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Flying Scotsman 4472

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Everything posted by Flying Scotsman 4472

  1. I would never have classed Eurosport as a weird channel :confused:
  2. Fair play Broithe you've just proved those guys wrong that said there is no skill in riding a bike. Football is so easy that even cyclists can play it and make it look interesting. Well done mate
  3. Fran know me well enough do you think I'd have a problem going up to him to tell him that:-bd I will hold you to that 201 when can you set the meeting up:cool: BTW mate can you give me a call. Talk later
  4. Loving the Donnelly and Ellis Heavy Haul low loader got one of the last ones out of Hattons myself
  5. As I said Footballers are WIMPS and Cyclists are MEN It might be a trivial matter Fran but its got a great bit of banter going=D Thats why its in Letting off Steam. Come on lads keep it going us cycling fans are have a good laugh at you footballing fans. But don't be losing your heads and remember its only a bit of fun:-bd
  6. Smashed my left fibula, fractured my skull and shattered my left eye socket and nearly lost my left eye in a bad accident at a race in Bangor in 89 took over an hour to get the ambulance to me then the best part of an hour before they could stabilise me I was then taken to Newtownards hospital still concious and rushed to the Royal later that day and put into a coma for 4 days. I didn't get a penny for racing nor did I get insurance and I had the guts not only to get back to training but back racing 5 months later. As I said cyclists are harder than footballers:-bd
  7. Barl what are you smoking tonight so what you are saying is that if I put on a bike at the top of a col and made you go down the other side that the skill of the bike maker would get you to the bottom.
  8. http://irishrailwaymodeller.com/newreply.php?do=newreply&p=5452 =))
  9. 4 minutes to build a viaduct [video=youtube;Wjmz-XJcVEI]http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&v=Wjmz-XJcVEI&NR=1
  10. Did you not go over last year Bud?
  11. I don't know what its like for you in Dublin mate but when I order from him Mr postie has it next morning for me
  12. You really do need to brush up on your Geography bud Nice is in France not Holland Have you still got the TGV any pics. How is the exams going today Bud my Daughter started hers this morning thank God she doesn't get her brains from me
  13. Here you go mate available from Peters Spares in the UK a great guy to deal with and only £3.95 for 4 of them Heres the link http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/BACHMANN-CLASS-150-PICKUP-DRAWBAR-COUPLINGS-x4-36-062-/310245234740?pt=UK_Trains_Railway_Models&hash=item483c0e9834#ht_2066wt_1037
  14. I wish I could have got to Amsterdam when I was six ;)
  15. No problem Tommy just PM me when you are ready
  16. Now Now never let football get in the way of business. After all it's only football not cycling
  17. Very nice models are they HO scale
  18. Well said mate couldn't have put it better myself
  19. You old dark horse you
  20. I have to agree with you there watched the last 5min of the match its a shame you can't say the same about their footballers
  21. Congratulations to Big Al Mayo. For those of you who don't know him on YouTube he is one of the top model railroaders in the States and recently he had a very troubled experience with his new job. I'm not going to go into it as you can Google it. But just a big Well Done from all of us Railway Modellers on this site and this side of the pond.
  22. What song are they singing now. "Show me the to go home I'm tired and I want to go to bed" or is it a long road to Tipp
  23. I just flicked over from Eastenders and I have never seen as many quiet Irish men in one place. Roll on Fair City's next
  24. =)) are they still singing?
  25. Usually the first words out of a cyclist mouth when they scrape him up of the tarmac are put me back on my bike if he doesn't say these words you know its time to put him in the back of the ambulance.
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