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Everything posted by johnfromoz

  1. Am I correct in assuming there are no brake coaches in this initial batch? J
  2. Brilliant! All my childhood memories brought to 4mm. Thank you so much guys. Will be ordering big time......John in Tas.
  3. On the topic of container liveries and timeframes and ‘fallen flag’ containers, I recently observed via a mid ‘22 YouTube video of intermodals at Stafford UK. (Thanks Antman) nothing less than a GENSTAR marked 40’ oxide coloured box in current service on a Manchester-Felixstowe service. Box relatively unblemished, in good but faded colours. Happy to be proven wrong, but think this livery was superceded in 1998 with the buyout by Seaco. So while some of us fret about liveries and timeframes there are still ‘prototype for anything’ moments in the world of containers. John
  4. So, after a total journey of 30,000 miles since their birth, my two Deltics d9006 and 55003 have arrived here in rural Tasmania, without a SINGLE detail part loose or missing (I know I have been extremely lucky given the level of small detailed parts). The locos are breathtaking and sound is amazing. Thank you so much lads at Accurascale/IRM for an amazing product. i knew after buying a pile of A’ s this would be a special product and it sure is. Role on more from you…….. John in Tassy
  5. I live in Australia, so was referencing locally sourced prices. What you pay for Lais I have no idea.
  6. Sorry mate, only just seen your post. The lais is a six function chip ( 4 full and 2 logic) which is perfect for the A Class, with independent control of all head and tail lights. The only thing you miss out on is cab lighting. Maybe the Hattons chip is 6 full function?.
  7. Only just got around to perusing Vol Two, posted by the author and safely received here in Tasmania. Superb. Keep em coming Jim!!
  8. Yes the days pf carefree ordering to Australia are long gone. At one time I can remember paying as little as 3GBP postage for a couple of wagons from Liverpool. These days, particularly with this increase, DHL is looking more competitive if you bundle two or three loco purchases. Plus it will get here in 6 days as opposed to six weeks….
  9. Great to see a few packs of these back in stock! Finally have picked up enough to cover all eras. John
  10. Thank you Mogul, that was interesting information about the ONE reversed livery. Am I right in my assertion that the 20’ magenta on white has never been seen on UK/Irish rails? The 40’ reefer appears occasionally. Might just respray the hornby 20’.
  11. So the replacement class 121 arrived here in Tasmania, perfect in every way. Big note of thanks to Kernow Model Centre of Cornwall, UK for rare, personalised, backup service. This was an obscure DCC fault that they took the trouble to investigate. Cannot recommend them enough.
  12. Indeed. This whole are of box liveries is overlooked most of the time, but is an absolute minefield and a recipe for time travel on your layout if not researched even to a basic level given that we spend huge amounts of time and effort in ensuring accuracy of passenger stock and loco liveries. For example the bauxite GENSTAR livery was so widespread and around for 30 yrs globally, yet was replaced around the turn of this century by SeaCo. Similarly, the original P&O appears to be long gone, (unless you count 45’ boxes) as has CAST and many others, Hornby currently sell the 20ft box in ONE livery of reversed Magenta and white, but I have yet to find evidence of its use in UK, Ireland and possibly elsewhere. The 40ft version can rarely be seen. The enduring liveries of Maersk, Triton, Tex and Evergreen are safe bets for covering a near 40 yr span, albeit with some subtle updates and modernised design of the boxes themselves.
  13. I must confess an interest in this topic, from the point of view of building prototypical liner train liveries. I am trying to group my container liveries in two main periods: 1) circa 1993 Bell liners, giving way to some new shipping schemes like Genstar, CAST, P&O etc and 2) 2016 - present. Of those new Hornby releases, Evergreen and LYS LINE are obviously still doing the rounds, along with the the ever present MAERSK, but I think that Nedlloyd livery as released by Hornby is from the 1990s. Worth considering for the sake of accuracy…..
  14. Happy to report resolution to this issue of MM 121 cutting out around s/step 40. Loco was returned to Kernows, who spent some time (amazing in itself!) recreating the problem and diagnosing a faulty pcb, before thoroughly testing a replacement 121 for an hours running to ensure it was fine. That is what I call excellent support and service in this day and age. That Kernows are still capable of investing time in customer support is a tribute to them. The other big two in the UK could learn something from this….. John
  15. Yet another flawless example, this livery is as far back as my foggy ole 62 yo memory will take me. I'm thinking Mallow or Fermoy, a warm summers evening in 1965. Love the subtlety of the engine room lights
  16. While we are talking lamps, can someone advise when the rule or practice of using twin tail lamps came into being? John
  17. The middle pictures ( the long goodbye) sum up a thousand memories for me, (right down to the Morris minor) of Irish working families travelling to and from the old country to earn a living in Britain and beyond in the early 60s...Thanks. John I know.... I'm a sentimental ole sod....
  18. JB these are the first pictures I've seen of A55 in black used in anger on a layout..... I'm liking it. Looks better in the right setting like Dugort. Already weakened and got A12; looks like this may follow! Thanks for that (I think!) . John
  19. Compare & contrast models of e-commerce: 1. The subject of this thread. Ignore/delay communications. Avoid timely refunds. Generally provide tardy service with added rudeness for good measure. Or:- 2. Set up a live stock level on line shop, linked to a LIVE customer support chat facility, where messages are usually responded to within an hour, often straight away, with friendly, comprehensive information about status of orders, spare parts etc. Frequent automated emails sent allowing full tracking of shipment, invoices etc. link this to a really useful forum. Hmmm, who does that sound like......
  20. Old Blarney' indeed............. So we're all wrong are we??
  21. A favourite party trick for this mob is to list items when not in stock. Had to threaten him quite firmly to get a refund for a (probably) non-existent 071. Appalling. Avoid.
  22. Yeah it's a really short film...take the roof lid off and fit the chip.
  23. Thanks. Very useful info.
  24. Hi all, Back in the first release days of the MM mk2ds I was slow in securing a matching rake, so my buffet and gen van are in the ‘Galway livery’. Now I am aware that its perfectly prototypical to mix and match them with intercity livery, I was pondering on the actual beginning and end dates of the Galway livery? I can see the earliest photo reference is 2001. Is this correct? Did the Galway livery last till withdrawal? Any info appreciated.. John
  25. Phil, I got mine here in Tassy direct from Markle (Jim himself) so hopefully you won't have any problems. Couple of emails and sorted... Cheers. John
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