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Flying Scotsman 4472

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Everything posted by Flying Scotsman 4472

  1. Having problems editing video on YouTube should have it sorted soon
  2. Give Chris a call I think he still has some in stock. PM Wrenneire he should be able to hook you up with Chris Here is a link to Chris's page http://www.chrisdyerfairs.co.uk/index.php?p=1_2_Toy-Fairs
  3. Yes Chris Dyer sells them
  4. Yes Kirley here is a link to some pictures and video https://www.facebook.com/groups/weatheringgurus/682000235223952/?comment_id=682000425223933&notif_t=group_comment
  5. I've built a couple of the IFM park royals and to be honest they are fantastic.
  6. Thanks for your kind comments jhb171achill its always nice when people like yourself and your elderly relative who are so well versed on Irish liveries comment that I've got the colour/livery/weathering spot on.
  7. I know who it is recognise the sitting room
  8. Lots of spiders and cobwebs =))
  9. Practice makes perfect mate I never bust any windows. You have to follow the instructions exactly to the letter. If you try to take short cuts you could end up breaking the coach body/windows. Always remember Lima coaches are like a lady, you must treat them very gently. BR blue Mk3's are the most brittle for some reason.
  10. Did one a long time ago here you go mate bottom of the page in the link below http://irishrailwaymodeller.com/showthread.php/37-Anthony-s-Workbench/page2
  11. Some of the guys on FB said it didn't work
  12. Plenty of opportunities there for renumbering the Enterprise livery and bulking up the fleet a bit. Looking forward to this release.
  13. The MPD's are taking shape nicely K
  14. Came across these on Ebay http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Irish-NIR-Mk2s-1970s-Enterprise-Livery-maroon-and-blue-/191206166057?pt=UK_Trains_Railway_Models&hash=item2c84c68e29
  15. Original Post edited
  16. I think there is a lot of fiberglass panels on them
  17. Just surfacing on the net Bus fire in Dublin (Harroldscross) Photos by E Sherry
  18. Will try and get something sorted soon
  19. I've more of my locos to do so I'll take some photos and show you what you need and how to do it.
  20. Thanks mate glad you like it
  21. Well spotted Boss I dumped the factory coupling and made up my own spring loaded version. Now I have got the prototype right I plan to convert the rest of my steamers.
  22. I was running one of my K classes last night on my layout number 394 when I realised I've never taken any pictures of her for you guys. Enjoy
  23. Nice work there
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