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Everything posted by hurricanemk1c

  1. Would be interesting to see (a retro ICR), but not sure what it would look like. The use of 22133 last year with the advertising livery showed how well the current livery hides the mass of metal around the front of the cab
  2. Electra have been around years (and have done Irish stuff for years as well). Jonathan - a quick search (once you know where to find it!) reveals these bodies. Not sure on the chassis, but something like a 31 could do for a A Class https://www.shapeways.com/product/3FN5T8J96/n-scale-irish-railways-a-class?optionId=544872 https://www.shapeways.com/product/GNXBTYWKN/cie-class-141-181-locomotive-n-scale?optionId=392047 https://www.shapeways.com/product/95EE2GWBC/n-scale-irish-railways-park-royal-suburban-coach?optionId=57770903 https://www.shapeways.com/product/JJ9BRY73C/cie-class-c201-n-scale?optionId=384093 https://www.shapeways.com/product/D4WZNFH5D/cie-class-071-n-scale?optionId=407067
  3. Good evening all, On Saturday I took a trip up to Northern Ireland in connection with the Irish Transport Heritage Bus Rally at Cultra. This was my first time in Northern Ireland since August 2007 - and things have changed a lot! No more 80-class and 450-class labouring away around Belfast! Click on any of the photos below to view them full size Album link - Regards, Kieran
  4. Hi Noel. The interiors are getting a deep clean of the existing moquette etc, with any damaged ones replaced and plug sockets installed in standard class. No plans as yet to do a full refurb on them as far as I know
  5. Good evening all, A selection of photos from the past week are now available to view on my Flickr. Highlight had to be Belmond going down the DSE to Gorey. Photos also include: -O'Connell Street LUAS progress -Inchicore - Connolly DART transfer at Connolly -Connolly, Greystones and Wicklow -Heuston line alterations Click on any of the photos to view them full size Album link - Regards, Kieran
  6. Good evening all, Following on from Saturday's rather good RPSI "Marble Tribesman" tour, photos are now available to view. Click on any of the photos to view them full size. Roll on October! Album link - Regards, Kieran
  7. Good evening all, Going back to 10 March for a brief period, where I had the chance to go around Drogheda Railcar Depot, home of the 29000 fleet and Connolly-based ICR's. Photos uploaded with permission and my thanks to those who accommodated us. Click on any of the photos below to view them full size Album link - Regards, Kieran
  8. Good evening all, A few photos from what should be a simple trip. Portlaoise and Heuston are approximately 51 miles apart, but I managed to put in around 200 miles, since I went via Nenagh, Limerick and Athenry! As always, click on the photos below to view them full size: Album link - Regards, Kieran
  9. Good evening all, The final update from last week is now available, with a trip to a wet Drogheda, with stop offs on the way back at Malahide, Rush and Lusk and Howth. It always rains when I go to Drogheda for some reason. Place must not like me! Click on any of the photos below to view them full size Album link - https://www.flickr.com/photos/hurricanemk1c/albums/72157678385415183/with/32750418124/ Regards, Kieran
  10. Good morning all, One of several updates to come over the next few days, when I get around to adding descriptions onto everything! A few photos from Connolly, Portlaoise and Heuston from the middle of last week to start the ball rolling Album link - Regards, Kieran
  11. Enda Corneille (who is Emirate Country Manager) had confirmed 26th March 1410, although tweets now deleted. Brand new aircraft making a slight detour on delivery, although reports of difficulties in Hamburg where fit-out is done
  12. Hi all, It's been a whilte since I updated here, so I'll just group the photos together. As always, click on any of the photos to view them full size The partially refreshed interior of 22038, done as part of a trial: Album link for the month - Regards, Kieran
  13. I completely agree with you. The new website (whilst needed) has lost the main focus, and is very much "Whitehead Mueseum....oh and we also run trains". The list of previously operated trains has disappeared, along with detailed loco histories. Good design, awful content
  14. And of the locos that went through the body overhaul, 071 and 077 have been through twice due to issues (I recall 077 had severe corrosion around the lower cab panels approximately 1 1/2 - 2 years after release). Plus the 201 rebuild programme took precedence over the 071 (and still does), and that the original plan was only to do about 10 of them (changed recently). I have heard 18 months for the rest of the fleet to be done
  15. 071s already had a body overhaul about 15 years ago (IIRC), whereas the 201's didn't until the batch done now. The remaining 141s in Inchicore are also in a dilapidated condition (as anything would be having sttod for 5-6 years without real movement)
  16. 141s were gone way before 2014. Think they went in 2009/2010. Don't recall seeing them in Portlaoise PW after that. Edit: Mainline service withdrawn 2010, pilot duties at Inchicore and North Wall remained until 2011 but limited to 40 mph
  17. Good afternoon all, I'm a bit behind on the posting at the moment, so a few from last week to start the weekend off. As always, click on any of the photos to view them full size. First, a week in the Dublin area: Album link - On Saturday 25th February I went to the Waterford and Suir Valley Railway as a visiting volunteer. Many thanks to all of those down there who accomodated me for the day. I must return - but in sunnier weather! Album link - Regards, Kieran
  18. Good evening all, On Saturday I completed what should have been an hour trip - Portlaoise to Dublin. For me however it took around 10 hours, as rather than going direct I took a trip to Ballina and Sligo, to clear the Sligo line for travel. As always, click on the photos below to view them all Album link - Regards, Kieran
  19. 14011mm bogie centre to bogie centre, bogie wheelbase 2100mm, bogie centre is 3127mm from end of vehicle (excluding gangway) Also Noel is 5mm too short
  20. Good evening all, Whilst a batch of photos gets edited and uploaded from today's jaunts, a selection of photos from Monday to Thursday this week, featuring photos from: -George's Dock LUAS -Seapoint -Grand Canal Dock -Park West and Cherry Orchard -Hazelhatch and Celbridge -Lansdowne Road As always, click on any of the photos to view them full size Album link - Regards, Kieran
  21. Good evening all, A couple of shots from Connolly and Adamstown on Thursday, as well as a video of 084 hauling disgraced 217 back to Inchicore, as seen from the 1625 Heuston - Limerick ICR. Album link - Regards, Kieran
  22. Have you tried C-Rail, as I think they are the container providers for Dapol? Interesting video. There was some intensive planning for that to happen!
  23. You obviously haven't tried a thing or two in the UK! Or a 29000 to Sligo
  24. That link is taking me to a page called "Interlaced-Textile Arts". A quick look on the IÉ Facebook page reveals nothing, however on Twitter it is there Cracking shot!
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