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Everything posted by hurricanemk1c

  1. Evening all, Been a while since I updated here, so here's a few photos and albums. As always, click on any of the photos or the album links to view them full size and with captions etc Album link - ---- Album link - ---- Album link - Thanks for viewing! Regards, Kieran
  2. Same tour as last year and the year before as far as I know - definately a good photo op!
  3. Nope - use Flickr every day (two accounts) on computer (Firefox and Chrome) and the app on my phone. Can use it on Windows 10 (home) or Windows 7 (college) so the problem I think is definately your end. The only times it doesn't really work is using certain Wi-Fi (such as Irish Rail on board wifi when the train is well loaded)
  4. Afternoon all, Final update of the week shows both Heuston on Wednesday 13th and Dublin area on the 14th. As always click on the photos below or the album link to view full size Album - Album - Regards, Kieran
  5. I'd doubt it as all of the May tour is done via Whitehead
  6. Makes it a bit different! To backtrack slightly to the day before the previous post, a few shots from Tuesday showing the joint Railtours Ireland / Irish Rail charter of a 5 ICR from Sandymount to Belfast Great Victoria Street. The set had stabled in Drogheda, coming down empty to Connolly for preparation then onwards to Dún Laoghaire to reverse. Ths I believe was a first (and possibly last) time a 5 ICR Premier Class set has been in the bay. Interstingly some very high-powered people were helping load the special at Sandymount. As always, click on any of the photos below to view them full size or the album link at the end of the post https://www.flickr.com/photos/hurricanemk1c/albums/72157664814356604/with/26345767771/ Regards, Kieran
  7. 175 is owned by a number of people but under the care of the RPSI. Apparently getting brake mods (with 141 and 134) so they can transfer over to Connolly
  8. Morning all, Yesterday the Dublin Institute of Technology had a tour around Inchicore works in relation the the Railway Technology module of the Transport Operations and Technology course. The trip was highly informative and was well presented, with the two smmall groups walked around almost the entire site. All photos here have been uploaded with permission from Irish Rail, for which I thank them. Click on any of the photos below to view them full-size or the link at the end of the post Album link - Regards, Kieran
  9. Good morning all, Day 2 of the Irish Railway Record Society tour dawned very dark, very cold and very wet for the run out to Tralee. In Tralee a complicated shunt move had to take place, with the ICR and 2600 having to be moved prior to the special running around. The weather gradually improved throughout the day (if you call snow an improvement!) and by the end of the tour in Connolly, everyone was tired but incredibly happy. Thanks to all involved, including the IRRS' Outings Organiser Shane Roberts, the Railway Preservation Society of Ireland (Dublin Operations) and Irish Rail for the time and effort in the weekend's running. As always, click on any of the photos below to view them full size and the album link is at the bottom of the post Album link - https://www.flickr.com/photos/hurricanemk1c/albums/72157666977075346/page1 Regards, Kieran
  10. Good evening all, Part 1 of the weekend's antics start in Connolly and end in Killarney. Some great driving by all three drivers resulted in little time lost overall and some great thrash around the country. Photos also include the normal services, disrupted due to the ballast cleaning. Click on any of the photos below to view them full size, or this link to view them all Part 2 (Day 2) will come as soon as I've finished editing the shots as required and got a few hours to spare! Regards, Kieran
  11. Evening all, Now that I'm back at college, Monday afternoons mean a wander aroung the place, be it to Dublin Airport, Portarlington or around the city of Dublin. Today I walked around to North Wall, before taking my first trip out of Docklands station. Photos from today are available to view below. As always, click on any of the photos below to view them (and more) in full size, and the album link is at the bottom of the post Full set link - Regards, Kieran
  12. Morning all, Further to The Wanderer's post above, here's a few shots from yesterday's Engineering Works. My plans went through several phases and were finally confirmed after the failure of the 0645 Portlaoise - Heuston on depot prior for departure. No De Dietrich shot at Islandbridge then! Highlights were: -Nenagh Branch shuttle being extended to Portlaoise -216 outside Inchicore -Mixed pair on the HOBS All shots here - Regards, Kieran
  13. Evening all, The Stradbally Woodlands Railway, in partnership with Portlaoise Men's Shed, did a series of re-enactments today to commemorate the first shots of the 1916 Easter Rising (April 23rd). These suprisingly took place in sleepy Laois, rather than the main action centre of Dublin. A train was de-railed on the Portlaoise-Abbeyleix section of the line to Kilkenny. Luckily today we didn't quite go that accurate, but a good time was had by all. Certaintly an experience to stand in the woods and listen to gunfire in the background! Click on any of the photos below to view them full size, and the noraml album link is at the bottom. Regards, Kieran
  14. Evening all, Further to Fran Burke and The Wanderer's posts earlier, a brief visit to Portlaoise station to see 072 on the materials train, a couple of ICR's, 232 on the 1100 Cork and 079 in the yrad. Click on any of the photos to view them full size or the link at the bottom Regards, Kieran
  15. Evening all, A few shots from an hour yesterday at Portlaoise, to see a pair of inspection vehicles and 076 clagging away from Portlaoise. Click on any of the photos to view them full size or click here to view them all - Regards, Kieran
  16. Evening all, A selection of shots from yesterday's trip around Dublin. Photos feature Heuston side, LUAS (both Green and Red lines) and the Northern line up to Howth Junction. Click on the photos or link below to view them all Regards, Kieran
  17. Yep it is a fuel tank underneath - looking forward to seeing more!
  18. It appears that all of the Mark 4's are undergoing a deep clean internally and a general freshen up - 4120 springs to mind
  19. Afternoon all, A few shots from yesterday's wanderings around the Curragh to watch the ballast cleaning operation (and associated single line working). The weather was a complete change from Friday's snow! Click on any of the shots below to view them full size Album link - Regards, Kieran
  20. Evening all, March 2016 starts off quite dramatically here in Ireland. Two updates from me First, shots from Thursday, mainly of Inchicore and getting a shot of the Belmond designated loco 216. The loco is currently in an anti-corrosive primer, whilst we all wait for it to be released! All shots here - --- Secondly, this morning (Friday 4th March) brought snow to the country, with over an inch in Kildare. A little diversion during my morning commute to college was called for to get a few shots of trains in the snow All shots here - As always, click on any of the shots to get them full size with descriptions Thanks for viewing! Kieran
  21. Good evening all, A few photos from Heuston, Portarlington and Kildare from Monday 29th February. Although it was wet some interesting running was around, and as a result I unusually took two videos. One is of 075 on the DFDS liner passing through Portarlington and the other is 078 slipping and screaming out of Kildare with the laden timber. Both are in the album at the end of this post. As usual, click on any of the photos for the full size and description Full album here - Regards, Kieran
  22. That is a very neat looking vehicle!
  23. Morning all, A few shots from Thursday and Friday from Heuston, Portarlington and Portlaoise. As always, click on any of the photos to view them full-size and the album link is at the bottom of the post Album link - Regards, Kieran
  24. Heard Heuston VP as the servicing base (running service, A+B exam style stuff). Heavy stiff would have to be Inchicore
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