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Everything posted by LNERW1

  1. How different are the Hornby chassis for the Royal Scot and Patriot? I ask as I have a Patriot and would happily buy a print of this if I were able to fit it to said chassis with minimal modifications.
  2. This looks incredible. I was about to take out a baseboard and start planning for a BnM layout in the exact same scale when I happened across this. Unfortunately I don't think I can ask @Aussie Phil about this as he hasn't visited the site in nearly a decade and I must say I fear the worst. It's a real pity that we haven't seen more of this layout.
  3. Plan has changed slightly- the baseboard I planned to use is now being used for an O16.5 layout based on Bord na Móna. Royal Park is being moved even further back, and will not see much progress for a good few years. As it is, all I’ve actually done is half-built an apartment block. The BnM layout is intended to be a way to work on scratchbuilding, while also being something I’m genuinely interested in.
  4. Wow, really? What vehicles have you used, and on what lines?
  5. There are a few solutions to ableism point tbh. Example of “buggies” is a nice idea, and circling back to the point on weather, having both electric buggies and pedal-powered vehicles with some “convertible” roof system would be great. Something simple that can easily be slid open, very akin to a convertible car. Maybe not super relevant but the Cavan and Leitrim have a couple of manually-powered vehicles, ie a handcart and a vehicle basically made up of two bikes. I’ve had the pleasure of riding on both and I have to say they’d be good fun along a BnM line. I still would love for the same thing to happen on Coolnamona though.
  6. Apparently BnM has purchased Velorail vehicles- looks like they're planning something with their lines, so maybe not all hope is lost. (source: IRRS journal Feb. 2024, News section) Also, I think I saw @jhb171achill mentioned as the author of a text relating to a late stationmaster at Limerick junction in that same journal. Wouldn't surprise me, I think JHB might literally be the IRRS archive personified (in a good way).
  7. That would probably be easier but that isn't exactly what I'm going for- the idea of realistically-operated semaphores is why I actually want a signalling system. I think I'll use Tenmille signal heads, attached to scratchbuilt posts, with the signal light hopefully being an LED (with wiring inside the post and the bulb being encased in resin or glue to prevent any water from short circuiting). As I said, the signal and point rodding will be using a wire-in-tube system, which will run trackside while wiring for LEDs is planned to be from wiring running along trackside power lines. This is so nothing is buried or hidden in such a way it would be inaccessible should something go wrong, it is also easy to identify, and I can say "Even the signal rodding and power lines actually function". The power lines can also power lighting in buildings, and any moving functions like a windmill or point motors on the tramway (I unfortunately can't use wire-in-tube for the tramway, so I will use point motors. I may also use electrical signalling of the type used on LUAS lines to control exit from the tramway onto the main line). Also, tracklaying is going to have to commence YET AGAIN as my butterfly mind has decided the system I was planning to use for building the roadbed was inadequate and will now be replaced by bricks with soil piled behind them- the bricks are going from being the embankment itself to a retaining wall. Don't worry, I haven't seen any flaws with this system so tracklaying should be final this time. At least for a few years. Finally, no progress on the railmotor. Signalling/wiring diagram planned, will hopefully be posted within a week.
  8. Stuff like this fascinates me. I have a whole book on early UK railways that goes into plenty of lines that ran up mountains just like this, but the Ireland section (covering north and south as there wasn't a distinction when the lines were built) is negligible. I can't say I know much about the Mournes bar a song by the famous music hall performer Percy French, but the incline reminds me of the slate quarries at Blaenau, Llanberis, Penrhyn, Abergynolwyn, etc. Any clue of the gauge of the incline? Given the apparent scale of it compared to its surroundings, it seems to be 3ft, which is a reasonable assumption- but given I'm sure it was an entirely isolated system with no outside connections, it was probably some esoteric gauge like 2ft 7-1/6in. It's fascinating to see such a complete example of this technology- everything seems to be as good as though the incline closed 20 years ago, although I'm sure it's closer to a century. I suppose there's little pollution, and there's hardly enough up there to bother taking it down, or anything being built over it, or anyone wanting to vandalise it or steal parts. It's fascinating and I'd love to visit, do you have directions to it or coordinates on Google Maps? Thanks.
  9. You’re a much braver man than myself. Best of luck with the three links, it’s honestly probably the only solution to my problem of something like five different types of couplings in my 00 collection, so I might try it as well.
