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Everything posted by craven1508

  1. you have me tempted to purchase 230! magic scenes.
  2. they will look great with a couple of guinness keg cages on the trailor , nice model
  3. any more clips? it really was a different world 40 years ago:confused:
  4. that is just brilliant, amazing detail to the rolling stock, the sound of the 071 in motion really is special=D
  5. nice footage which captures a great performance yet again from the the lovely cravens still going strong after 50 years!
  6. thanks too all at the r.p.s.i again for an enjoyable spin back to dublin connolly yesterday, oh and the sausage sanwiches and guinness were tasty too
  7. classic footage it really was the good auld days:tumbsup:
  8. look lads this forum is run by a click that have all the say, anything i post is over rulled or as above [not relivant]??? sad sad stuff!!
  9. looks like the Garth band wagon could be kinda back on the rails???
  10. warbonnet, you are great.
  11. nicely done, well done
  12. brilliant stuff there sir!!
  13. such a terrible waste, just sickening to see this, easily 15 more years of service had the mark 3,s been looked after,
  14. that is a classic piece of work,a beauty:tumbsup:
  15. nice pics wanderer as usual, our poor mark 3s!!
  16. an update on todays tour, 082 passed through Athlone light engine at 09 52 and went to Galway as back up, 074 took the tour to Galway in fine style, 082 the left light engine from Galway at aprox 14.05, 074 was if great form!
  17. getting ready here to head for dublin early to join the dublin -galway tour, could a 201 be called in?? was hoping for 082...
  18. 1 word!!! classic!
  19. i love it!! an A class purrrring along just magic!
  20. nothing new with irish rail, my layout works better!
  21. mmmm, they need a good weathering! be tasty then
  22. amazing, just so much class about ballykay.
  23. irish freight models page updated with photos of the soon to be released park royals!
  24. incredible lads!! these brilliant photos have me back in dream land!
  25. so real its frightening!!! love it!!
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