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Horsetan last won the day on April 5

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1 Follower

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    My heart and soul is in County Clare, but my body is elsewhere :-(


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    Strictly legal

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  1. I think you'd enjoy having a stab at a Jidenco Class 50 kit....
  2. "Boxy, but good."
  3. Saabs were always well-engineered cars. That's probably why Saab never really made much money, so had to settle for annoying GM by re-engineering GM parts.
  4. Nothing but the best for the faithful
  5. Pointwork will be the challenge
  6. I wonder if he's tried a Jidenco Class 50....?
  7. Hoarding's such a terrible disease.
  8. Some reprieve there.
  9. ...and yet that's basically how antisocial media works.
  10. Seems that the only tapered boilers that the GSR/CIE ever dealt with were those on the Woolwich Moguls. Everything else was strictly parallel.
  11. If the 400s hadn't been quite so flawed, there might not have been the need to build the three 800s. The 500s were appreciably better than the 400s, but there weren't enough of them.
  12. The Caprottis were probably the best of a bad job in the context of the 400 class, but there were only the two that were converted.
  13. That's not just any oul 400 class, but one of the two Caprotti valve gear ones - it looks like no.406 with the straight footplate. This one lasted until 1957 - the photo suggests it had been out of use for a while, as corrosion is clearly visible on the reversing rod and the upper slidebar. The other Caprotti 400, no.401, kept going until 1961 and may have used spares cannibalised from 406.
  14. IRM B4 bogies have arrived....let's get that Snack Car out...
  15. I think I need another sight test anyway, but there's definitely something going on with the two cab fronts; they look different to each other.
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