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Everything posted by LNERW1

  1. It wasn’t JHB’s fault, now- the courts were biased!
  2. I see. I was confused because the two articles seemed to be referencing two incidents, but as they both seemed to have a similar location I thought they may have been two different perspectives of the same accident, one seemingly more informed, ie had clarified there were no fatalities. Unfortunately, I think you might be right about a seperate tragic occurence. I suppose we should not be surprised there are fatalities on the network, but it in no way diminishes the seriousness of it.
  3. I should probably do something like this, as I have loads of “old” models that need some TLC as well. Great job, I can’t wait to see the Nellie and 3MT. What do you mean? Surely everyone with a 14/14 rank becomes immortal…?
  4. I have to say I'm confused? The headlines describe it as a tragic accident, but the Independent article says it was a minor level crossing incident with no serious injuries, and the other story just says it was a “tragic accident” and goes into no detail. Are these referencing two different incidents?
  5. Had this problem several times with a Hornby Magazine subscription, several issues arriving as the standard issue rather than with subscriber covers, which isn’t really a big deal, but with other issues simply never arriving. It’s probably just a general problem with Brexit etc. and although Peco will probably reimburse you, I personally would leave it as the publishers are hardly responsible. However, I was dealing with Key, who I’d trust a lot less than Peco!
  6. Absolutely nothing to do with the topic, but love @DJ Dangerous’s new profile pic!
  7. Ah ok, was confused as the material is obviously covering a broad subject. Thanks for helping, though.
  8. Hi Ernie, just took a notion to try my hand at video editing, so thought I'd try to make something akin to the content of Britishit Rail Posting on YouTube and thought I'd use some Irish material. Tried YouTube and IFI player, but little luck and I was wondering if you had any clips of Supertrain, Arrow, black and tan and early diesels I could use. I don't plan on posting it anywhere except maybe this forum, as I don't have Facebook, YouTube etc. and I would avoid letting anyone in my year know I like trains. Thanks. PS-there may be some of the mentioned material somewhere on this thread, but there are 75 pages! Although I think all the photos are fantastic, it may start to drag at about the 5 year mark. All my respects go to you for keeping something like this going though! If it were me, I probably would have lost interest in about 2014 haha.
  9. Any idea what era/region it is and of any specifications like if it's finescale, etc.? Might try and buy a few items of stock and send to them directly, but unfortunately I have about 43c in my Revolut account, so might be a little difficult.
  10. You've replied to my garden railway topic, how did I not know you had one too?!
  11. I saw this on Facebook. This is yet another member who has passed without my knowing them, and coming so soon after the loss of KMCE as well. I so wish I got to know these people, but often it's just too late. I suppose WMRC's Little Siddington is an impressive tribute to him, and I'll think of him when I see it from now on. Condolences to Dave's family and friends, and may he rest in peace.
  12. Just created profiles on RMWeb and Garden Railway Forum if anyone else is on there. Helps to know a few people, thanks.

    1. WaYSidE


      Hi i live in laois, 7km outside carlow, interested in OO, garden rail and vintage larger scales, see railyard layout

  13. Finally a constructive post. We won't do anything by spouting increasingly cruel and ridiculous punishments, and really I don't think any of us (including me, I'm not being an "I'M ALWAYS RIGHT" person) have managed to pinpoint any real issues we could help fix, apart from donating stock. Judging by the pictures, it is an 0 gauge layout. I don't have any stock to donate, but how about we start donating. Stop being hateful and cruel and help. Im going, right now, to see if there's anything I can do and can only reccommend others doing the same. Again, being angry about it won't do anything, and they're not going to be handed over to an Irish model railway forum to be dealt with.
  14. JHB, don't forget about that court case... max 3 profile visits per hour, per member. We don't want a repeat of the RMWeb incident... (mutters darkly)
  15. LNERW1

    Ken McElhinney RIP

    I only joined the forum a few months ago, and there were some mammoth threads that have been going for years, but I was still intimidated by anything over about 3 pages. As a result I never got around to going through KMCE's workbench and I sorely regret it. My most heartfelt condolences go to all who knew him. I only wish I could count myself among them.
  16. Maybe, but haircuts are ridiculous so maybe it was just a 20-year-old testosterone junkie trying to look like his dad for trauma reasons... I don't know, but arson and violent behaviour always seems to be caused by trauma. Fix these angry, confused young men instead of discussing what IRA members would be best at killing them. They did this, undoubtedly, because we live in a world that coaxes them to do exactly this. To act out against "happy nerds" and destroy "stupid train sets" because they weren't made by teenagers with no hair and 25g of assorted narcotics on them. I'm growing up in this world, albeit a pampered part of it, and although I do want to punch them, I'd give them a hug and emotionally support them afterwards. Again, the world caused this, and we can only thank whatever, if any, greater being we believe in that these people are not a majority (Don't give me shit about this; they're just the most visible).
  17. Train, duh... I'm not being mysoginistic, I just prefer trains over any people at all. That's why I have slightly... mixed feelings about this forum.
  18. As someone who definitely thinks he's capable of bare knuckle fighting these [REDACTED]... Reminds me of the Stamford Deeping show being trashed by teenagers who, I think, used locos as basketballs. As a teenager, I have told nobody in my year about my interests. Nobody. People question the motives of vandals like this but I believe it's the distorted view of testosterone-fuelled teenagers and young adults determined to destroy "geeky" or "nerdy" hobby displays because playing with trains means you're gay and you touch kids and your mum does unspeakable things online, etc etc. I could easily see someone like Andrew Tate ranting about how model trains are letting feminists win or some mysoginistic bullshit. It's testosterone, macho-ness and hate for anyone who is different or even happy.
  19. LNERW1 doesn't ask nicely... he asks VERY nicely and gets everyone to do everything for him! I want to get in to O gauge anyway (not right now obviously) so I might buy a kit or four for the future.
  20. Pity its not available in 4mm... I'd KILL for a 3 quid 141. Like the Cl33 chassis- could maybe do the same with G class and the Lima O gauge shunter? Or Tri-Ang Big Big or just 1960-1985 loco. The problem, obviously, is the massive hole in RTR O in more or less exactly that time period.
  21. This hadn't occured to me but actually makes loads of sense!
  22. I'd probably be an odd socks person as I'm about as organised as a train crash, but it just bugs me so much I will inevitably try to find a sock to match at least one of the two.
  23. Never really got around to knowing this layout properly as the topics almost as old as me! I know enough about it now, though, to say that it’s definitely a loss to the forum. Best of luck for the future.
  24. OK, there is a plan going on re the main railway- the “harbour line” was taken up and the premises reclaimed by the “Landlord” (Mum), so tracklaying on the main line began out of necessity- I’m not going any length of time without any outdoor running space in this weather! I don’t think I’ve at all outlined the plan for the actual railway, so I’ll go over it in a video that I will post as soon as I can film it. As of yet, though, one station has been built- Ivy Road, one end of the U. Additional elements of Sheehaun’s history have emerged (peat, potatoes, another railway line, a large power station in Sheehaunmore) after more inspiration has reached me. Watch this space.
  25. Hmm, pretty sure I was too subtle here- just to clarify, I was 100% flexing- he is actually the drummer. And a lovely guy too- I also own two railway books that once belonged to Darryl Hunt, so I’m guessing he wasn’t alone in the band!
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