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Everything posted by irishrail123

  1. super shots Noel, fantastic spot as well!
  2. Read Wanderers comment on that page.... the railcars they are taking about are now long in service.
  3. I uploaded a few random photos of different bits and bobs like a dart in northwall etc. http://www.flickr.com/photos/irishrail123/
  4. I have 13 4 wheel beet wagons from IFM. They are lovely models, look great behind anything really and are great runners. Never any troubles with them. Highly reccomomend...
  5. Very good! I can say your polish is now better then mine
  6. Many thanks glad you like it :-)
  7. Hi Lads I have a few random bits for sale. Since i am into the irish stuff ONLY, i wanna get rid of some of my other non irish stuff that i got quite a long time ago. All of them are in a good condition but unfortunately i have no original boxes for any of them so would have to wrap in bubble wrap and into a box. There is some mechano and Piko stuff in here. 4 piece mechano thalyes 60e. in a very good condition. Few random US wagons, crane + the support wagon 20e. Caboose 10e. All other 15e. All of them are in a good condition Piko wagons, 2 big one's 15e each and small one's 10e each. Mechano Us loco 40e Piko passenger wagons 20each If anyone is interested in any of the bits please contact me and im sure we will work something out. Many Thanks Lukas
  8. thanks lads, yes appears something wrong with loco. put the chip into a different 071 and it works just fine.
  9. Yes i deffinately have the right chip in the right locos and thats them MM0004 and 5. Pushed it a bit more in 201 and it works fine now, still cant get it on my 071 yet though. everything but cab light in F4 works. When i change the direction of the loco everything is the same. same cab light works and other doesnt.
  10. Ok it looks i got it sorted. opened up my 201 and pushed the chip in at bit more and now it works. gonna have to do the same on my 071 which is a bit more painful then 201's lol.
  11. The "official" murphy models one. Have the same problem in both locos
  12. Hi Gents, So i just got a Bachman Dynamis DCC controller and fitted and 071 and a 201 with the chips. Everything works fine but... F3 puts on the cab lights fine... F4 is soposed to do the cab light in the other cab but doesnt work. I am brand new into the dcc thing so havnt got a clue! Any help or suggestions would be great. Thanks
  13. It has the same problem everytime i try to make a video! No getting away from it i think
  14. A few videos of freight and PWD is now up. (IWT's and a few wagon transfers)
  15. 083 on the santa train at cloude road
  16. Happy Christma to all!!
  17. Thanks lads glad you like it not that long to go before i'm gonna put one up on the wall myself
  18. Hi lads, I have 10 calendars left so if anyone is interested email me at luki9875@interia.pl and ill get you sorted asap! Also theres some in grahams toymaster in portlaoise.
  19. craven get vans? no such thing nice picture anyway, nice to see one of them still around even if its not in ireland
  20. Here's a few shots from todays diesel gala in downpatrick. http://www.flickr.com/photos/irishrail123/
  21. I'd be interested in having any proper irish steam engine.... 461 would be great as well :-)
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