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Eiretrains last won the day on October 22 2014

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  1. Eiretrains


  2. Yes they're mine MM, and I don't mind, glad you found the photos of interest, I'll just mentioned they were published in IRRS Journal 197, one of the last to feature them in those colours. Just probably another point of interest on the black/sliver livery, 074 in its last year or so did not have any IE logos on its bodysides, as shown in that view at Drumcondra, and which gave the locomotive a somewhat cleaner and neater appearance, unlike the others as you say which got quite dirty and tired looking(!). There's some further livery details and dates about the 071s in the archive photo feature in Journal 191 which you may have:
  3. It's been such a shock the news of Anthony’s sudden and unexpected passing. Anthony was the first person I met and spoke to when I first attended the IRRS’s well known Tuesday ‘Library Night’, more than 10 years ago now. For newcomers, the IRRS can be very daunting, but Anthony welcomed me with great enthusiasm, he being warm, sincere and friendly, for which many people can no doubt testify. You could chat to Anthony on any railway or transport subject, no matter how obscure or broad the subject was. I vividly remember he was thrilled to speak to me and about my ‘eiretrains’ website, so much so he spoke that very evening to senior IRRS personnel, suggesting to them I might be worth becoming involved in the society. This kind gesture of Anthony’s, so typically of him, subsequently led to me to have many fulfilling years in the IRRS, the majority of which I had the pleasure of spending with Anthony volunteering in the archives, as well as travelling together on railtours, Society outings and a few memorable ‘chases’, of which now I wish we might have had more of, not to mention soccer matches (he Rovers, I Bohs). I find it hard to believe it was just this time last year Anthony and myself welcomed the All-The-Stations duo Vicki and Geoff to the IRRS premises. We’d been let down by other documentary and TV people before, but not this time, they did us proud; Anthony was brilliant and we both beamed with pride as we showcased the mammoth task that is preserving the historical archives and library that makes the IRRS. It was something we both wanted to achieve so much. Many of the positive things in the IRRS often come about because of individual initiatives and sacrifices the tiny number of volunteers undertake (and I mean tiny). It’s the sort of stuff that’s hardly documentary and not often appreciated, particularly when only the ‘end product’ is visible. Anthony was one of these volunteers, who gave freely countless hours to the Society, promoting the work of the IRRS, improving its image and saving innumerable quantity of historical records of all formats for well over 10 years. He gave me great support and encouragement and his loss to us will be particularly hard, but even more so for his wonderful family, whose heart I feel for the most at this present time. May he Rest in Peace. With his son Oisín, whose holding the famous IRRS headboard (made of letters from Greenore signal cabin), on the August 2017 IRRS railtour, and below, the friendly smile and wave enjoying the IRRS 80 Class railtour in 2011.
  4. It looks to be the GNR(I) station at Navan, taken from the steps of the signal cabin, with the water tower on the right and goods shed beyond as per the similar view below; the Province of Leinster Railtour as you say in May 1966. http://eiretrains.com/Photo_Gallery/Railway Stations N/Navan/IrishRailwayStations.html#Navan_20080919_018_CC_JA.jpg
  5. Just a reminder that in addition to Leslie's above talk tomorrow, this Thursday 6th February 2020 is also the IRRS's inaugural meeting in Manchester, should anyone based in the north-west of England wish to meet likeminded Irish railway enthusiasts. Details of this Manchester meeting, venue and time can be found at the link below: http://irishrailarchives.ie/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/IRRS-Manchesternew.pdf?fbclid=IwAR0F7CxJ9qSCdiwdbCRfRGxNUFKTgzyrhEH6abkfqkA5iqZDgK6xT0udmmE
  6. There's an excellent feature called Memories of the Railway in Castlerock by Des Crockett in IRRS Journal 191 (Oct 2016), detailing the fertiliser trains (and freight in general) on the Derry line, with the different motive power combinations being illustrated, including the NIR 70 Class railcars.
  7. Sorry Ben(!), corrections it's actually Journals 94 and 95 (the June and October 1984 issues of course). I would recommend emailing membership@irrs.ie, which is normally where IRRS journal queries are generally addressed to. Hope this helps.
  8. Journals Nos. 94 (June 1984) and 95 (October 1984) contain the news items covering the spec and delivery of the BREL Mk3 stock. They aren't, as Leslie indicates, dedicated articles, but they nonetheless give a useful and brief overview of the stock and their introduction to traffic. Incidentally the latest Journal (No. 200) has a short article on the Mk3s operating a 100mph trial train in 1984 prior to the stock commencing regular services. Hope this may be of use.
  9. There was only a couple left in Hodges Figgis on Friday, so it's being snapped up very quickly, they may have more in stock again this week. I've heard there's the possibility of another volume in the pipeline but covering the CIE 'black & tan' era of the 1960s and 70s.
  10. I think thing about this was that locomotive 001's cab-front numbers were unlike those shaded numbers that were applied later to other A Classes and GMs; possibly unique as the shaded part was an unusual peach colour with a bolder shadow and was applied, along with the black roof, as part of the inaugural Supertrain livery, making 001 easily recognisable (the numbers sort of jump out!) compared to the other locomotives which got shaded numbers as the fleet were gradually repainted from 1972 onward.
  11. The A42 was the loco involved in the Mullingar accident referenced below in earlier posts of this thread. The picture of it at Carlisle Pier dated 1962 I always thought may be suspect(!), given the black & tan stock, as it more reminiscent of the way the engine emerged from Inchicore post-1963 in the dark green unlined livery. This is believed to be the last A Class to remain in green in the 1960s.
  12. Locomotive A42 was originally in the silver as delivered and it may have retained this prior to the accident, as a few silver ones survived into early 1960s (in poor appearance as one can imagine) but I suspect if it had a livery change before then it would be green. This picture (slightly off colour) suggests dark green without lining in 1962, a year before Mullingar - date may be suspect though. I may draw attention that the dark green it did re-emerge in following the accident did not feature any lining too (like as in the picture) and it remained so until repainted into the overall black livery just prior to the re-engining programme.
  13. Yes I believe it was the last A Class in service to carry the green livery. It was involved in the Mullingar smash in December 1963 and when it re-emerged from the works repaired a year or two later it was in the dark green livery mentioned above, which it had until the late 1960s, it should have been repainted into the black colours but Inchicore staff painted it green so making it a little unique.
  14. The old platform in Barrack St yard was removed in the mid-1970s during track alterations to accommodate the freight container gantry, around 1975-6. The video you mention, I've seen it posted on Facebook groups. This is a direct link to the video (but you may have to join the page Dundalk Northend and Friends Old and New Photos to see it), it was filmed shortly before Barrack St closed in 1995. https://www.facebook.com/larry.ohagan/videos/10209655126169960/ Hope this of help.
  15. There are some photos of Youghal on Jonathan M Allen's Flickr site, not sure if they might be useful, but a few show the buildings beyond the turntable, link: https://www.flickr.com/search/?user_id=152343870%40N07&view_all=1&text=youghal
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