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Everything posted by Eiretrains

  1. Can't help but notice the advertisement on the bus, Kodak Film, very appropriate as I recall reading those Dublin photographs were shot on Kodachrome film, one of Kodak's flagship films for true colour rendition, as the advert says Colour comes out best on Kodak Film!
  2. Those trains are not a cartoon but are from Trainz sim! The E421 Class, the first few ran in a red undercoat colour during the first few months, prior to been painted in the normal black/tan livery as it was then.
  3. A change is always welcome, have been photographing the 29000s since they arrived in 2003 and now they're worth photographing again, the new livery actually reminds much of the old CIE green carriages, if only they could add a white stripe
  4. A nice photo to start off the year A couple of recent ones on my Flickr of the RPSI Mince Pie special: GNR(I) V Class 85 'Merlin' passing Gormanston with RPSI 'Mince Pie' special by Eiretrains, on Flick IE 29407 passing MP.25 Gormanston by Eiretrains, on Flickr And couple of older ones IE 088 passing Cloney with the Ballina - Waterford DFDS by Eiretrains, on Flickr IE 088 passing Hybla with Ballina - Warerford DFDS by Eiretrains, on Flickr Thanks for looking
  5. And here's another for Christmas [video=youtube;GZ-J-t2f4Ig] Enjoy!
  6. Thanks, speaking of videos, these are the latest two, an old one from the 1990s, and another from more recent times; BELL liners: [video=youtube;RZm-gXXzR40] Tara/Cement workings: Hope you like them!
  7. Hi all, Some new photos added to Eiretrains Flickr, this time some more recent items photographed the last few weeks. Transfer today from Inchicore to North Wall with the Mk3s: IE locomotive 229 arrives into East Wall with Mk3 stock transfer ex Inchicore by Eiretrains, on Flickr IE 229 shunts Mk3 stock in East Wall, Dublin by Eiretrains, on Flickr DVT 9003+231 11:00 Enterprise - Dublin Connolly by Eiretrains, on Flickr Also my recordings of the recent RPSI Santa Specials plus 8209 are viewable in this gallery. NIR 8209 RPSI Cravens - Connolly by Eiretrains, on Flickr DSER 461 'Santa Special' - Pearse by Eiretrains, on Flickr NIR 8209 'Santa Special' at Maynooth by Eiretrains, on Flickr Thanks for looking:tumbsup:
  8. If they're Wiggy's videos (I think) you get them from here. http://www.wheeltappersvideo.co.uk/ Or if it's Markles archive DVDs, they're here. http://a0530568.web.runbox.net/
  9. Hi all, I've been adding more photos to Flickr and now have some dedicated galleries for trains which I will continue to augment Freight featuring IWT/DFDS liners, timber and Tara Mines workings. IE 079 Timber - MP.39½ Cloney by Eiretrains, on Flickr PWD featuring HOBS, spoil and LWR workings IE 083 LWR - Seapoint by Eiretrains, on Flickr Passenger stuff such as Enterprise, railcars, DARTs etc.. Waterford ICR - O'Sullivans Bridge by Eiretrains, on Flickr And RPSI, IRRS and DCDR happenings CIE C231 approaching Timoleague? by Eiretrains, on Flickr Thanks for looking
  10. I think this was filmed just a few years ago and since that time the IWT workings have increased, and the DFDS and timber flows have continued, I suspect freight may increase further in the next few years, so not a bleak outlook compared to 10 years ago when everything was falling by the wayside.
  11. Looks to be Cratloe, between Ennis and Limerick.
  12. Just remember though, most of the wagons featured in the clips were just a few prototypes and not the final product, the 'Ex' on the side of the wagons indicate those which were 'experimental', the bogey sundries for instance was never development into a fleet and the doors on the bagged ferts were quickly replaced with the standard doors than the cages featured in the demonstration clips.
  13. Wished I'd be around to document that, a very nice station. Interesting to note since my visit a Celtic Tiger housing estate has swallowed up the former station site, although part of the goods shed is still in situ.
  14. I have planned in my mind to properly document the stations of GNR(I) Irish North West area of Clones/Cootehill/Dundalk etc., where there are many station 'gems' surviving, glad to know the Eiretrains site still retains interest.
