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Everything posted by Darius43

  1. Getting there… Cheers Darius
  2. Now that is anything but Zen-like… Cheers Darius
  3. Arrived today - photos tomorrow Cheers Darius
  4. This is actually quite therapeutic - almost Zen-like… Cheers Darius
  5. Tiling commenced… Cheers Darius
  6. Roof surfaces affixed. Roof tiling next - that’s going to be fun… Cheers Darius
  7. Walls clad and painted. Cheers Darius
  8. Barn construction commenced using 2mm thick card. Cheers Darius
  9. Dunpaintin. Cheers Darius
  10. Scratch built structure for the diorama. Cheers Darius
  11. Hi Gibbo, Alas no cigar. Cheers Darius
  12. Built today - modified Buggleskelly Station 3D printed windmill. This will form part of a yet-to-be-constructed diorama. Cheers Darius
  13. 1:48 Hawker Hurricane MkI - Pegasus kit. 1:48 Corsair IV - Hobbycraft kit. 1:48 Avro Anson 19 - Sanger vac form kit. Cheers Darius
  14. 1:48 Vought F4U-4 Corsair - Hasegawa kit. 1:48 F4U-5N Corsair - 1:48 Minicraft kit. 1:48 Mustang Mk III - Tamiya kit. 1:48 Grumman F7F-3 Tigercat - AMT kit. 1:48 Dh Mosquito FB-IV - Tamiya kit. 1:48 Bristol Beaufighter MkVI - Tamiya kit. Cheers Darius
  15. 1:48 Hawker Typhoon - modified Monogram kit. 1:48 Hawker Tempest V - Eduard kit. 1:48 Bristol Blenheim - Classic Airframes kit. 1:48 Westland Whirlwind - Classic Airframes. 1:48 Curtis P40 Warhawk - Hobbycraft kit. Cheers Darius
  16. ICM 1:48 Spitfire Mk VII 1:48 Hasegawa Thunderbolt MkII. 1:48 Accurate Miniatures Mustang 1A 1:48 Hasegawa Hurricane MkII 48 Spitfire PR19 - Academy kit with Aeroclub conversion kit. 1:48 Spitfire IX - can’t remember the kit manufacturer but it wasn’t mainstream. 1:48 F-51 Mustang - Tamiya kit. Cheers Darius
  17. Cheers Darius
  18. Trailer coach doors scribed, roof details added and chassis painted. Door ironmongery and end details added. Primer coat applied. Cheers Darius
  19. Got a Shackleton in my model aircraft collection - 1:48 scale MR3 built from the Sanger vac form kit. Perhaps a diorama with a runway level crossing is in order - would need to be in O gauge though… Cheers Darius
  20. Cheers Darius
  21. Also have this one - still waiting for a patch of wall to be hung on. Cheers Darius
  22. I have some similar posters from a web shop. Fortunately it was not this one… Belfast has certainly changed since I was last there a couple of years ago… Cheers Darius
  23. I have this poster framed at home as a reminder of a wonderful trip I did with my Mum and Dad from Portrush to Derry and back about 20 years ago. I was looking at it this morning and noticed that there are three guys in the cab and two of them are leaning out of the side window on both sides. One is looking forwards and the other to the rear. Does anyone know why they are doing this - was it a regular occurrence? Cheers Darius
  24. I bought a DCC sound Jaffa Cake 4-CEP from Derails a few weeks ago at a good discount because the box end had a slight tear. If you are not a collector of pristine tissue wrapped boxes and actually want to run the models on a layout these are very good value for money. You also get free biscuits. Cheers Darius
  25. Back in the 1980s I had a Märklin HO model railway. This was before DCC but the Marklin power system was 16V AC with a stud supply “third rail” along the track centreline as opposed to 2 rail DC, i.e. Hornby. Nowadays Marklin and Trix are the same company (Marklin) with Marklin models being 3-rail AC and Trix 2-rail DC. I don’t know if the “MFX” DCC system that Marklin uses works for both the 3-rail and 2-rail systems but it may be that you need a Marklin system for 3-rail and a different Trix system for 2-rail. It may be worth contacting someone like Gaugemaster to find out. Cheers Darius
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