Maybe, but haircuts are ridiculous so maybe it was just a 20-year-old testosterone junkie trying to look like his dad for trauma reasons... I don't know, but arson and violent behaviour always seems to be caused by trauma. Fix these angry, confused young men instead of discussing what IRA members would be best at killing them. They did this, undoubtedly, because we live in a world that coaxes them to do exactly this. To act out against "happy nerds" and destroy "stupid train sets" because they weren't made by teenagers with no hair and 25g of assorted narcotics on them. I'm growing up in this world, albeit a pampered part of it, and although I do want to punch them, I'd give them a hug and emotionally support them afterwards. Again, the world caused this, and we can only thank whatever, if any, greater being we believe in that these people are not a majority (Don't give me shit about this; they're just the most visible).