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Patrick Davey

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Patrick Davey last won the day on February 2

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    Brookhall Mill

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  1. That's looking mighty fine Leslie, great work sir - looking forward to watching further progress.
  2. My two packs of H vans have arrived - unfortunately I won't get to enjoy them until the weekend due to a work trip. Just been browsing the IRM wagon section on the Accurascale website - looks like every single wagon across all the products has sold out? Including all the Bulleid opens? Also - I understand about streamlining etc but does anyone else miss the dedicated IRM website...... Great work IRM, yet again!
  3. Magnificent Kevin - both superb!
  4. Leslie that’s very nice sir! Unusual prototype but really looks the part! Keep going!
  5. KNOCKLOUGHRIM ON TOUR I brought my diorama of Knockloughrim on a bit of a tour today, visiting two of my mentors, Kieran Lagan and Colm Flanagan - it was a great pleasure to be able to photograph some of Kieran and Colm’s excellent UTA scratchbuilt locos and stock on the diorama, and I couldn’t resist trying out a few vintage filters too FEATURED: Ex-GNR ‘big D’ 0-6-0 loco No. 34 by Kieran Lagan UTA permanent way wagon by Kieran Lagan UTA WT class 2-6-4t loco No. 53 by Kieran Lagan UTA 2-car MPD by Colm Flanagan UTA W class 2-6-0 mogul No. 91 by Colm Flanagan UTA railcar by Colm Flanagan
  6. The church is incredible Kevin, as are the other buildings, all very impressive!!!
  7. Yum
  8. Thanks - got sorted
  9. Nice - were these your longest prototype? Longer than the Deltic?
  10. Another work of art Kevin and I am humbled by the mention! That definitely looks like it will be very sturdy, with the substantial internal bracing, it will probably last longer than the original! Fantastic work once again.
  11. Coincidentally, I was at that very station - Upperlands - last week, hoping to be back next week for a proper look, but I do believe the original door is in place on the goods shed, and there are other surviving original features as well. Plus, don’t forget the work that Mr. Weaver and the team at Brookhall Mill did during WW2, supplying the Americans
  12. I know it’s normal enough for threads to ‘branch’ off in other directions but jeepers folks this is on a new level altogether
  13. The van was a scratchbuild by another mega-talented guy, Gareth Brennan, who is to plasticard what Alan is to brass!
  14. Knockloughrim had a very special visitor today, BCDR 2-4-0 No. 6, recently built by Alan Nixon @Tullygrainey This really is an exquisite locomotive which definitely needs to be seen to be fully appreciated!! And it runs like a dream too, even on DC! A pleasant surprise was that the sound chip worked!! No. 6 confidently steaming through Knockloughrim earlier this afternoon: 6- - 1.m4v
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