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Flying Scotsman 4472

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Everything posted by Flying Scotsman 4472

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=clFNZGlktO4
  2. Glad all you guys are enjoying the photos. Thanks for the positive comments.
  3. Will do George but first I've some major surgery to do on the layout. A couple of my inclines are on bends and I'm not happy with them. So once I get Bangor out of the way I'm going to be ripping them out and redoing them.
  4. As you guys know they have been cutting up Mk3's the last couple of weeks so it was only a matter of time before it happened in OO scale. So early this morning the trucks rolled into Ballykay with the jaws of death.
  5. Nice work George
  6. Nice collection there I've a few British steamers myself. There's something very relaxing watching steamers running around your layout.
  7. Dave apply a light coating of matt varnish should do the trick
  8. Nice idea Eamonn using wood for the bubble. Look forward to seeing the finished wagons.
  9. Fantastic work on the bridge.
  10. Thanks for the warm welcome lads:o
  11. I think they do a half hour deal between 8/11am Monday to Friday
  12. Hi Noel its great to be back and I know I rubbed alot of people up the wrong way and for that I apologise. I hope to be more involved in the comnunity in the future.
  13. Hi Lads, I've come back to the site today. As always it's good to be back among friends and I hope all past issues can be left in the past and we can all move on and run some trains and enjoy this hobby. While I've been away I've been very busy, not just with my layout Ballykay but with my modelling business Weathering Gurus. Here's a few videos to show you gusys what I've been up to. Enjoy!
  14. I have a few HO locos and stock but for me personally they look out of place side by side with the OO . Another thing I could never get my head around is the size of a class 66 beside a 201 the 66 looks tiny even though they are both OO.
  15. Just ordered a few that's a great deal considering I paid £33 for my first green liveried Dublin Bus
  16. Part 2 of Ballykay Freight. I will try and get a couple of more uploaded over the weekend:-bd
  17. Thanks for all the great comments and feedback lads
  18. Another few videos to come from Ballykay. Here is the first one. Now available in HD. Enjoy:o
  19. Change the name to "The Modeller" as it would cover anything from trains to dolls and everything in between
  20. You could make them from cardboard:-bd
  21. I hope it's the rusty yellow one in the picture great Irish themed thread keep up the good work really enjoying this thread
  22. The site is called irish railway modeller and to a lot of guys out there that means modelling irish railways. If it weren't for a hand full of guys on here posting up Irish stuff the site would be nothing more than a chat room for trivia. At the minute you only have a hand full of guys who actually take time to post up anything to do with irish modelling. When's the last time josefstadt you posted anything in your workbench or layout area? Do you even have a workbench or layout area? As for recent posts on my layout section Ballykay and my workbench one has 30 pages and the other has 35 which is a hell of a lot more than the majority of members here have posted. There will be more to come but I just can't magic it out of thin air. At the end of the day the site was set up for those of us who model IRISH RAILWAYS it had drifted away from that subject to just general talk about modelling and full size trains so maybe time for a name change to reflect the content of the site.
  23. Maybe dolls or dolls houses
  24. BTW this is not just my opinion a lot of the members who talk to me feel the same way about the site.
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