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Everything posted by LNERW1

  1. Scumble has to be one of the greatest words of all time. Gibbo, you’re literally magic. That’s incredible. I am struggling to work out how that’s possible, wow.
  2. Fairly sure at least one stored 201 is in Raccoon, but I could be wrong as I think all stored 201s were primarily used on freight.
  3. Here lads, this may be in letting off steam but can we keep it just slightly on topic? Love the pic though.
  4. Ballast looks better than mine... yours isn't covering the sleepers anyway! Pond looks great too. Congrats on making any progress at all. I know I haven't.
  5. Dcc sound in T would be VERY interesting... but you're right about tinny.
  6. As @Horsetan said, the gauge difference would be imperceptible. At that point you're putting in far too much work just for the sake of doing it right. And yeah, the point of T gauge is to focus more on the scenery than the trains.
  7. Looking for something proprietary but that could work…
  8. Just thought I’d open up a forum thread on T gauge (1:450 or 1:480 scale and generally 3mm gauge) as I can’t seem to find one anywhere. Dreaming up layouts helps me get to sleep (and, as anyone who is familiar with me knows, I often post them without thinking it through), and one occurred to me recently; a T gauge layout modelling the area of dublin encompassed by North Strand Road, Amiens Street, North Quay and East Wall Road, encompassing Connolly and Docklands station, North Wall yard, the large junction just north of Connolly, three Luas stops, roughly half of North Strand and basically all of East Wall. This would obviously be massive and difficult to build, and I’m never actually going to build it, but it was a cool idea and got me thinking about T gauge and it’s possibilities. Right now I’ve grabbed a piece of wood and I’m trying to see if I can fit a T gauge terminus on it. Maybe it’ll become a layout thread, but that’s beside the point. I wanted to open up a discussion about T gauge and it’s potential as a scale for serious modelling. A lot of T gauge products seem to be lost in the depths of long-dead websites, so I can’t give too many helpful links. Tgauge.com seems to be the best source for models in this scale. I am also aware of Eishindo, a Japanese brand that seems to have produced a fairly complex track range, judging by the track library available on the model railway software SCARM. As, again, many T gauge products seem to have disappeared into the depths of the web, you’d need to do some digging to find any other sources. I hope this can spur on some interesting conversations. Regards, LNERW1
  9. Just wondering whether 071s would theoretically work instead of a 201 to power MKIV or De Dietrich trainsets? I know they don’t have HEP, but is there any other equipment missing?
  10. Nothing has happened. Does anyone have any advice on realistic couplings? Just looking for somewhere to get fairly cheap, good-looking three links. Thanks.
  11. There seems to be a disproportionate amount of space on the west side of the current trackbed. Was the line ever double tracked?
  12. LNERW1

    DART 40

    Reminds me of that train spotting fella off TikTok with the weird fisheye lens. He wears entire outfits based off of the branding and/or upholstery of tube lines, TOCs and BR sectors.
  13. Quite interesting-looking insects. I’d probably shit bricks if I saw them in real life, but they’re quite interesting to observe through a screen from many miles away.
  14. Ok, I've had a bit of a think, and I think now I should buy some materials before I start building the railway properly. Yes, this has only occured to me now. Same track repurposed.
  15. A very good railway Youtuber, Train of Thought, made a YouTube video on the BCR. In-depth and very clear.
  16. I just learned what a Draper Taper is and so can proudly say 9022 has one. I need to get myself some proper North American stuff, all I have is an unbuilt Big Boy kit. I do intend to build it but I'd still love a sound fitted GP7 or the likes.
  17. Check the garden railway thread...
  18. WLWR a bit away from my setting, but honestly I'd love one too. What chassis is it made for?
  19. Needed to test a few things in terms of connectivity as it’s going to be a while before I’m free of track power, so I built a test track out in the garden. This is Der Gartenfeldbahn- more pics and videos coming soon. LNERW1
  20. I wish I'd been alive when ads were entertaining...
  21. Glad to see someone else on the forum has gotten into G scale. I presume by the lovely shiny track that you're using track power?
  22. I don't have a schedule DJ...
  23. Hasn't been a month just yet, better make sure there's something to show for next week!
  24. I envy you, my ears still haven't recovered.
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