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Everything posted by LNERW1

  1. Look, I’m not one to accuse but I’ve heard “Sister Matic” before from a well-known British comedian, you’re not stealing jokes are you? Tut-tut-tut…
  2. Thanks JHB, all very helpful as always. Re 121s not often being seen on a branch, I thought I’d twist history a little. Galway-Ardree in my version of history was a more important line, as is evidenced by its closure as late as 1971 as opposed to a much earlier 50s or 60s closure. A single 121 was allocated to the branch for often very long full-line pickup goods, dropping most of its train off at Ardree before bringing the last five or so wagons down the last half mile or so to Ardree Quay station, the reason being few of the train times lined up with boat times and the quayside had little storage to cope with the entire train being left there. Generally only goods intended to be used by quayside merchants, traders, workers, ships etc were actually brought as far as the quay with the morning pickup goods, with most of the rest of the goods being unloaded and brought on to the ship by lorry. This is a nice little excuse for having little Irish goods stock as well as minimal goods facilities at Ardree Quay. Maybe this practice might change when I have enough wagons, who knows? And Re SR/UTA/CIÉ green, you are of course correct but I do think Maunsell is closer than Bulleid for CIÉ. To my untrained eye it looks the exact same and the camera probably won’t see it either, so hopefully no problems until/if/when I bring the layout to an exhibition.
  3. @jhb171achill need a hand please, is grey OK for a 121 in 1963-69? I know green went (nominally) in 62/3, but would grey have lasted longer? Keep in mind this is a rural line as well, and I don’t mind bending history a little to fit what I have. In my history the 121 arrived in ‘62, so maybe just before wholesale black ‘n’ tan repaints, and left in ‘65. Could I get away with grey in that case? Thanks in advance, LNERW1.
  4. That went over my head the first time I read it…
  5. GTA VI leaked features?
  6. "And what think thee of yonder reunion?" "My friend, thou shalt see the land of mine f**ks, and thou shalt see that it is barren." Let's face it none of us ended up getting tickets so what was the fuss anyway.
  7. I understand all of this. Being an adolescent in this day and age sucks, and I know because I turned 14 on Sunday. It’s hard not to be angry with how much this happens, but it’s harder not to be angry with how fucked-up it is that this is normal now, that this world has made this happen. This is due to society. But I think we can still be angry at the perpetrators. Nobody’s innocent here, the people who did it, the people who caused it and the people who are getting so angry about it, including me. We all need to step back and see this could be partially our fault. Yes we need to make it harder for this to happen, yes we need to help people from getting to a place where they do this, yes we need to fix it, to punish them to a degree, to stop this environment that creates them from forming in the first place. Be angry about it, you deserve to be. But also, sit down and think about why this happened. Think how you can help people who do this because they are lost and have no way to call out for that help. This isn’t black and white or a simple case of right or wrong. Think about this. The DCDR is a victim here, but maybe there are more victims in this situation. Note: i retract my above short angry rant, you understand I’m sick of this happening now.
  8. People like this don’t understand putting work into anything. For all my waffle about disturbed teens and acting out etc. this is pointless and I just don’t see why you’d bother if not to just be a pain. I suppose we’re lucky it’s just broken glass and not fire like has happened recently on, IIIRC, the Bo’Ness and Kinneil. I wish I had money to donate to DCDR to help.
  9. On the topic of accents, I’ve heard a story that sometime, maybe a few decades prior to the beginning of the plantations, a British court set up in an English-speaking pocket somewhere in Cork. After a while there were complaints to those that had sent them there. “These people speak Irish, we can’t understand them.” An interpreter was sent over, and after arriving at the court he very quickly clarified that they were not, in fact, speaking Irish, but just had a Cork accent.
  10. Definitely. BR(S) green I believe is darker than SR green so you could use an equivalent paint to that if modelling the UTA.
  11. Honestly SR green, especially on Hornby coaches, looks indistinguishable from CIÉ green to me. I could just look for that.
  12. deleted wrong topic
  13. Maybe one excluding me taking the piss over PMs lol.
  14. Just imagine how much is going to happen next summer lads…
  15. Looks a bit dark, is that just the camera?
  16. I do have a Humbrol paint pen I want to use to paint green over the red of some Hornby Skaledale buildings for the layout. A bit off for carriages maybe but probably good for sun faded paint on a poorly maintained shelter. I might just look in Marks Models for the equivalent paint though as it doesn’t look awful and is on a similar base colour. Not having to prime the coach would be nice and I could say it was red before CIÉ ownership.
  17. This lovely product was picked up at Bewdley on the Severn Valley Railway today. As per above advice I will repaint it into CIÉ green. I’ll work out where to get another one, maybe also a brake coach so the boat train looks the same going either way. What’s a good paint to use for CIÉ green, and where could I get suitable, light-green lining? Thanks.
  18. Love the 80 class mug, best of luck with the shop to everyone involved.
  19. Pity about shapeways alright. Maybe post a YouTube video about it linking the 3d files in the video description? Certainly a way to keep it easy to access and get it to more people.
  20. Surely one of them will look good in green… I need some proper “old” coaches for my layout.
  21. Was that intended for the Hatton’s coaches thread? @BosKonay @Warbonnet @Garfield just in case.
  22. Jesus, that died on its arse. Ah well, looks set to be a great show. Looking forward to it, might see some of ye there!
  23. This post has been deleted as the poster does not have the necessary modelling skill to interact with this thread.
  24. Lol. I meant why not have a competition that’s not just meant for trams?
  25. Why only trams? (And buses) Rail-based Formula 1 would be brilliant! Imagine a public transport Olympics… Bus handling, train speed tests, tram drivers dealing with heavy traffic, I could go on…
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