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Flying Scotsman 4472

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Everything posted by Flying Scotsman 4472

  1. It's like everything on my layout Seamus. When I run my trains I like them to look a realistic as possible. Dunluce Castle as you know sits in Cultra and is probably the cleanest she has ever been in her whole life. I don't see the point in spending a lot of time and money on a layout and scenery to make it look as realistic as possible and then spoil it all with a train that looks like a new toy out of the box. It's not how they looked in real life whether diesel or steam and I think clean trains look stupid on a good layout it one of the biggest pet hates I have. It really sickens me when I see a fantastic club layout at a show and all the effort that went into that layout and the next thing this shiny new train running around it. One layout in particular that stands out was at the Carrick show this year I can't recall the name of it but I think it was a new layout owned by the BFPMRC it had a big Ford banner at the front of it. A fantastic layout really nice detail and I could have stood and watched it all day. But you know what let the whole thing down. Yep you guessed it clean unrealistic looking trains. I just hope Bleach Green isn't as big a letdown tomorrow.
  2. That's correct as its only a 5 function decoder F0,F1,F2,F3,F4 are your 5 functions
  3. Probably one of the locos I would love to see back on the rails along with Mave
  4. Very nice model boss didn't know you we're so big into Irish kettles
  5. You wouldn't. it will be worth a few quid in a few years
  6. Ah mate don't be tempting me with that
  7. Yes mate see you there what time you heading down at
  8. Only scratch built but no RTR
  9. I love the new station mate it looks the dogs B. Fair play to Glenderg I hope to have some more buildings from him myself this weekend. BTW what back scenes are you using as they look cool
  10. You don't have to tell me after looking at the fantastic examples you were running around my layout and my own few US bits and bobs there is some fabulous models out there
  11. I seen all the detailing bits in the video, and seen that you do a lot of detailing to your locos I thought that you may have had dealings with them
  12. Goes to show that Shane Sutton could be dead if he got those sort of head injuries while wearing a helmet imagine if he hadn't been wearing one. I think someone on the old site said they would never wear a helmet. No matter if your kids are just in the back garden on their bikes always get them to wear one.
  13. Have you ever got anything of them via mail order Bud
  14. You could probably travel first class with the money you would save
  15. Yes I will be there all day as well
  16. There's enough of them living in Dublin it should go down well
  17. You should check out some of his other stuff on You Tube Seamus. He also shows you how to install the really small LEDs
  18. His talents are unbelievable (hiddenagenda) I've yet to see better out there [ATTACH=CONFIG]3451[/ATTACH]
  19. Just a few broken ribs been reported at the minute he will be al right he's not a footballer
  20. No problem mate I thought it was a Britbus but as wrenn pointed out its a IR bus anyway thanks for the positive comments regarding the KD
  21. The wishy washy blue I don't mind as it's something different and its job is to let joe public and its customers know it's the RPSI train. It's a clean bright livery that in my opinion suits the look of the train with a steam loco on the front. As for that god awful monstrosity of a livery that's use North of the border. It drab, dirty looking, and dull and looks awful behind the RPSI steamers. I think a nice livery for the Northern coaching stock would maybe be an of take of the old NCC livery.
  22. I'm afraid to say but it's all on the crane drivers shoulders. He would have been told the gross weight of the lift. It's up to him to make sure that the appropriate slings/chains that are used for the lift are in good condition and most importantly they are capable of taking the weight of the in this case loco to be lifted.
  23. [video=youtube;h_xkp3E5Y-U]
  24. This guys stuff just keeps getting better and better
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