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Everything posted by Darius43

  1. Two more wagons assembled. …and completed. Cheers Darius
  2. Fairburn, Class 40 and a GWR Castle running in the shed today. Cheers Darius
  3. Decals applied followed by some weathering and coal loads. Cheers Darius
  4. Some Bachmann Thompson coaches with light weathering applied. Will be running in the shed later… Cheers Darius
  5. Two more hopper wagon kits assembled - plus a BR 21 Ton hopper wagon (also Parkside). These are fun kits to build and go together well. Cheers Darius
  6. Started some Peco (Parkside) BR 20t Hopper wagon kits. Coal loads to be added followed by weathering (or vice versa). Then seven more to go… Cheers Darius
  7. Last weekend in the shed… Cheers Darius This weekend in the shed… Cheers Darius
  8. Coastal Defence Train completed. I added Lanarkshire Models tail lamps to the gun trucks. Cheers Darius
  9. Thanks - the scarf was made by rolling out a thin line of Humbrol putty, flattening it and trimming it in place. Cheers Darius I’ll tell mum! Cheers Darius
  10. Some more passengers painted… Cheers Darius
  11. Loco chassis arrived and duly fitted. Cheers Darius
  12. First troops on board… Still quite a few more to assemble and paint. Cheers Darius
  13. Initial painting of the figures. They were given an overall spray of khaki and then details were painted using the end of a cocktail stick - even the finest brush is too coarse. Once the paint has dried overnight, shadows and highlights will be picked out using a dark wash - sparingly applied. Cheers Darius
  14. Tarpaulins fitted to wagons. Cheers Darius
  15. Thanks Mogul. We already have a Boche Buster on the layout. Cheers Darius
  16. Loco body painted. Now awaiting delivery of a motorised chassis. Cheers Darius
  17. Painting of 5 and 3 plank wagons completed - will be adding tarpaulins to these wagons as shown in photos of the actual train. I added etched ladders and screw link couplings to the gun trucks. Cheers Darius
  18. Gun truck painting completed. Cheers Darius
  19. Niu Models 3D printed Coastal Defence Train. The loco body is designed to fit onto the Bachmann L&YR 2-4-2 Tank chassis. Also acquired some occupants… Gun trucks assembled (minus guns). Cheers Darius
  20. Roadrailers and cement wagons in action on the layout today Cheers Darius
  21. Hi DJ it was an ill-fated attempt to combine road and rail freight in the UK in the early 1960s. Containerisation was the way forward. https://cutt.ly/S6woJzq Cheers Darius
  22. Completed Cheers Darius
  23. Two more 3D printed JGA cement wagons on the bench The yellow and green “Tarmac” colours are brush painted Phoenix Precision enamels. I had considered airbrushing but the overspray masking was too complicated. Masking for brush painting was much simpler. Cheers Darius
  24. Two more with the scratch built wheel assemblies completed - brings the rake to 15. One more bagged kit to assemble. Cheers Darius
  25. Scratch built undergibbons. Less detailed than the kit part but should not be too apparent once painted black. Cheers Darius
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