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Patrick Davey

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Patrick Davey last won the day on February 2

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  • Location
    Brookhall Mill

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  1. One of the things I like best about this thread is how one never knows what is coming next!! Fab stuff!!
  2. Yip Colm made a fine job of that vehicle.
  3. That view along the Barnesmore Gap is stunning - one can but dream.
  4. Despite my constant hints imploring IRM to produce a steam loco, the 800s are not quite in my area of interest although I am certainly following this thread with enthusiasm. It was very encouraging to hear that early sales have been so good, it would be interesting to see an updated diagram of how sales are progressing, like IRM did for the A class - that was very skilled promotion I thought!
  5. Am finding myself constantly returning to this thread at the moment, such a great project David, and exceptional modelling as usual! Great to see a Swilly loco being modelled, not too many have ventured into the far north west of Ireland for their projects although Alan Gee's 'Burtonport' is a notable exception. Very informative blog post here from Roger Farnworth, who always produces very readable material: https://rogerfarnworth.com/2023/04/28/the-burtonport-extension-of-the-londonderry-lough-swilly-railway-part-1/
  6. Your trackwork always looks superb to me David - the weathering is masterful!
  7. Also looking forward to watching this one develop!
  8. Looking forward to seeing the branch set making the full trip down to the terminus!
  9. Yes definitely does. Love the quayside too!
  10. Excellent price! Shouldn't be around for long!
  11. Thanks all - I have learnt that something which I thought was a gimmick does in reality have a worthwhile function. Yet again this forum proves its worth!
  12. Good points David - would this apply in 4mm as well?
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