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Geoff Johnston

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Everything posted by Geoff Johnston

  1. Geoff Johnston

    Geoff Johnston

  2. Super job Enda and Siobhan.. Hope to pay yous a visit during the summer and get a look at the layout
  3. Many thanks for coming back to me
  4. have they all gone....? will you have the orange bubbles at Bangor....?
  5. I anyone tell me who is selling these and how can they be contacted, thanks in advance Geoff
  6. Do D+M have a site...?
  7. Many thanks for that info, and for answering my question
  8. Can anyone advise what I need to buy as doner carriages for enterprise rolling stock...I would like to try and Respray some, Also does the drive car have to be scratch built...? Thanks in advance for any info....
  9. Yes all Peco point work
  10. Love this photo Noel, Any chance of some more video of a few trains running
  11. Can anyone please help .. I can't get videos of layout to up load .. Have some new work and stock to show on Maryville Junction have followed the YouTube code and tried to up load but nothing has appeared.. Anyone that has seen any of my videos on YouTube and can upload them please do... Cheers Geoff
  12. Yes Boskonay have a couple done now was going to post them on YouTube first
  13. Have got the railway bug again, Got some more senics done on the layout yesterday(Saturday) Purchased another 201 number230 in Enterprise livery at the North Dublin Show..and 12 Irish ballest wagons from my good friend Eamonn Redmond, Sent for and built 2 Bell containers and wagons and am well pleased with them running well now after some teething problems... Now to try and work out how to share video of the new work on Maryville Junction....
  14. They look first class Eamonn...hopefully not long until we see them running on the layout...
  15. I love what you have done to Tara Junction Noel.. Please keep the videos coming..
  16. This is an amazing layout, I love way it has evolved and the photos of the build have been excellent. Looking forward to seeing much more...
  17. Haven't been on here or up at the railway for some time . As I said in one of my last posts my better half had a really bad fall,and after the doctor had miss diagnosed her condition she has now been diagnosed with a broken back in 3 places.she has had an operation in the Royal Belfast and is now making a good but slow recovery.. So hopefully I will be able to get back to Maryville Junction and get a bit more modelling done.. By the way it was great to see the stand at the South Dublin show, Were I met up with some of my modelling friends including Eamonn Redman and Gerry...
  18. Great to meet up with you guys at this great event. The new look site is brilliant and the models that are planned are a credit to all concerned....
  19. Alan ..I had the same problem as you.. when the loco wouldnt run the lights flickered on and off both red and white. I was using a bachmann 21 pin decoder which was new from Hattons..I took it out and replaced it with another used 21 pin bachmann reprogrammed it and of the loco went,, I still have a problem with the lights only one side is working... havn,t sorted that out yet...........
  20. Hi All............ Can anyone point me in the right direction of what Blue and Grey paint colour I need to repaint a Bachmann 150-1 into NIR Colours..Any help would be great............
  21. Hi Alan, I had the same problem with one of the grey locos myself.Got it at Bangor show, took it home ran it in, Fitted decoder and nothing..! LUCK mine didnt fry... I popped in another decoder and of she went......
  22. Wow...! that's brill Anto.....More pictures please....
  23. This is looking great ..I always love to see the bear boards,and then the progress as things go from strength to strength....
  24. Hope to be there Saturday morning Kirley... Are you with a club or just visiting?
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