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Everything posted by richrua

  1. http://youtu.be/2V9fIMUbHCs
  2. Maiden voyage. Nearly there !!! http:// http://youtu.be/2V9fIMUbHCs
  3. excellent thanks very much.
  4. Hello all, another dopey question, I am afraid! I am putting a siding into my layout. I want it to curve away from the mainline. I have plenty of spare Hornby 605 curves so was going to use one of those. The siding will be a timber siding for an 071 to collect wagons. However - I don't have an 071 yet. My question is - will an 071 manage the Hornby 605 radius or is that too tight? I know some uk locos wont. thanks
  5. richrua

    nice books

    Yes they are well worth it. Great photos.
  6. That is great lads thanks.
  7. richrua

    nice books

    These little books are available in the cheap bookshop in Castle Court belfast. A couple of quid each.
  8. Hello folks. Wanted: Murphy Models 071. Any CIE/IR/IE livery, but would give preference to the black and silver. Not too worried about minor flaws if the price is right. Cash waiting because I think I deserve it!
  9. I'll take it. With postage
  10. Ok. I just thought the little slope near the cab wasn't so pronounced as usual. Trick of the eye...
  11. Is it me or does this 121 look a little different?
  12. Thanks folks. A bit to go yet. Buffer beams. It is amazing what a lick of paint can do.
  13. How do you guys do stripes or lining in carriages etc? For a context - the yellow stripe on an RPSI or the white stripes between the orange and black on the Inter City coaches. any advice appreciated. Total amateur at painting/spraying.
  14. hi folks any idea what width those side support poles would be on the timber wagons?
  15. 182 drags some mk2 s to the respray yard. Well just pretend...... I am a little impatient. 20140525 015304: http://youtu.be/rkCV8UH8VSg
  16. I notice there is a visual similarity between a br dean goods and a J15. Has anyone ever tried a conversion or am i way off ?
  17. aw.. I waited for ages at Derriaghy to get a look. But I had to get beack to work before it came. next time...
  18. any word on this? Is it running to the posted schedule but with diesel?
  19. gonna try the basic black with the white panel . Saw a few photos like that. If i m feeling confidend i might add the tan.
  20. A little more and a splash of primer
  21. Some slight progress...
  22. This is wonderful. The backgrounds are wonderfully 'local' . I like how it is both highly detailed but also unfussy if you know what I mean.
  23. I got a little bored of a simple oval. Saw some nice layouts on youtube with long sweeping tracks and nice long trains. Reckon that is the way to go. So it is time to annex some attic land and extend as much as i can before i do any more scenery.!
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