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Everything posted by djkonore

  1. Thanks Dave, I have a rake of 8 of these lads http://www.ehattons.com/52670/Bachmann_UK_37_582C_45_Ton_TTA_Tank_Wagon_Shell_Black/StockDetail.aspx and a set of these transfers from Weshty http://www.studio-scale-models.com/img/F9.JPG I've removed the original transfers from a few the wagons already, then I was planing on relocating the ladders, if I can. I guess I'll have to do both ladders so...
  2. Well said Des, I'd definitely take a few of those bridges off ye. I think they would be an integral part of any Irish layout, especially for any by-gone era. Btw, I sent you a few e-mails, just wondering if you got them
  3. Cool, thanks lads. I have a rake of British Shell/BP wagons. I might try and move the ladders at the front, around to the sides.
  4. Great work, I've seen you videos on youtube a while ago. Can't wait to see what's coming next....
  5. there's FOUL times ahead!! COME ON!? Where are the moderators when you need them? That was awful!
  6. Great video Heirflick, it's sad to see the old hump back bridges disappearing. They're a trademark of the Irish landscape. Some of them must be over a hundred years old, especially the canal ones. They were built at a time when things were built to last. I plan on building a few for my layout, if I can.
  7. 135 looks savage Eamonn
  8. Hey guys, does anyone know if the Irish oil tank wagons had a ladder on both sides, or just on the one side?
  9. Ye Anto, looking at the model, the front and the cab roof are a high gloss black finish. Where as, in that pic of the real thing, the top of the boiler at the front is grey, as is the cab roof...
  10. Thanks for posting those pics Gareth. Any idea where the speaker will be situated, if it will indeed have one pre-fitted. Underneath the fans I assume?
  11. Thanks, Anthony weathered the two dirtiest ones for me. I would recommend him for any weathering you ever need done. Really gives the models new life!
  12. Ah yea, now I got ye. Brilliant, thanks Dave, might end up making one if I ever go full circle. As for the Hazelwood/Hazlewood debate, I live in America, where they can't spell anyway. My computer constantly underlines things that are correctly spelled using the queens english!
  13. Thanks for the pics Dave, but how does the track hinge? Are you using flexi track? If so, does it just bend when you lift the trapdoor? Or is there also a gap on the hinge side?
  14. That was me. Works fine for me. There's more than one way to skin a cat. I've found that to be the easiest way, glad it worked for you too
  15. How do run the track over the trap-door?
  16. Thanks for all the input guys. Helpful as always. I've been looking at some pics and at the moment I'm leaning towards converting the baggage car into a steam generating van to run with my Cravens coaches. As for the other two coaches I'm still undecided. Probably go with one of the previously mentioned suggestions.
  17. Or what about a preservation livery maybe? I don't know if they would of had coaches of that vintage in preservation liveries in the 80's?
  18. HO gauge tank wagon I re-sprayed. Decals from Weshty 40' Bell containers I re-sprayed. Decals from Weshty
  19. Thanks josefstadt, that would make sense all right. They do have quite a dated look to them.
  20. Ye, I know. I have it now. As good as it's going to go anyway. I don't want to take any of that filthy finish off her!
  21. Any idea how many inches long the OO gauge 071 is? I'm trying to make sure I've left enough room at the end of my layout for her to run around a rake of coaches.
  22. Ye, go for it Anto, even if she's straight out of the wash bay she'd have some shadowing or some watermarks or dust or something. Those uniform block colours just would'nt look like that on the real thing. I guess the trick is to make it look more realistic, without actually making her look like she's been weathered, if ye know what I mean.
  23. Fantastic detail, what a great resource for Irish kit buildings you are....
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