  10. I see, I’ll be sure to support the railway by going there often. Thanks anyway.
  11. Ok, so I didn't get around to posting any pictures, but thought I'd share some news regarding progress on the railway, although it is progress which since the last post has been entirely conceptual. Firstly, I decided on an RC system for control. This was always a concept I had floating around, but I have more or less decided on the system to be used now: a 4-channel system reccomended by a very talented modeller on RMweb, with lithium-polymer (LiPol) batteries being used inside the locos. This, however, created a problem with my smallest loco, an LGB Orenstein and Koppel 0-4-0. This is absolutely tiny and I could not find any way to fit more than one LiPol, and so I decided to use the locomotive and two damaged coaches to create a steam railmotor with a push-pull carriage attached. The more substantially damaged of the two vehicles is the baggage car, and luckily the 0-4-0 fits almost perfectly in the baggage area, which I didn't consider would be of any use on a line as short as the SLR would be- there wouldn't be enough baggage, frankly. I plan on starting a Workbench topic for the railmotor and other projects, as soon as I get an actual workbench. The other concept is a new history of the SLR. This incorporates a lot more than that laid out in the initial post (much and all as I hate to disregard it). It adds several new aspects to Sheehaun, such as a line running between Sheehaun Fertiliser Works, Spudpatch Sidings and Sheehaunbeg Potato Products Ltd, which will add sidings to the tramway, BnM-style lines to the potato patch, and a new industry (Sheehaunbeg Potatoes) that I would like to have a small internal SM32 system, running with just a few small skip wagons and a little diesel. Also, I plan to add a turntable to both ends of the line eventually.Finally, a slightly less conceptual aspect, but I'm planning on adding trestles, virtual-level running and embankments to the running line. Also, does anyone have advice on signals? Obviously they are unnecessary for a line as small as mine, but signalling fascinates me and I would love to incorporate it, but I have very little knowledge on where to source kits, parts etc. As it is my best option seems to be Tenmille, but at 10mm/1ft they will be underscale, plus i'm worried there is too much soldering involved. Any advice would be appreciated.
  12. Saw that earlier- although BnM actually flat out told me LM335 was going to Stradbally when I inquired months ago. Considering not even all the SWR volunteers knew, I’m not sure they should have said so. Although it’s possible they had to say so due to freedom of information, IIRC it was a volunteer buying LM335, so hopefully anyone involved with Stradbally can clear that up.
  13. How similar is Number 6 to the Colorado Southern “Galloping Goose”?
  14. Funny, im reading this sat ~100m from the alignment of the old line just outside the station.
  15. I’ve a question- can I volunteer in July? Family goes to Ballyconeely every summer for at least a month and, apart from a workout schedule for rugby, I don’t have much to do. The biggest potential roadblock here is that I’m only 13. I know my local railway’s minimum volunteering age is 16, but I’m not sure whether that’s law or just their insurance. Be happy to hear back from you as this is a project I am very much interested in.
  16. It might have been on strike- were you making it shunt?
  17. I know who the Rubberbandits are Derek- “Horse Outside” is on my playlist and I listen to Blindboy’s podcast, and I like some of their other songs too. They’d never get away with “Up Da Ra” today, not even a decade later.
  18. Should have mentioned that the clip fell under US fair use (both the creator and Mattel were/are based in the USA) and UK fair dealing. Also, as I’m currently looking at getting into Thomas YouTube, does anyone have the Irish equivalent of those laws? I can’t watch that- YouTube recommended the last episode where (I think) they all die, so it’s entirely ruined for me now… oh, the misery.
  19. Only really pertinent to the thread as they’re in 00 and my other planned 00 layout is probably not happening, but I received what I believe are 2 Mk1s and an LMS 50’ composite, all in BR carmine and cream (that’s the name Hornsby used in 2004 and it’s the best name, IMHO).
  20. Ok, lads, here's a new one that I definitely didn't steal from the thread on Casino Model Railway Museum, a Class 165 'Turbo' as a 29000. Doesn't look perfect, but it works. IMO a 170 might work better though. This obviously doesn't take into account carriage lengths, so I'll leave that to the smart people on here.
  21. I was wondering when 29000s got a bladder...
  22. Porter's trolley- not easily scratchbuilt but passable representations can be found in the bags of small detailing pieces that come with Hornby snap-together buildings, and if you just give them a quick coat of green or brown paint they should look fine. Metcalfe makes laser-cut bench kits, with a pack of 4 available for less than a fiver IIRC. If you don't want to buy either, I have a few of each I could send you.
  23. JHB, you are an encyclopaedia. Thank you.
  24. We’ll see…
  25. No clue. Probably just glad of some Transatlantic promotion…
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