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Horsetan last won the day on April 5 2024

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1 Follower

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    My heart and soul is in County Clare, but my body is elsewhere :-(


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    Strictly legal

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  1. So that's eight etches so far.....
  2. I think they have to cater for the surprising number of people who still use Code 100 track.
  3. Not all hornblock bearings are alike. AGW and LRM bearings are similar, but AGW has the sliding groove running down the centre of the sliding surface, whereas LRM is biased to one side. I've used AGW bearings in an experimental LMS Duchess chassis, but I didn't use the 0.45mm guide wire supplied as this makes the bearings too loose in the guides. I found 0.6 or 0.7mm wire to give much better sliding characteristics. High Level bearings are smaller, as are the guides. Then there's the rectangular Brassmasters/Comet bearings which are designed to slot into the frames directly without needing separate guides.
  4. I'm after pre-ordering another Park Royal just in case the first one goes missing.
  5. You must be joking! Irish stuff is usually beset by price-gouging!!
  6. My points have transferred over together with my basic details, but that's all so far.
  7. I've just checked into the Accurascale account. The basic details have been retained, but unfortunately my previous IRM order history is not visible, and my existing pre-order for a Park Royal coach is also not shown....unless I'm looking at completely the wrong bit or unless the Accurascale account system isn't supposed to cover that type of thing.
  8. They're not. Charlie Petty stopped production of all of his kits years ago. Something about it not being economically viable to carry on, especially as the RTR lads muscled in on his DMU territory. He earns his money from that bewildering range of DCC sound chips, DVDs and books.
  9. He might need a new printer after doing my batch. Replied.
  10. The Worsley Works one is probably the one with the most potential, but you have to make your own detail castings.
  11. Count me in for one set. I'd like to see if they can be adapted to take the Dave Bradwell sprung cradles. EDIT to add: and a matching set of 3D-printed detail parts
  12. If it's there you want to be, I wouldn't be starting from here!
  13. He can do that anywhere....and frequently has
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