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Everything posted by djkonore

  1. That's some nice foreign filth you've got there Anto!
  2. They look great Eamonn, I'm jealous!
  3. They're getting better with age baby GM
  4. Thanks, but they're the Molasses Tankers, I'm doing the Oil Tankers, same wagons but different decals.
  5. Does anyone have any pictures or a link to any pictures of some Irish Oil Tank Wagons please? I have a rake of oil tank wagons almost complete. I have the transfers from Weshty ready to go on, but I want to make sure that I'm putting them on in the right places. Thanks in advance. I'll put some pics up on my workbench once they're completed!
  6. 141/181's hold their value pretty much, especially IR and IE liveries as they're harder to find for the most part. As mentioned above, talk to Dave Bracken. He's a collector and he can get you any 141/181 you want most likely. He'll give you a fair price, sound guy. Even if you just want to know the current market value he'll put you straight.
  7. 121 Class - The American switcher that started the GM revolution in Ireland 071 Class - The most imposing looking Irish loco, which could be heard thundering across the countryside for miles 141/181 Class - The first double cab GM loco ever built, a cornerstone of Irish Railways for decades The rest is pants when compared to these powerhouses!
  8. Saw this at a timber yard in Virginia. I guess you don't a buffer stop when you don't have buffers!
  9. Happy to help, I've noticed some chips can jump suddenly between speed steps, again adding a little bit of momentum will smooth it out when notching up and down. You can also use your DCC controller to control point sequencing on the track etc. Lots of possibilities, Anto knows more about DCC than me.
  10. Machinery IS art!
  11. Make sure your actually using a decoder and not just the DC analogue blanking plate that is provided with the loco. If so it will not run properly at slow speeds and the other functions may not work. Failing that.......,,Each decoder has a list of CV's. Each CV is assigned to a particular function. Each CV has a range of numbers that can be adjusted to set the desired value of an individual function, ie. acceleration, auxiliary lights etc. Check the CV list for your decoders on-line. Everything you can think of is usually adjustable, although more expensive chips have more functions. As a suggestion, I like to use the momentum function on my controller which is applicable to all of my decoders. This function provides very smooth starting and stopping even if I select a high speed. Regardless of the momentum function, you should be able to run at extremely slow speeds with DCC. Hope that helps.
  12. I have a TCS decoder fitted in one of my 141/181's. It's the "euro style" as they call it, 21pin decoder. (no harness), fits just fine, same as any 21pin decoder. It's a nice smooth silent runner.
  13. Whenever I look at a 141/181 now that hasn't been wheathered it just looks unfinished to me.
  14. The trains I got back from Anto look like they were washed by Stevie Wonder
  15. Haha too much thread hopping
  16. I like the pic of you behind the wheel - "exact change only love"
  17. ....and don't forget about the wedding bus.... https://www.facebook.com/pages/Seeing-the-Wedding-Bus-Being-Used-as-a-Normal-Bus/112252845576434
  18. Reminds me of doing a pre-trip inspection on my truck - as required in the states.
  19. Sounds like a fairly original idea; indoor/outdoor layout. The first I've seen, or heard about on this forum anyway. Nice use of the old pallet btw
  20. That layout looks like you had a lot of fun with it. Thanks for posting the pics. Good look with the new one. Looking forward to seeing the progression.
  21. Looks great. I'll have to get a few at some point.
  22. Nice work Gareth.
  23. Amazing. I'm guessing very little, if any of that rolling stock was RTR at the time it was made. Incredible work.
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