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Kirley last won the day on January 31 2013

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  1. Kirley


  2. Excellent result Eamonn
  3. Thank you for taking the time to write to me personally on this matter which I now consider closed.
  4. I have taken the decision to no longer post on this forum. Firstly I would like to thank all those many members who have helped and advised me over the years without which I would have never achieved so much in such a short time. The degree of assistance was such that I regard them as friends though I have never met many of them. Secondly I would like to point out my reason for leaving was the recent attitude and comments of a Moderator who had not even the courtesy to reply to my last Post. Thirdly I want to pay a complement to Stephen and all his team at IRM for the recent introduction of what is going to be a fantastic range of detailed rolling stock and wish them well in the future. Kieran
  5. I have taken the decision to no longer post on this forum. Firstly I would like to thank all those many members who have helped and advised me over the years without which I would have never achieved so much in such a short time. The degree of assistance was such that I regard them as friends though I have never met many of them. Secondly I would like to point out my reason for leaving was the recent attitude and comments of a Moderator who had not even the courtesy to reply to my last Post. Thirdly I want to pay a complement to Stephen and all his team at IRM for the recent introduction of what is going to be a fantastic range of detailed rolling stock and wish them well in the future. Kieran
  6. Fran I felt the need to point out to you that I was not been flippant as you had stated, “That's a disappointing attitude to take Kieran. I'm surprised at you tbh. It was a simple query”, the clear inference I was not taking the question seriously. You also state “Others” pointed the same but “Others” have also contacted me privately criticising the way you in addressing this matter. For you to start your answer, “Erm, well if you felt the need to point out that you were not being flippant” is condescending in the extreme. You go on to say, “I'm happy to see that it was a simple misunderstanding”, are you now accepting that I did not portray “a disappointing attitude” in the contents of my post? I would have hoped that in this type of situation a Moderator would have contacted the Poster privately and queried the content and resolving the matter rather than coming to a decision and publically stating it.
  7. Peter asked “where I might pick up flux paste for soldering" not what type of soldering to use. As he does not give any location where he is based my only thought was the internet was his best option, by putting flux paste into any search engine he would have got loads of options. I was not been flippant in my answer only trying to help a fellow modeller which has always being my approach. I don't understand what you mean by "a disappointing attitude" and ask you please to withdraw your remarks.
  8. The internet, the world is your oyster.
  9. A excellent build David.
  10. What you have a kit but can't find it.... you must have some collection. Anyway the book gives 3 drawings but no measurements, 101 @ 1888, 184 & 186 as they are today. New Irish Lines have been doing a series of give away drawings of GSR and include J15A & J15B with measurements.
  11. Ran some very old stock today. Some MkII coaches with MIR brass etched sides, showing their age. Some Lima coaches converted into NIR Enterprise stock. Finally ran some Shale Wagons with 078 providing the power.
  12. Can't wait to see the finished layout.
  13. Brick work tedious as you say but worth it.
  14. Kirley

    850 Nearly there!

    Just found this blog after reading your article in NIL. Excellent job Mike sorry I missed this build
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