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Everything posted by LNERW1

  1. I took and posted the photo on a Samsung phone, running on Android. It just showed up as a file when I inserted it. I usually just insert photos or videos straight into the post, not as files. I can take another photo and edit the post to insert it? I’m back on my iPhone now. Edit: still shows up as just a HEIC file. (screenshot)
  2. 20241101_231855.heic An unfortunate lack of activity on any current modules (Don't worry, there'll be some eventually). I say any but currently; there is actually only one, BUT I am working to right that wrong and am currently planning the only other board that will have points- above is the current plan for said module. As I said a while ago regarding modules, there will be a large shed area, which this is. There is some track missing but that will be added in due time. The track furthest left is the running line. The three spurs at the top of the picture are as follows: Left(incomplete)=coal siding Centre= shed road Right(incomplete)=shed road The line past the bottom turnout is a headhunt. The bogie sitting between the running line and sidings represents a joint with insulated sleepers. The four points used here are all I have at the moment, but if anyone thinks they may have a better track plan using the space and points available, feel free to suggest it. However, please do keep in mind if you do that there are a few limitations: I only have one controller I can use for this I'm not super confident with wiring, but I can make isolating sections. However, I already have to make one so it'd be nice to only have to do one. Of course you don't have to suggest anything but I'm not as confident in my layout planning ability as I am in the ability of some people on here. Regards, LNERW1
  3. I’m going to cut this off because I don’t like starting arguments. Thanks. also I’m not saying rtr stuff is shite but I’d prefer to support a dedicated modeller than a company as large as IRM/accurascale. That’s all, thank you, please don’t make this a big spat, thank you.
  4. Never thought of that but it makes sense.
  5. Wow, I missed that. and yet @murrayec is the only brave soul to make 8100s. I’d take his over any RTR offering though, I know it’s made by a skilled modeller and not a machine in China. Where can you get the MM units?
  6. I'll be seeing you on Sunday anyway, but for the benefit of those not so lucky, any news on the layout?
  7. (To be read in patronising primary-school teacher voice) Inside voice please Leslie…
  8. I’m off to learn Dutch…
  9. I need to see more, where did you get that picture?
  10. It says something about my total ignorance of 3ft gauge up north that I never knew there was narrow gauge in Larne. A fascinating view though, my head is swimming with modelling possibilities.
  11. Clips24-10-19_07-54.mov Also does anyone have a photo of the interior of a permanent way hut? Anywhere in the world works, preferably 40s/50s/60s. Thanks.
  12. Great as always, love the 121! I can't say I've seen too many colour pics of them in grey.
  13. Video posted later, but how do I get the body off of a Mainline 57’ LMS coach? There seems to be clips holding it on but I can’t figure out where…
  14. I sometimes wonder whether it’s just one person making all of this. You have too much spare time Gibbo! Your layout looks very interesting too. I’m guessing it represents one of the endless junctions on the West Coast Main Line (or West Coast Main Web as the case may be). You don’t seem to be one for scenery, though. I don’t suppose I blame you. Best of luck as always. LNERW1
  15. Well isn't that convenient. In fairness if you're coming in from the south or west as I think a lot of us are, bus is quicker anyway. Not denying it's a pain for loads of people though. Hopefully it doesn't spoil anyone's plans.
  16. I'm betting (and hoping) C Class. If steam there's a few options but maybe a WT as there's a lot of standardised components meaning elements of the tooling could be reused for future IRM and Accurascale releases.
  17. The Belgian farmer who technically moved the French-German border about 3m when he moved a stone marking the border because it was on the way of his tractor, or the Czech COVID checkpoint accidentally set up 50 metres into Poland, are good examples of border f**kery.
  18. Transnistria, a gap between the current and original course of the Dniester river, claimed by neither of its neighbours (Moldova, to the west, claims the original, western course to be the true border, while Ukraine, to the east, cliams the eastern course to be so), has declared itself a state, undergoing a war of independence ending in a treaty to which Moldova, Ukraine and Russia were party, is a great example of people taking the chance to establish a country. Sealand is a much more harmless and playful example, a Maunsell Fort* claimed by the Bates family. *A number of offshore platforms built off of Anglia and in the Thames and Mersey estuaries during WWII. The most well known are probably Sealand (HM Fort Roughs) and Redsands (U6), which has been used for filming Dr Who and Danger Man, IIRC, and was home to Radio 390, one of several pirate stations located on the forts.
  19. As the author of this thread and builder of the railway it concerns, I am ashamed that there has been so little activity here for so long. I hope you understand that life can get in the way of things and a garden railway is no small undertaking- tantamount to building a real line, in the real world, dealing with nature and a hostile environment that is not predisposed to model railways. Progress on this has been halted time and time again by the fact that I seem to think I am building just an ordinary model railway that happens to be located outdoors. So many times have I given this challenge a model railway approach, and not a real railway one. I see now where and why my mistakes were made, and I will try to build on this to deliver something close to what I promised when I started this thread. Thank you and please bear with me while I try and work all this out.
  20. Re conspiracies- anyone have any advice on how to get my friend to shut up about P Diddy and all the famous people who went to his parties etc? It is getting a bit annoying..
  21. Re thread name- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TBJrV6OCc9U
  22. In fairness it looks like a higher-end AI software, so at least they’re not being completely lazy. Anything involving AI is 9 times out of 10 a load of shite.
  23. I find this really interesting. As of early 2024 I think they only had a figure-8 or so of track going for tourism but keep in mind the entire line still undergoes basic maintenance. It’d be a brilliant tourist operation if the whole thing was running. “Little tube” or the like. Unlikely to happen but we can dream.
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