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Everything posted by Ben

  1. On the Sligo Line Mk 2 Set the Guard would announce over the Intercom. The Next Stop is ............ Could all passengers ,Who wish to leave the train at the next stop .Please move up to the Front of the Train in Order to Reach The Platform ...
  2. Now that's what I call a train
  3. They where CIE built Laminates introduced in 1954 I travelled on these on the Limerick junction to Limerick service .I even Recall been hauled by a 101 sulzer. There is one at dunsandle
  4. CIE SUPER TRAIN LIVERY ,AS WITH THE mk 2 When New. Later applied to 071Class
  5. New 2014 Winter Releases We are pleased to announce that we will release Locos 208 & 209 in the original NIR blue livery, 230 "River Bandon" in the original "Enterprise" livery and 233 "River Clare" in "Enterprise" livery with yellow ends in time for the Model Railway Society of Ireland October show. Note that the photo above is one of our original Lima units and is for illustrative purpose only. We will provide photos when available. Due for arrival in November 2014 (in time for Christmas) will be the next batch of Mark II coaches in the CIE Supertrain livery.There will be a total of seven different coaches comprising of 1st, Composite, 3 x Standard class and an EGV.
  6. On the Sligo Train at the Time I remember you could up grade to Super standard For £5 or £8 Pound .There was a Special in the Dining car on the full Irish Breakfast £4.75 A pot of coffee grilled full fry toast brown bread all prepared on board. Now its coffee in a paper cup with a muffin
  7. http://www.rte.ie/archives/2014/0723/632532-dart-from-bray-to-howth/
  8. I recall this on some of the old front engine buses on there last days and also the plastic mk3 buffet cars seats (short lived)
  9. http://www.rte.ie/archives/2014/0718/631548-first-female-bus-conductors/ The seats on the bus don't look right ?
  10. I think it was fire damaged in the time of the fire in the carriage shops, so it was never completed
  11. InnoTrans 2014 Public Days 27 - 28 September 2014 Messe Berlin outdoor display and tracks 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Entrance: 2,50 € - free for children up to 14 years old Entrance South, S-Bahnhof "Messe Süd" http://www.innotrans.de/en/Visitor-Info/PublicDays/
  12. http://www.rte.ie/archives/2013/0214/367731-journey-through-dublin-city-1966/
  13. http://www.rte.ie/archives/exhibitions/688-elections/696-general-election-1982-november/139431-garret-fitzgerald-takes-the-train/
  14. I like it cant wait till the Hyundai rail cars get this. I hate that grey, and some rebuilding to the front ends
  15. http://vimeo.com/62214735
  16. Ben

    Sligo line closed

    Photo of the Sligo line where the flooding was ,just out side Carrick on Shannon Before the Shannon Bridge (black Arrows show where the line is )
  17. Ben

    Sligo line closed

    Update: Bus Transfers to remain in place all this week between Carrick-on-Shannon and Longford 28 February 2014 16.00hrs Connolly to Sligo service CANCELLED and not expected to operate until line has reopened. Update: Friday 28th February Due to extreme weather conditions and flooding on the line between Dromod and Carrick-On Shannon, the following services alterations are currently in place and are expected to remain in place for the reminder of this week. Bus Transfers are operating between Longford and Carrick -on-Shannon. Delays up to 30 minutes can be expected to services. CANCELLED: 16.00hrs Connolly to Sligo service is cancelled and will not expected to return to service until the line has reopened. Customers will be accommodated on the 17.05hrs Connolly to Sligo. 13.05hrs Connolly to Sligo service will not serve Enfield. 05.45hrs Sligo to Connolly service will operate as a bus transfer to Longford and by train onwards to Connolly for the duration of this line closure. 13.00hrs Sligo to Connolly service will not serve Enfield. 15.00 Sligo to Connolly service will not serve Enfield. 15.05 Connolly to Sligo service on Sunday 2nd March will not serve Enfield. Water levels remain 60mm above the rail head and inspections are being carried out daily. This website will be updated as will our Twitter account as further information is made available. Iarnród Éireann apologises for any incovenience caused.
  18. Ben

    Sligo line closed

    Found this in the Sligo weekender http://www.sligoweekender.ie THERE were more headaches for train commuters from Sligo to Dublin this week. Passengers were stranded on the afternoon Sligo to Dublin train for over three hours after the train broke down outside Collooney. 
The train left MacDiarmada Station in Sligo at 1pm, but came to a stop about a mile before Collooney Station. 
The passengers were left on the train until after 4pm, as it was considered unsafe to take them off. 
Iarnrod Eireann then sent a replacement engine from Dubin to tow the train into Collooney Station. Passenger then continued the journey by bus to Dublin from Collooney. The overall delay lasted for over three hours. 
The train was packed with passengers, and Iarnrod Eireann say they will all be entitled to a full refund. 
As a result of the breakdown, the 3pm service from Sligo to Dubin is now also being delayed. This follows delays all last week when commuters had to take the bus due to parts of the track being flooded. The problem is set to continue this week with parts of the track still submerged in rain water .http://sligoweekender.ie/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/IMG-20140224-00454-540x484-300x268.jpg
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