10. Got this sign made for the layout. I think it was reasonably priced @ €20. It’s a aluminium sheet quite thin and light. https://www.etsy.com/ie/listing/1597160653/custom-metal-street-sign-personalized?click_key=47a453e2713de9a9289f1ca6025b08e76ed60b0f%3A1597160653&click_sum=1f03e92b&external=1&ref=hp_opfy-1-1&pro=1&sts=1
  11. Ah Yes David Faller have a variant of the cranes and they cost €415 for the static version but if you want it running add another €386 so not cheap at all. I found them on their website last night
  12. Wow thank you Kevin this is excellent.
  13. I have a question for you all. I'll be ready to lay track on my layout shortly and I intend starting with Belview port. My question is, does anyone know where I'd pickup some Gantry Cranes as Belview has two of them and I will eventually need some models of these cranes?
  14. This is excellent, as a relatively new modeler I'd love to see more of these for the Goods , Containers and Tara Mines formations etc etc.. I find these to be invaluable when making up my trains for my layout.
  15. Wow you've done a great job on the baseboards there. I look forward to seeing the track down and some trains running shortly.
  16. No its new, I'm now able to incorporate Kilkenny, Thomastown, Sally Park, Waterford and Belview. The line runs around the attic on the perimeters now.
  17. Looks like somewhere between RAL 3003 to RAL3005. See attached for Industry Standard RAL Colour Chart or you could look at this site. https://ral-colours.co.uk/ral-classic-colours/red-shades/
  18. where can we find this?
  19. Yes i did, some of those have been recycled into the new baseboards. I'm 50% of the way through the build of the boards, only 14 or so more boards to build.
  20. Thanks again Jonathan, I appreciate the compliment. Now all I have to do is build it lol.
  21. Well I've changed the layout yet again but this time I think I got something I am happy with. I'm half way through the rebuild of the baseboards. Can't wait to start laying tracks.
  22. As regards the decoders for these, what decoder is used for them? Is there any available?
  23. Just fantastic, it’s so realistic I love it. It’s inspiring to look at.
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