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Everything posted by tonybonneyba

  1. Jeepers! They look stunning! Tho there are no diesels
  2. New (used) locomotive, just need plastic card now....
  3. Changing bogies.... http://www.caf.es/en/innovacion-tecnologia/productos-tecnologicos/brava.php A animation of how it works is also on the weblink [ATTACH=CONFIG]21651[/ATTACH] Hit refresh (F5) to re-watch the animation
  4. In Spain, they have a standard gauge of 5ft 6 & a few express service from France which has the world standard gauge of 4ft 8 & 1/2 (known as UIC gauge in Spain), to adopt this, CAF came up with a system for the bogies so that they can change between the two gauges (above) in under 60seconds at high speeds. I'll leave a link to this when I get home. Excause any spelling mistakes.
  5. Just a bit of fun....
  6. Ah bother, not my bad spelling again, sorry!
  7. LINK FIX: Those IOMR 1:76 locomotives which run on TT guage track can be bought here, as they where released this week.... https://www.gov.im/categories/travel-traffic-and-motoring/bus-and-rail/heritage-railways/shop/ The postage is high, but worth it, especially if you have a spare 1:76 motor kicking about.... (Which I havnt done as of yet)
  8. John, that loco looks wonders, if only it was a EMD (being checky) ..... I only discovered about No.21 in 2014 when a user posted a photo of her in the FB group, Irish Railways Past & Present, claiming it was like a baby of a baby GM (141s). I went to the IOM in August with mum to see the loco, but because of her being a brand new loco & having teething problems, I was denied access (no members of public had access). Built by: Motive Power & Equipment Solutions, Inc.(MP&ES) of Greenville, South Carolina, United State. The loco boasts a Cummings QSX15 550HP Diesel Engine connected to a 480 3Phase Alternator and powering four (4) DC 250 HP Traction Motors and features twin cabs either end with central driver seats with narrow central body work. http://www.trainsofmann.com/section425137.html#sthash.ye8MmTuz.dpuf Those IOMR 1:76 locomotives for TT guage track can be bought here: https://iomrailways.ticketsolve.com/products?tag=transport&TSLVq=2ab5f49c-e869-4358-8236-b1471305aada&TSLVp=21c98849-999a-4db8-896f-db9257992a9b&TSLVts=1449692558&TSLVc=ticketsolve&TSLVe=iomrailways&TSLVrt=Safetynet&TSLVh=882e84d9cfe871a3517d025be71daee8 Post age is high, but I'm guessing it maybe worth it, especially if you add a motor to them
  9. £9,999!!??
  10. "I'll fit with no problems...... Do'h!"
  11. I'm still thinking about it. If I find cheaper, I'll get it.
  12. ^^ I have decided, I have decided that I'm going use TT/HOm for the narrow gauge branch line & 00 guage for the the mainline & dual gauge for the branch line to depot. The whole idea of this model railway is to be realistic but at the same time be fictional. Eg. "The 3ft gauge branch line from Meganthreu to Port Eiréanis was originally ran by the GNRI in partnership with CIE, but both companies no longer wanted to ran it, so the Manx Northern Railway Co. bought the partnership in 1948. The branch line has been ran by the the MNRC ever since. The branch line is operated by two trains, one in each direction. It holds three locomotives, No. 21, the newest diesel loco, No. 22 & a steam engine. The branch line is operated with one steam engine & one diesel, or if the steam engine is getting works done or a rest, two diesels. One train is operated with a dining service while the other is a carparment train. The branch line has five stations, those are, •Meganthreu •River Nore •Ballynawood •Bridge End & •Port Eiréanis". The model railway layout I'm building will hold the stations & the branch line from River Nore to Bridge End. Coaches: I think I have found suitable coaches to be the diner coaches from that German (?) website that was posted in this thread a while back. With slit modification & repaint, I think it'll work. Locos: I hope to scratch build a body for the doner locomotive chasia on eBay to make it look close or just like IOMR No.21 The other locomotive will also have a scratch build body for another doner chasia (still looking) to the similar design of 21 but with out the narrow walk way. The steam locomotive is a standard IOMR steam locomotive from Oxford Die-cast, being in shops next year, but only available in IOMR stations & museum. . I hope this clears things up for you David, Mayner & Horse tan. My second question was only for the carparment coaches. But thanks for the help & advice anyways.
  13. Would it not be possible to put a 009 kit body on a HOm/TT frame? Your right, that coach would look exlecent in GNRI
  14. I remember visiting the model railway when I was younger with my nana & granda back in 2006/7. Best model railway I had ever seen & it was al, Irish based trains It was also my first time riding a tram.
  15. That's actually a 3 foot guage locomotive, it's a class 550 (/MP550) , built in 2013 for the isle man railway company for thunderbird, PWD & charter duties & costed £400,000.00 (£0.4m). She has worked the 2014 transport festival charter trains & a dinner special. She has had some heck ups because of being a brand new locomotive & is currently get repaired.
  16. Right, let's skip over my bad English ( I can speak it perfectly fine btw).... I have finished the MMI connection & need put it on the locomotive, which I'll do once some problems get sorted out (I'm not going say what they are as I'm going send them off to somewhere to get fixed) on the locomotive. While I send off the locomotive to that some where, I'm going start scratch building the first narrow gauge locomotive, some of you's might know what locomotive it is, some of you might not. It is the IOMR new diesel locomotive No.21 (which is similar in design to a 141). No.21 at the test track in the factory in the USA. Press release photo from the manufacturers website, railsoultions.com I have found a good priced locomotive for a donor chasia on eBay. http://www.ebay.co.uk/ulk/itm/381477286902 Once I buy that, I can start scratch building the locomotive.
  17. If there a kit, I'll use it, but finding one is like finding a 111 in Cork. I'll think about scratch building a carriage (which I'm not sure about doing) when I scratch build my first locomotive, No.21.
  18. I've used Trainz 12 & rail works. I stay away from the latest Trainz version so that the Irish stock work (it was a right pain in the arse to get the 80 class working).
  19. Would it be cheaper to buy the peco coaches & put them on TT guage underframes (with modifications)? The type if coach in question: http://m.ebay.co.uk/itm/PECO-009-Hoe-Gauge-Rolling-Stock-L-B-Brake-Composite-Passenger-Coach-SR-/161436082562?nav=SEARCH
  20. Is it possible to reguage 00-9 (9mm) to TT / HOm (12mm) scale? (Coaches & wagons)? As finding suitable carriages in TT/HOm scale is becoming difficult where the suitable is in 00-9 by peco.
  21. Indeed it is! But I can't wait to do my first loco build & my first proper layout build. #excited
  22. You should also correct Gsr 800 then.
  23. "The vistiors were not pleased.." ?? <- I'm confused Thank you! I'm glad you like it. The era is between 2005 & late 2015, but please do remember it's a fictional layout based around on a couple of fictional towns around the border of the north & south if Ireland with a 3ft gauge branch line operated by the Isle Of Man Railway (in partnership with NIR & IÉ)which goes through the town of Ballynawood as a tram type line (like Alexander Rd in Dublin).
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