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Everything posted by Darius43

  1. This looks like a longer wheelbase “hybrid” made with extension pieces cut from another wagon which had the CIE wheel logo on it. Cheers Darius
  2. Great announcement. Two packs preordered. Cheers Darius
  3. Packaging repurposed Cheers Darius
  4. Middlemark is now being dismantled prior to its moving to a new home where we will rebuild it. We have the technology. It will be better than before. Cheers Darius
  5. Then there was 664 - the neighbour of the beast. Cheers Darius
  6. Some shed running this afternoon. Cheers Darius
  7. And then there were three… Cheers Darius
  8. My two 37/6 models arrived a few days ago direct from Accurascale. I applied some light weathering and fitted Accurapeops. Cheers Darius
  9. I pity the fool… Cheers Darius
  10. Added the “timber” baulks to the bases of the containers. Cheers Darius
  11. Turnbuckles and tie down chains added to be the bogie container flat.. Cheers Darius
  12. Etched turnbuckles and chains fitted. Chains toned down and light weathering to finish. Cheers Darius
  13. I never did any extra vehicular activity like that but was at scout camp in Staffordshire in 1976 aged 11 where we constructed a sort of assault course that comprised two ropes strung vertically above each other between two trees about 30 feet above the ground. You got up the first tree via a log propped up against it at angle using a rope to pull yourself along. Then you traversed to the second tree using the two ropes - feet on the lower one and hands gripping the upper one. At the second tree was the “reward” a kind of zip wire that got you back to the ground. Went round it several times. It was great fun with no safety gear or harnesses in sight. Cheers Darius
  14. Turnbuckles and tie down chains next. Cheers Darius
  15. Oxford Diecast Bedford RL modified and repainted to be a Lowmac load. Before:- After:- I lowered the tilt to “railway transport” configuration. Cheers Darius
  16. A bogie container flat that I had made using a Dapol LMS coach chassis had responded badly to a spell in the sun… Today I finally got round to sorting the bogie flat out using a hot water immersion bath and judicious bending with a plunge into cold water. The plasticard top plate was scribed to represent planking and stays made from etched brass strip installed in pre-drilled holes. Next step is to add the tie down chains to the containers, which are Bachmann - available as a set of four. Cheers Darius
  17. Some videos of a running session earlier this month. Cheers Darius
  18. Well…
  19. Finished - bar some light weathering. Cheers Darius
  20. Chassis arrived today and has been cleaned up and the buffer beams painted red. Etched ladders fitted and a coat of Halfords satin black applied to the cab and body. Cheers Darius
  21. I decided to modify the spare Bachmann Class 08 body from the D3/12 Shunter project to represent what followed - a Class 12 Shunter. A spare Bachmann Class 08 chassis is on it’s way from eBay. Cheers Darius
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