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Everything posted by djkonore

  1. Ye, I tried cleaning the wheels with track cleaner on a cotton bud. I'll check that out Anto, although I don't know why they would all go bad at the same time. I'm hoping the 071's will be better with 6 axel pick-up.
  2. I should add that I haven't run any trains on the layout in a few months.
  3. I'm running 3x 141/181's on my layout, but all of which are having power pick up issues. They're lights are flickering, sound interruptions and completely stop at times. I cleaned the track with track cleaner which has worked well in the past, but didn't solve it completely this time. I'm getting between 12.5v and 12.6v all around the track, although I'm just running one set of wires to the track right now, but it did happen before with several feeder wires running to the tracks. I think it must be the power is not getting to he motors via the wheels. Is there a good way to clean the wheels/ pick ups? I tried track cleaner on cotton buds but it didn't work. Thanks guys.
  4. Realistically, there are too many other better options to spend 400 euro on right now. New MM 071's - new Bell containers - new 20' Flats etc.... The list goes on. There's a lot of competition for good rolling stock out there right now, which is great for the Irish model consumer which is great. I understand you probably feel its worth that because you spent so much time on it. I think its Encouraging to see products and honestly wish you the best, but It's just too much money that people would rather spend on other things right now. That's the truth of it.
  5. This happened recently where I live;
  6. No cravings in those cravens - your man at the start is puffing away!
  7. Thanks snapper, that's a good idea.
  8. Cool thanks. Ye you can switch the regions on a computer a limited number of times.
  9. Does anyone know if those DVDs are region specific or multi-region? I'm in USA - different region.
  10. Looks great! Why is one of the side window frames in IR livery. Does it represent a fix carried out while in the possession of Irish Rail?
  11. Ye, bulk containers are usually 30'
  12. I can't wait!
  13. Does anyone know what the difference between the small logo and large logo IR liveries is, as seen on the Belfast model shop livery listings?
  14. Thanks for the pics and info guys. I have some pics of my attempt of some Bachmann Oil Tank Wagons I adapted on my workbench.
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1CK3tk7nRCU&feature=youtube_gdata_player
  16. RIP Ian Curtis, a true genius. Here's some more epic dance moves http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-io-kZKl_BI&feature=youtube_gdata_player
  17. Savage work there Anto, as always! I know where I'll be sending my MM IR livery 071's for a slap of the old weathering stick when they come out!
  18. Try accessing the forum via the ForumRunner App. Pictures initially show up as a thumbnail which you can tap on to view full screen.
  19. I've been using ForumRunner, seems quite good so far.
  20. Get a Mac, you don't have to bother with all that virus/anti-virus nonsense. Vista is a pain. Arguably the worst Microsoft operating system so far.
  21. I just finished a rake of 8x Fuel Oil Tank Wagons that I converted from Bachmann Shell BP Tank Wagons. I moved the ladders to the sides, removed the decals, re-sprayed them matt black and applied the transfers from Weshty. (192 was weathered by Anto) This is how they turned out...
  22. Love this guys videos. He has a fairly lively hand with old ballast there haha!
  23. I notice that the ladders are only painted white in some pictures, was this a modification that was introduced later on? If so, does anyone know when? My layout is late 80's - early 90's. I might get away without having to paint them!
  24. Thanks lads that's great!
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