  15. Although I haven't been it doesn't preclude me from having a go, are we at Cootehill on the GNR(I)?
  16. Some recent Flickr uploads of mine, including the fantastic day out at Downpatrick (more to come!) - thanks to the ITG and DCDR. IR 146 & NIR 8788 - Downpatrick Loop by Eiretrains, on Flickr CIE A39 - Inch Abbey by Eiretrains, on Flickr CIE 1960s - Downpatrick by Eiretrains, on Flickr Steam 'Enterprise' - Mosney by Eiretrains, on Flickr Steam 'Enterprise' - Gormanston by Eiretrains, on Flickr 29k Railcar - Gormanston by Eiretrains, on Flickr IE 084 'Emerald Isle Express' - Seapoint by Eiretrains, on Flickr Thanks for looking.
  17. Thanks, glad you liked them. Since 2010 I've been using a Canon 500D SLR. The lens is mainly a Canon 18-200mm, which I find very flexible to use; wide enough with a decent zoom, hope this helps.
  18. Hi all, Latest splattering of photos uploaded to my Flickr. IE ICR vs Mk3 - Islandbridge by Eiretrains, on Flickr IE 228 Mk3 - Boyne Viaduct by Eiretrains, on Flickr IE 088 HOBS - Drumcondra by Eiretrains, on Flickr IE 228 Mk3 - Buckies Bridge by Eiretrains, on Flickr IE 072 'winches' - Cabra by Eiretrains, on Flickr IE 073 Cravens - Connolly by Eiretrains, on Flickr Thanks for looking!
  19. Hi all, After a short break, here are the next batch of photos featuring freight, PWD and Mk3 trains. IE 228 Mk3 - Howth Junction by Eiretrains, on Flickr IE 085 Panel+Spoil - Stacumny by Eiretrains, on Flickr IE 072 Spoil - Islandbridge Jct by Eiretrains, on Flickr IE 085 PWD-Flats - Ossory Road by Eiretrains, on Flickr IE 206 Mk3 - Colp Bridge by Eiretrains, on Flickr IE 218 IWT Liner - Stacumny by Eiretrains, on Flickr IE 085 Spoil - East Wall by Eiretrains, on Flickr IE 224 Mk4 - 'Gullet' by Eiretrains, on Flickr Plus a video for good measure.
  20. If its the signal arms you are referring to, all IE signal arms are of that orange/reddish colour. They began painting them that luminous colour back in the early 1960s, moving away from the traditional standard red colour. More recently the texture used became more brighter and reflective to make the best of visibility from train headlights. Some arms though have faded by way of the sun and weathering, so there's sometimes an inconsistency in the shade.
  21. Looks like my photo, I'm glad I photographed them. The South cabin, as alluded to by its windows, is a very old cabin in a similar design to that of Cherryville Junction, styled almost 'house' like before the standard 'railway' style cabins became established. http://eiretrains.com/Photo_Gallery/Railway%20Stations%20L/Limerick%20Junction/IrishRailwayStations.html#LimerickJct_20050129_025_CC_JA.jpg
  22. Hi all, More images as promised. IE 088 HOBS - Islandbridge by Eiretrains, on Flickr IE 226 Mk3 - Dundalk by Eiretrains, on Flickr IE 073 IWT Liner - Cabra by Eiretrains, on Flickr IE 073 Sprayer - East Wall by Eiretrains, on Flickr IE 206 Mk3 - Egyptian Arch by Eiretrains, on Flickr And a bonus video from 2008 featuring Baby GM haulage. Thanks for looking.
  23. It was normal for the IR logos to be on the Mk3s, most of them got this when they were repainted into the IR livery after 1987. The pushpull sets never got it though. In later years, after 1994, they stopped applying it after repaints.
  24. Thanks well they'll keep coming every couple days, I'll try and keep the variety going till I run out, so here's a sample of the next batch. IE 088 Mk3 Transfer - Stacumny by Eiretrains, on Flickr IE 073 Sprayer - Rush Bank by Eiretrains, on Flickr IE 088 - Wicklow Junction by Eiretrains, on Flickr IE 084 - Beauparc Station by Eiretrains, on Flickr IE 29111 - Laytown Station by Eiretrains, on Flickr Thanks for looking.
  25. Hi all, On my previously dormant Flickr account, I've been putting up some of my latest photos from Eiretrains and of recent times. I hope now to keep a steady upload coming, thanks for looking. IE 088 HOBS - North Wall by Eiretrains, on Flickr IE 224 Mk3 - Rush Bank by Eiretrains, on Flickr IE 084 Tara - Lougher by Eiretrains, on Flickr IE 228 IWT - Claude Road by Eiretrains, on Flickr IE 082 Spoil - Killester by Eiretrains, on Flickr
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