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Everything posted by Darius43

  1. Dunmorfettlin… Cheers Darius
  2. Dunfetlin… I have temporarily fitted the MTK buffer beams to the bogie fronts. There are some 3D printed versions on there way from eBay… Cheers Darius
  3. And watch the smoke from the motor burning itself out as the loco moves not. Cheers Darius
  4. Primer on. Test fit to chassis. Body lowered to final position. Further fettling required at the roof to bodyside joint. Cheers Darius
  5. Acquired recently in a part assembled state - an MTK Class 45 kit. The body side parts were carefully separated and the original adhesive (looks like Evo Stick) removed. The bodyshell was then reassembled. Gaps and joints were filled and left to harden. Plan is to mate the shell with a Mainline chassis. The original chassis weights are probably not required… Cheers Darius
  6. Thanks Gibbo - I had a set of the MPD drawings on my old laptop but it has since died with them still on board. Cheers Darius
  7. Cab front and door handrails fitted. I used 0.45mm dia. brass wire for the door rails and 0.7mm dia. nickel silver wire for the cab front rails. Cheers Darius
  8. Buffer beam details fitted. Cheers Darius
  9. I replaced the rather crude mesh grilles provided with the kit with etched brass grilles from A1 Models. Did the same for the Class 27. Cheers Darius
  10. Secondary painting completed. Cheers Darius
  11. Initial painting completed. Cheers Darius
  12. I was aware of the fuel tank differences between the 33 and 27 but chose not to hack about the chassis too much at this stage. I’ve been collecting MTK for some time now and am building them for fun and to show that they can be built to a reasonable standard compared to the rtr Heljan examples - of which I have quite a few. At the end of the day I really enjoy building kits. Cheers Darius
  13. Hot on the heels of the Class 27 comes this very similar kit. Cheers Darius
  14. Fantastic!!!!! Pre-orders in. Cheers Darius
  15. UTA “Sputnik” MPD No.42 - Dapol coach with Comet sides and scratch built undergibbons. Decals are by Railtec. Cheers Darius
  16. Decals and light weathering to finish. Cheers Darius
  17. Hence their “Sputnik” nickname. Cheers Darius
  18. Glazing fitted and interior cut and shut from spares box coach interiors. Decals and other details next. Cheers Darius
  19. Undergibbons painted. Cheers Darius
  20. Undergibbons fitted using plasticard and copper rod. Cheers Darius
  21. Getting back to this one, finally. New undergibbon fittings, glazing and interior required. Cheers Darius
  22. Something different - BR wagon built for carrying DEMU engines between depots on the Southern Region. 3D printed kit by 12A models. The kit goes together nicely. I printed my own decals based on images on the 12A models website. Cheers Darius
  23. Decals applied and light weathering to finish. Cheers Darius
  24. Dunglazin. Cheers Darius
  25. Cab front and door handrails fitted. Cheers Darius
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