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Everything posted by BabyGM

  1. Hi Guys On the way to Belfast today I caught 082 bringing two MK 3 EGV's to York Road in Drogheda Here's some pics 7
  2. That just shows the quality of railcars compared to locos The last 121's lasted over 55 years the 2700's only about 15 years
  3. That's a great looking layout fair play to all involved Will the 071 come with couplers like the 141/181 or like the 201 as the picture looks like it's more like the 141 coupler attached to the bogie
  4. Great work as always
  5. Kirley, the new layout looks excellent I look forward to more updates:tumbsup:
  6. I found some of this guys vids on youtube ,some great Tara Mines action and even a model railway! http://www.youtube.com/user/irishrailvidios?feature=results_main
  7. A fairly decent job? It's ALOT better than a 'fairly decent job' The realism is fabulous with the hills and trees and the railway winding around it
  8. Just to add to this info the layout will be signaled during the change from semaphores to CTC so there will be a mix with workers signalling trains with flags and testing of the light signals and the removal of semaphores
  9. possibly both:D
  10. The idea is that it is a fictional town around Kilcoole Just to the west will be forests,mountainous and hilly area's, just north of the station is a branch line like the phoeinix park tunnel designed for freight and empty stock workings(with the odd railtour) it would probably enter the mainline around Inchicore or Naas and to the east is the sea with a beach spanning the length of the main straight of the layout For passenger workings it will mostly be Cravens with an 071 or a 201 in the original livery. Later in the day and early in the morning Mk 3's run to facilitate people going to work in Dublin from all around the South-East The freight terminal will be very busy with Timber, Cement and Ore Being shipped to Platin and Castlemungret,Waterford and North Wall respectively
  11. they might not replace it at all, the only purpose it appears to have now is to shield locos from the rain,partially, also increasing maintenance costs (though it's was always in bits as long as i can remember) Anyway it will be one more bit of lovely piece of railway architecture gone:((
  12. Great! I already have a few pocket wagons and i was worried they might have to be sold or stored for the new layout, would the IFM soon to be released pallet cement wagons be sutable maybe with a few curtain wagons? Anyway, I have to build a layout before I can play trains
  13. I hadn't thought about that The wagons would look well behind the MM 071
  14. Not a bad name for the layout ,i'll add it to the list of possibilities:tumbsup:
  15. [quote=Warbonnet;6 I think some do find railcars interesting and will look back with what they grew up with some fondness. You wont catch me being one of them though! I'd imagine railcar enthusiasts are rare enough Certainly not one here either
  16. UPDATE: All the base boards have now been assembled and are in place I would have pictures only I seem to lack the brains to remember to take a picture before I leave the layout I'm trying to decide a name for the layout with little result Also, can anyone tell me what type of freight flow could come from a mountainous/hilly area.There will be timber trains for the forest at the base of the mountains/hills and from the surrounding area either 20 ft or 60 ft(I think). Maybe 10 20ft timbers and 10 of what ever freight flow comes from the hilly area- like on the sligo freight trains
  17. Some of the thoughts that came to mind when i saw the title to this thread ,I expected to see the 071 prototype on the floor in bits:eek: I wouldn't fancy being in charge of cleaning up after that class 66
  18. I would imagine with the availability of Hornby and Bachmann sets as opposed to 30/40 years ago younger people should be more pulled into to model railways but for model Irish railways it's not as good a story, this isn't because of availability or lack of sets ,but in my opinion because of how the railways have changed here. Up until 5 years ago young people would be attracted to Model railways mostly because of the feeling and excitement of being around the older engine as opposed to plastic railcars nowadays which haven't a hope of reaching an age to be called old I suppose only people on 'the outside' might be able to answer this question
  19. BabyGM

    SSM Sulzer 101

    great The model in it's current state looks excellent It should be a big success once it comes out:tumbsup:
  20. BabyGM

    SSM Sulzer 101

    Just saw the post on the last page Can't wait Also does anyone know of anywhere with pic's of the Sulzers in different liveries ?
  21. BabyGM

    SSM Sulzer 101

    Des ,any update on when it will be released ?
  22. Thanks
  23. The 201 has now been sprayed orange Also I'm currently in the process of respraying all of my MK 3's Here's the first For some reason it hasn't completely dried:( so I might try it again
  24. Hi Guys I started building the baseboards for my new layout today I'm about 80 percent there all that needs to be done now is about three more pieces of wood and then a shelf for the back of the layout This bit is under my bed and with some very basic clearance tests I've come to the conclusion that either bits of the bed will have to be taken away or the height of the layout will have to be lowered by about an inch
  25. PM sent Garfield:banana:
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